library(testthat) library(zlib) test_that("Chunked compression and decompression cycle retains data", { # Create a temporary file temp_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt") # Generate example data and write to the temp file example_data <- "This is an example string. It contains more than just 'hello, world!'" writeBin(charToRaw(example_data), temp_file) # Read data from the temp file into a raw vector file_con <- file(temp_file, "rb") raw_data <- readBin(file_con, "raw",$size) close(file_con) # Create a Compressor object compressor <- zlib$compressobj(zlib$Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, zlib$DEFLATED, zlib$MAX_WBITS + 16) # Initialize variables for chunked compression chunk_size <- 1024 compressed_data <- raw(0) # Compress the data in chunks for (i in seq(1, length(raw_data), by = chunk_size)) { chunk <- raw_data[i:min(i + chunk_size - 1, length(raw_data))] compressed_chunk <- compressor$compress(chunk) compressed_data <- c(compressed_data, compressed_chunk) } # Flush the compressor buffer compressed_data <- c(compressed_data, compressor$flush()) # Create a Decompressor object decompressor <- zlib$decompressobj(zlib$MAX_WBITS + 16) # Initialize variable for decompressed data decompressed_data <- raw(0) # Decompress the data in chunks for (i in seq(1, length(compressed_data), by = chunk_size)) { chunk <- compressed_data[i:min(i + chunk_size - 1, length(compressed_data))] decompressed_chunk <- decompressor$decompress(chunk) decompressed_data <- c(decompressed_data, decompressed_chunk) } # Flush the decompressor buffer decompressed_data <- c(decompressed_data, decompressor$flush()) # Convert decompressed raw vector back to string decompressed_str <- rawToChar(decompressed_data) # Check if decompressed string matches original string expect_equal(decompressed_str, example_data) })