require( zonohedra, quiet=TRUE ) options( width=160 ) set.seed(0) g.zonolist = list() g.zonolist[[1]] = zonohedron( classics.genlist[[3]] ) names( g.zonolist )[1] = attr( g.zonolist[[1]], "fullname" ) g.zonolist[[2]] = zonohedron( classics.genlist[[6]] ) names( g.zonolist )[2] = attr( g.zonolist[[2]], "fullname" ) g.zonolist[[3]] = zonohedron( classics.genlist[[13]] ) names( g.zonolist )[3] = attr( g.zonolist[[3]], "fullname" ) #g.zonolist[[4]] = zonohedron( colorimetry.genlist[[1]] ) #names( g.zonolist )[3] = attr( g.zonolist[[4]], "fullname" ) # for the 1nm data, inside.zonohedron() takes too long ! g.zonolist[[4]] = zonohedron( colorimetry.genlist[[2]] ) names( g.zonolist )[4] = attr( g.zonolist[[4]], "fullname" ) #g.zonolist[[4]] = spherize( g.zonolist[[1]] ) #names( g.zonolist )[4] = paste( names[1], "after spherized", sep=' ', collapse='' ) #print( str(g.zonolist) ) testRaytrace <- function( tol=5.e-13 ) { set.seed(0) for( k in 1:length(g.zonolist) ) # ) { cat( '\n' ) cat( "--------- testRaytrace() ", k, ") ", names(g.zonolist)[k], '--------------\n' ) zono = g.zonolist[[k]] basepoints = 8 rays = 10 whitept = 2 * zono$center for( i in 1:basepoints ) { s = i / (basepoints+1) base = s * whitept direction = matrix( rnorm(3*rays), nrow=rays ) df = raytrace( zono, base, direction, invert=TRUE ) #; print( str(df) ) point = df$point # check that distance of these boundary points is very small distance = inside( zono, point )$distance #; print(distance) mask = abs(distance) <= tol ok = all( mask, na.rm=TRUE ) if( ! ok ) { cat( "testRaytrace(). k=", k, " i=", i, " tol=", tol, "\n" ) cat( " boundary failures=", sum( ! mask, na.rm=TRUE ), '\n' ) return(FALSE) } # test inversion of these points on the boundary pcube = df$pcube # invertboundary( zono, point, tol=tol )$pcube if( is.null(pcube) ) { cat( "testRaytrace(). k=", k, " i=", i, " tol=", tol, "\n" ) cat( " pcube is NULL, for boundary points.\n" ) return(FALSE) } delta = pcube %*% t(zono$matroid$matrix) - point #; print(delta) ok = all( abs(delta) < tol ) #; print(ok) if( ! ok ) { cat( "testRaytrace(). k=", k, " i=", i, "\n" ) cat( " inversion failures for boundary points=", sum( ! (abs(delta) < tol), na.rm=TRUE ), " max=", max(abs(delta)), '\n' ) print( pcube ) return(FALSE) } # move a little from the boundary to the base and make sure the new points are all inside test = 0.1 * matrix( base, nrow=nrow(point), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE ) + 0.9 * point inside = inside( zono, test )$inside #; print(inside) ok = all( inside, na.rm=TRUE ) if( ! ok ) { cat( "testRaytrace(). k=", k, " i=", i, "\n" ) cat( " inside failures=", sum( ! inside, na.rm=TRUE ), '\n' ) return(FALSE) } # move a little past the boundary and make sure the new points are all outside test = -0.1 * matrix( base, nrow=nrow(point), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE ) + 1.1 * point outside = ! inside( zono, test )$inside #; print(outside) ok = all( outside, na.rm=TRUE ) if( ! ok ) { cat( "testRaytrace(). k=", k, " i=", i, "\n" ) cat( " outside failures=", sum( ! outside, na.rm=TRUE ), '\n' ) return(FALSE) } } } return(TRUE) } testSections <- function( genlimit=100, tol=5.e-9 ) { set.seed(0) for( k in 1:length(g.zonolist) ) { cat( '\n\n' ) cat( "--------- testSections() ", k, ") ", names(g.zonolist)[k], ' --------------\n', sep='' ) flush.console() zono = g.zonolist[[k]] directions = 20 if( genlimit <= ncol( getmatrix(zono) ) ) directions = 1 sections = 5 direction = matrix( rnorm(3*directions), nrow=directions ) timeelapsed = 0 timestart = zonohedra:::gettime() points = 0 for( i in 1:directions ) { normal = direction[i, ] # find max and min of the functional over the zonohedron df = support( zono, rbind(normal,-normal) ) valmax = df$value[1] valmin = -df$value[2] # cat( "normal=", normal, " valmin=", valmin, "valmax=", valmax, '\n' ) # generate sections between min and max s = (1:sections)/(sections+1) beta = (1-s)*valmin + s*valmax res = section( zono, normal, beta ) count = length(res) # count the number of points for( j in seq_len(count) ) points = points + nrow(res[[j]]$point) # if( genlimit <= ncol( getmatrix(zono) ) ) count=0 # too big for verification and inversion # do some verification and inversion for( j in seq_len(count) ) { section = res[[j]]$point m = nrow(section) # cat( " direction=", i, " beta=", beta[j], " points=", m, '\n' ) # all points must be not NA mask = is.finite( section ) ok = all( mask ) if( ! ok ) { cat( "testSections(). k=", k, " i=", i, " j=", j, " normal=", normal, "\n" ) cat( " section finite failures=", sum( ! mask ), '\n' ) return(FALSE) } # check that distance of these boundary points is very small distance = inside( zono, section )$distance #; print(distance) mask = abs(distance) <= tol * max( abs(valmax), abs(valmin) ) ok = all( mask ) if( ! ok ) { cat( "testSections(). k=", k, " i=", i, " j=", j, " normal=", normal, " tol=", tol, "\n" ) cat( " boundary failures=", sum( ! mask ), '\n' ) cat( " distance=", distance, '\n' ) return(FALSE) } # test inversion of these boundary points df = invertboundary( zono, section, tol=tol ) if( is.null(df) ) { cat( "testSections(). k=", k, " i=", i, " tol=", tol, "\n" ) cat( " pcube is NULL, for boundary points.\n" ) return(FALSE) } pcube = df$pcube if( any( ) ) { cat( "testSections(). k=", k, " i=", i, "\n" ) cat( " normal =", normal, " beta =", beta[j], '\n' ) mess = sprintf( " # of NAs in pcube is %d, out of %d values.\n", sum(, length(pcube) ) cat( mess ) return(FALSE) } if( df$transitions[1] %% 2 == 1 ) { cat( " transitions[1]=", df$transitions[1], '\n' ) cat( " pcube=", pcube[1, ], '\n' ) } delta = pcube %*% t(zono$matroid$matrix) - section #; print(delta) ok = all( abs(delta) < tol ) #; print(ok) if( ! ok ) { cat( "testSections(). k=", k, " i=", i, "\n" ) cat( " inversion failures for boundary points=", sum( ! (abs(delta) < tol), na.rm=TRUE ), " max=", max(abs(delta)), '\n' ) # print( pcube ) return(FALSE) } } } timeelapsed = zonohedra:::gettime() - timestart sections = directions * length(beta) cat( " sections=", sections, " time=", timeelapsed, " ", timeelapsed/sections, " per section", " points=", points, " ", timeelapsed/points, " per point.\n", sep='' ) flush.console() } return(TRUE) } library( arrangements ) library( zonohedra ) ### test raytracing of points in non-trivial facets of a zonohedron # thematroid rank 3 matroid, does not have be simple # subgrnd a subset of the ground set, must be contiguous (not verified) # pairs the number of pairs to generate # # returns a data.frame with pairs rows, and these columns: buildmulti2trans <- function( thematroid, subgrnd, pairs ) { set.seed(0) ground = getground(thematroid) idxfromgnd = zonohedra:::idxfromgroundfun( ground ) idxpair = arrangements::combinations( idxfromgnd[subgrnd], 2, nsample=pairs ) #; print( idxpair ) dim(idxpair) = c(pairs,2) if( FALSE ) idxpair = rbind( idxpair, idxpair[ ,2:1,drop=F] ) n = length(ground) #; print( n ) idxgnd = ground[ idxpair ] dim(idxgnd) = dim(idxpair) pcube = matrix( NA_real_, nrow=nrow(idxpair), ncol=n ) colnames(pcube) = ground rank = rep( NA_integer_, nrow(idxpair) ) for( k in 1:nrow(idxpair) ) { alpha = runif(2) pcube[k, ] = zonohedra:::pcubefromdata( idxpair[k, ], alpha, n ) rank[k] = rank( thematroid, idxgnd[k,1] : idxgnd[k,2] ) } out = data.frame( row.names=1:nrow(idxpair) ) out$idxpair = idxpair out$idxgnd = idxgnd out$pcube = pcube out$rank = rank return(out) } testRaytraceNT <- function( zono, pairs=200, tol1=1.e-4, tol2=1.e-2 ) { cat( '\n' ) cat( "--------- testRaytraceNT() ", attr(zono,"fullname"), ' --------------\n' ) flush.console() ntcount = length(zono$zonogon) if( ntcount == 0 ) return(FALSE) #matsimple = getsimplified(zono$matroid) thematroid = getmatroid(zono) df = buildmulti2trans( thematroid, thematroid$hyperplane[[1]], pairs ) matgen = getmatrix(thematroid) df$XYZ = df$pcube %*% t(matgen) # print( str(df) ) base = getcenter(zono) direction = df$XYZ - matrix(base,nrow=nrow(df$XYZ),ncol=3,byrow=T) dftest = raytrace( zono, base, direction, invert=TRUE ) dftest$idxgnd = df$idxgnd dftest$rank = df$rank matgenorg = getmatrix(zono) XYZ = dftest$pcube %*% t(matgenorg) dftest$deltaXYZ = apply( abs(df$XYZ - XYZ), 1L, max ) # rowMeans( abs(df$XYZ - XYZ) ) dftest$deltacube = apply( abs(df$pcube - dftest$pcube), 1L, max ) # rowMeans( abs(df$pcube - dftest$pcube) ) # change deltacube entries with rank=1 to NA. These are degenerate. mask = df$rank<2 dftest$deltacube[ mask ] = NA_real_ #print(dftest) mask = dftest$transitions == 2 ok = all( mask ) if( ! ok ) { cat( "testraytraceNT(). FAIL. transitions==2 failures=", sum( ! mask, na.rm=TRUE ), " max(transitions) =", max( dftest$transitions ), '\n' ) return(FALSE) } deltamax = max( dftest$deltaXYZ, na.rm=T ) if( tol1 < deltamax ) { mess = sprintf( "testraytraceNT(). FAIL. max(deltaXYZ)=%g > %g.\n", deltamax, tol1 ) cat( mess ) return(FALSE) } deltamax = max( dftest$deltacube, na.rm=T ) if( tol2 < deltamax ) { kmax = which.max(dftest$deltacube) mess = sprintf( "testraytraceNT(). FAIL. max(deltacube)=%g > %g. argmax=%d,%d\n", deltamax, tol2, dftest$idxgnd[kmax,1], dftest$idxgnd[kmax,2] ) cat( mess ) return(FALSE) } return( TRUE ) } if( ! testRaytrace() ) stop( "testRaytrace() failed !" ) # for testing non-trivial facets, use the one facet in zonocol.1nm if( ! testRaytraceNT( g.zonolist[[4]] ) ) stop( "testRaytraceNT() failed !" ) if( ! testSections( 400 ) ) stop( "testSections() failed !" ) cat( "\nPassed all zonohedron tests !\n", file=stderr() )