R Under development (unstable) (2025-01-30 r87669 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > > library( zonohedra ) Package: zonohedra. Author: Glenn Davis. Version: 0.4-0. Built: R 4.5.0; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2025-02-01 00:30:26 UTC; windows Attaching package: 'zonohedra' The following object is masked from 'package:base': rank > library( arrangements ) > > options( width=160 ) > > > # gens # of generators, based on polarzonohedron() > # mults # of the generators to turn into multiple groups, selected at random > # reps # to put in each group > # loops of loops to add, selected at random > > randomzono <- function( gens, mults=as.integer(gens/2), reps=10, loops=4 ) + { + set.seed(0) + + mat = getmatrix( polarzonohedron(gens) ) #; print( mat ) + + # choose mults points at random, and replicate them with multiples + idxmult = arrangements::combinations( ncol(mat), mults, nsample=1 ) + + idx = unlist( lapply( 1:ncol(mat), function(i) { if( i %in% idxmult ) rep(i,reps) else i } ) ) + + mat = mat[ , idx ] #; print( mat ) + + # now apply random scaling + mat = matrix( runif(ncol(mat)), nrow=nrow(mat), ncol=ncol(mat), byrow=TRUE ) * mat #; print(mat) + + # add loops + idx = integer( ncol(mat) ) + #print( combinations(length(idx),loops) ) + + idx[ arrangements::combinations(length(idx),loops,nsample=1) ] = 1L + idx = (1:length(idx)) + cumsum(idx) + + # return(idx) + + out = matrix( 0, nrow(mat), ncol=idx[length(idx)] ) + + out[ , idx ] = mat #; print(out) + + out = zonohedron( out ) + + return( out ) + } > > > # returns m x count matrix with random 2-trans cube points in the rows > > random2trans <- function( m, count ) + { + set.seed(0) + + out = matrix( 0, count, m ) + + trans = integer( count ) + + for( i in 1:count ) + { + pcube = numeric(m) + + # choose a random pair - for point in pgram + pair = arrangements::combinations(m,2,nsample=1) + + pcube[ pair ] = runif(2) + + if( pair[1]+1 <= pair[2]-1 ) + pcube[ (pair[1]+1) : (pair[2]-1) ] = 1 + + r = runif(1) + if( r <= 0.1 ) + pcube[ pair[1] ] = 0 # push to edge + else if( r <= 0.2 ) + pcube[ pair[2] ] = 0 # push to other edge + else if( r <= 0.3 ) + { + # push to vertex, this might make a vertex with only 0 transitions + pcube[ pair[1] ] = 0 + pcube[ pair[2] ] = 0 + } + + if( runif(1) <= 0.5 ) + # complement + pcube = 1 - pcube + + out[i, ] = pcube + + trans[i] = zonohedra:::transitioncount( pcube ) + + if( 2L < trans[i] ) + { + mess = sprintf( "random2trans(). trans=%d > 2.\n", trans[i] ) + cat( mess, file=stderr() ) + return(NULL) + } + } + + # out = cbind( out, trans ) + + return( out ) + } > > > # return TRUE or FALSE > testinvert <- function( tol=5.e-12 ) + { + gens = 17L + + zono = randomzono( gens ) + if( is.null(zono) ) return(FALSE) + + count = 1000 + + pcube = random2trans( gens, count ) + if( is.null(pcube) ) return(FALSE) + + pcubelift = zonohedra:::invertcubepoints( zono, pcube ) + + # verify # of transitions + for( i in 1:count ) + { + trans = zonohedra:::transitioncount( pcubelift[i, ] ) + if( 2L < trans ) + { + mess = sprintf( "testinvert(). i=%d trans=%d > 2.\n", i, trans ) + cat( mess, file=stderr() ) + print( pcube[i, ] ) + print( pcubelift[i, ] ) + return(FALSE) + } + } + + # project and compare to original + pcube_back = zonohedra:::projectcubepoints( zono, pcubelift ) + + if( tol < max( abs(pcube_back - pcube) ) ) + { + mess = sprintf( "testinvert(). max( abs(pcube_back - pcube) ) = %g > %g.\n", + max( abs(pcube_back - pcube) ), tol ) + cat( mess, file=stderr() ) + return( FALSE ) + } + + return(TRUE) + } > > > if( ! testinvert() ) stop( "testinvert() failed !" ) > > cat( "Passed all cube inversion tests !\n", file=stderr() ) Passed all cube inversion tests ! > > proc.time() user system elapsed 3.29 0.12 3.42