context("connection") library(base64url) library(httr) library(jsonlite) library(mockery) library(testthat) library(webmockr) library(zoltr) httr_mock() # turns on for *all* tests # # ---- utilities ---- # # NB: these assume that this file is loaded in order, i.e., that they are called before any tests # TWO_PROJECTS_JSON <- jsonlite::read_json("data/projects-list.json") # mock_token is an expired token as returned by zoltar. decoded contents: # - header: {"typ": "JWT", "alg": "HS256"} # - payload: {"user_id": 3, "username": "model_owner1", "exp": 1558442805, "email": ""} # - expiration: # 05/21/2019 @ 12:46pm (UTC) # 2019-05-21T12:46:45+00:00 (ISO 8601) # Tuesday, May 21, 2019 12:46:45 PM (GMT) # datetime(2019, 5, 21, 12, 46, 45) (python): datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1558442805) MOCK_TOKEN <- "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Im1vZGVsX293bmVyMSIsImV4cCI6MTU1ODQ0MjgwNSwiZW1haWwiOiIifQ.o03V2RxkFpA5ThhRAidwDWCdcQNeJzr1wwFkOFKUI74" mock_authenticate <- function(zoltar_connection, token = MOCK_TOKEN) { with_mock( "zoltr::get_token" = function(...) { token }, zoltar_authenticate(zoltar_connection, "username", "password")) } # # ---- utility tests ---- # test_that("url_for_projects() returns a URL", { zoltar_connection <- new_connection("") expect_equal(url_for_projects(zoltar_connection), "") }) test_that("url_for_token_auth() returns a URL", { zoltar_connection <- new_connection("") expect_equal(url_for_token_auth(zoltar_connection), "") }) # # ---- connection tests ---- # test_that("new_connection() returns a ZoltarConnection object", { zoltar_connection <- new_connection("") expect_is(zoltar_connection, "ZoltarConnection") }) test_that("zoltar_authenticate() saves username, password, and session", { zoltar_connection <- new_connection("") mock_authenticate(zoltar_connection) expect_equal(zoltar_connection$username, "username") expect_equal(zoltar_connection$password, "password") expect_is(zoltar_connection$session, "ZoltarSession") expect_equal(zoltar_connection$session$token, MOCK_TOKEN) }) test_that("is_token_expired() works for an expired and unexpired tokens", { # test an expired token zoltar_connection <- new_connection("") mock_authenticate(zoltar_connection) # default token (mock_token) is expired expect_true(is_token_expired(zoltar_connection$session)) # construct and test an unexpired token token_split <- strsplit(MOCK_TOKEN, ".", fixed = TRUE) # 3 parts: header, payload, and signature old_header <- token_split[[1]][1] old_signature <- token_split[[1]][3] ten_min_from_now <- round(unclass(Sys.time() + (60 * 10))) # exclude decimal portion - throws off some JWT tools new_payload <- list(user_id = 3, username = "model_owner1", exp = ten_min_from_now, email = "") new_payload_json <- jsonlite::toJSON(new_payload, auto_unbox = TRUE) unexpired_token <- paste0(old_header, '.', base64url::base64_urlencode(new_payload_json), '.', old_signature) mock_authenticate(zoltar_connection, token = unexpired_token) expect_false(is_token_expired(zoltar_connection$session)) }) test_that("get_resource() calls re_authenticate_if_necessary()", { zoltar_connection <- new_connection("") m <- mock() testthat::with_mock("zoltr::re_authenticate_if_necessary" = m, { webmockr::stub_request("get", uri = "") %>% to_return( body = list(), status = 200, headers = list('Content-Type' = 'application/json; charset=utf-8')) get_resource(zoltar_connection, "") expect_equal(length(mock_calls(m)), 1) }) }) test_that("delete_resource() calls re_authenticate_if_necessary()", { zoltar_connection <- new_connection("") m <- mock() testthat::with_mock("zoltr::re_authenticate_if_necessary" = m, { webmockr::stub_request("delete", uri = "") %>% to_return( body = list(), status = 200, headers = list('Content-Type' = 'application/json; charset=utf-8')) delete_resource(zoltar_connection, "") expect_equal(length(mock_calls(m)), 1) }) }) # # ---- projects tests ---- # test_that("projects() returns a data.frame", { zoltar_connection <- new_connection("") m <- mock(TWO_PROJECTS_JSON) testthat::with_mock("zoltr::get_resource" = m, { the_projects <- projects(zoltar_connection) expect_is(the_projects, "data.frame") expect_equal(names(the_projects), c("id", "url", "owner_url", "public", "name", "description", "home_url", "core_data")) expect_equal(nrow(the_projects), 2) # 2 projects expect_equal(ncol(the_projects), 8) expect_equal(length(mock_calls(m)), 1) expect_equal(mock_args(m)[[1]][[2]], "") project_row <- the_projects[1,] exp_row <- data.frame(id = 1L, url = "", owner_url = "", public = TRUE, name = "public project", description = "d", home_url = "", core_data = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) rownames(project_row) <- c() rownames(exp_row) <- c() expect_equal(project_row, exp_row) project_row <- the_projects[2,] exp_row <- data.frame(id = 2L, url = "", owner_url = "", public = FALSE, name = "private project", description = "", home_url = "", core_data = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) rownames(project_row) <- c() rownames(exp_row) <- c() expect_equal(project_row, exp_row) }) }) test_that("projects() can handle NULL owner in project JSON", { zoltar_connection <- new_connection("") two_projects_json_no_owner_json <- TWO_PROJECTS_JSON two_projects_json_no_owner_json[[1]]$owner <- NULL m <- mock(two_projects_json_no_owner_json) testthat::with_mock("zoltr::get_resource" = m, { the_projects <- projects(zoltar_connection) project_row <- the_projects[1,] exp_row <- data.frame(id = 1L, url = "", owner_url = as.character(NA), public = TRUE, name = "public project", description = "d", home_url = "", core_data = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) rownames(project_row) <- c() rownames(exp_row) <- c() expect_equal(project_row, exp_row) }) }) # # ---- lower-level net-oriented tests ---- # test_that("new_session() calls get_token() correctly", { zoltar_connection <- new_connection("") called_args <- NULL testthat::with_mock("httr::POST" = function(...) { called_args <<- list(...) load("data/get_token_response.rda") # 'response' contains a 200 response from a sample `get_token()` call via `zoltar_authenticate()` response }, zoltar_authenticate(zoltar_connection, "username", "password")) expect_equal(called_args$url, "") expect_equal(called_args$body$username, zoltar_connection$username) expect_equal(called_args$body$password, zoltar_connection$password) })