context("z-curve") skip_on_cran() test_that("z-curve EM can be fitted and reproduces OSC results", { # set seed for reproducibility set.seed(666) # fit the EM method fit.EM <- zcurve(OSC.z) # print expect_equal( capture_output_lines(print(fit.EM), print = TRUE, width = 150), c("Call:" , "zcurve(z = OSC.z)" , "" , "Estimates:" , " ERR EDR ", "0.6145784 0.3884366 " )) # basic summary expect_equal( capture_output_lines(summary(fit.EM), print = TRUE, width = 150), c("Call:" , "zcurve(z = OSC.z)" , "" , "model: EM via EM" , "" , " Estimate l.CI u.CI" , "ERR 0.615 0.443 0.740" , "EDR 0.388 0.070 0.699" , "" , "Model converged in 27 + 783 iterations" , "Fitted using 73 z-values. 90 supplied, 85 significant (ODR = 0.94, 95% CI [0.87, 0.98]).", "Q = -60.61, 95% CI[-72.24, -46.24]" )) # additional summary expect_equal( capture_output_lines(summary(fit.EM, all = TRUE), print = TRUE, width = 150), c("Call:" , "zcurve(z = OSC.z)" , "" , "model: EM via EM" , "" , " Estimate l.CI u.CI" , "ERR 0.615 0.443 0.740" , "EDR 0.388 0.070 0.699" , "Soric FDR 0.083 0.023 0.705" , "File Drawer R 1.574 0.430 13.387" , "Expected N 219 122 1223" , "Missing N 129 32 1133" , "" , "Model converged in 27 + 783 iterations" , "Fitted using 73 z-values. 90 supplied, 85 significant (ODR = 0.94, 95% CI [0.87, 0.98]).", "Q = -60.61, 95% CI[-72.24, -46.24]" )) # plot expect_doppelganger("z-curve EM", function()plot(fit.EM, main = "OSC (with EM)", annotation = TRUE, CI = TRUE)) expect_doppelganger("z-curve EM (ggplot)", suppressWarnings(plot(fit.EM, main = "OSC (with EM)", annotation = TRUE, CI = TRUE, plot_type = "ggplot"))) }) test_that("z-curve KD2 can be fitted and reproduces OSC results", { # set seed for reproducibility set.seed(666) # fit the EM method fit.KD2 <- zcurve(OSC.z, method = "density", bootstrap = 10) # print expect_equal( capture_output_lines(print(fit.KD2), print = TRUE, width = 150), c("Call:" , "zcurve(z = OSC.z, method = \"density\", bootstrap = 10)", "" , "Estimates:" , " ERR EDR " , "0.6133950 0.5064392 " )) # basic summary expect_equal( capture_output_lines(summary(fit.KD2), print = TRUE, width = 150), c("Call:" , "zcurve(z = OSC.z, method = \"density\", bootstrap = 10)" , "" , "model: KD2 via density" , "" , " Estimate l.CI u.CI" , "ERR 0.613 0.496 0.745" , "EDR 0.506 0.141 0.714" , "" , "Model converged in 47 iterations" , "Fitted using 73 z-values. 90 supplied, 85 significant (ODR = 0.94, 95% CI [0.87, 0.98]).", "RMSE = 0.11, 95% CI[0.09, 0.19]" )) # plot expect_doppelganger("z-curve KD2", function()plot(fit.KD2)) expect_doppelganger("z-curve KD2 (ggplot)", plot(fit.KD2, plot_type = "ggplot")) }) test_that("z-curve EM censoring works", { set.seed(1) z <- runif(100, 2, 7) <- runif(100, 2, 7) z.ub <- + runif(100, 0, 1) # mixed censored / normal fit fit.mixed <- zcurve(z = z, =, z.ub = z.ub) # summary expect_equal( capture_output_lines(summary(fit.mixed), print = TRUE, width = 150), c("Call:" , "zcurve(z = z, =, z.ub = z.ub)" , "" , "model: EM via EM" , "" , " Estimate l.CI u.CI" , "ERR 0.961 0.910 1.000" , "EDR 0.957 0.884 1.000" , "" , "Model converged in 70 + 223 iterations" , "Fitted using 165 z-values. 200 supplied, 200 significant (ODR = 1.00, 95% CI [0.98, 1.00]).", "Q = -319.22, 95% CI[-346.77, -288.55]" )) # plot expect_doppelganger("z-curve mixed EM", function()plot(fit.mixed, CI = TRUE)) expect_doppelganger("z-curve mixed EM (ggplot)", plot(fit.mixed, CI = TRUE, plot_type = "ggplot")) # censoring only fit.cens <- zcurve( =, z.ub = z.ub) # summary expect_equal( capture_output_lines(summary(fit.cens), print = TRUE, width = 150), c("Call:" , "zcurve( =, z.ub = z.ub)" , "" , "model: EM via EM" , "" , " Estimate l.CI u.CI" , "ERR 0.968 0.908 1.000" , "EDR 0.965 0.879 1.000" , "" , "Model converged in 85 + 89 iterations" , "Fitted using 82 -values. 100 supplied, 100 significant (ODR = 1.00, 95% CI [0.95, 1.00]).", "Q = -205.22, 95% CI[-228.49, -179.08]" )) # plot expect_doppelganger("z-curve cens EM", function()plot(fit.cens, CI = TRUE)) expect_doppelganger("z-curve cens EM (ggplot)", plot(fit.cens, CI = TRUE, plot_type = "ggplot")) }) test_that("z-curve clustered works", { set.seed(1) z <- abs(c(rnorm(300, 3, 1), rnorm(200, 1, 1))) id <- sample(500, 500, TRUE) # rounded data <- paste0("z = ",round(z, 2)) data <- zcurve_data(data, id) fitb <- suppressWarnings(zcurve_clustered(data = data, method = "b", bootstrap = 20)) fitw <- suppressWarnings(zcurve_clustered(data = data, method = "w", bootstrap = 20)) expect_equal( capture_output_lines(summary(fitb), print = TRUE, width = 150), c("Call:" , "zcurve_clustered(data = data, method = \"b\", bootstrap = 20)" , "" , "model: EM via EM (bootstrapped)" , "" , " Estimate l.CI u.CI" , "ERR 0.760 0.695 0.829" , "EDR 0.722 0.632 0.823" , "" , "Model converged in 57 + 450.85 iterations" , "Fitted using 299 zcurve-data-values. 500 supplied, 300 significant (ODR = 0.60, 95% CI [0.56, 0.64]).", "Q = -236.27, 95% CI[-251.36, -224.63]" )) expect_equal( capture_output_lines(summary(fitw), print = TRUE, width = 150), c("Call:" , "zcurve_clustered(data = data, method = \"w\", bootstrap = 20)" , "" , "model: EM via EM (weighted)" , "" , " Estimate l.CI u.CI" , "ERR 0.806 0.714 0.877" , "EDR 0.783 0.655 0.895" , "" , "Model converged in 73 + 178 iterations" , "Fitted using 299 zcurve-data-values. 500 supplied, 300 significant (ODR = 0.60, 95% CI [0.56, 0.64]).", "Q = -238.11, 95% CI[-269.95, -219.12]" )) expect_doppelganger("z-curve clustered rounded", function(){ oldpar <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE) on.exit(graphics::par(mfrow = oldpar[["mfrow"]])) par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) plot(fitb) plot(fitw) }) # precise data <- paste0("z = ",z) data <- zcurve_data(data, id) fitb <- suppressWarnings(zcurve_clustered(data = data, method = "b", bootstrap = 20)) fitw <- suppressWarnings(zcurve_clustered(data = data, method = "w", bootstrap = 20)) expect_equal( capture_output_lines(summary(fitb), print = TRUE, width = 150), c("Call:" , "zcurve_clustered(data = data, method = \"b\", bootstrap = 20)" , "" , "model: EM via EM (bootstrapped)" , "" , " Estimate l.CI u.CI" , "ERR 0.767 0.691 0.831" , "EDR 0.730 0.627 0.825" , "" , "Model converged in 66 + 629.95 iterations" , "Fitted using 299 zcurve-data-values. 500 supplied, 299 significant (ODR = 0.60, 95% CI [0.55, 0.64]).", "Q = -199.02, 95% CI[-209.72, -191.18]" )) expect_equal( capture_output_lines(summary(fitw), print = TRUE, width = 150), c("Call:" , "zcurve_clustered(data = data, method = \"w\", bootstrap = 20)" , "" , "model: EM via EM (weighted)" , "" , " Estimate l.CI u.CI" , "ERR 0.809 0.678 0.876" , "EDR 0.787 0.617 0.893" , "" , "Model converged in 73 + 177 iterations" , "Fitted using 299 zcurve-data-values. 500 supplied, 299 significant (ODR = 0.60, 95% CI [0.55, 0.64]).", "Q = -201.69, 95% CI[-219.18, -185.82]" )) expect_doppelganger("z-curve clustered precise", function(){ oldpar <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE) on.exit(graphics::par(mfrow = oldpar[["mfrow"]])) par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) plot(fitb) plot(fitw) }) # mixed data <- paste0("z = ",c(round(z[1:100], 1), round(z[101:200], 2), z[201:500])) data <- zcurve_data(data, id) fitb <- suppressWarnings(zcurve_clustered(data = data, method = "b", bootstrap = 20)) fitw <- suppressWarnings(zcurve_clustered(data = data, method = "w", bootstrap = 20)) expect_equal( capture_output_lines(summary(fitb), print = TRUE, width = 150), c("Call:" , "zcurve_clustered(data = data, method = \"b\", bootstrap = 20)" , "" , "model: EM via EM (bootstrapped)" , "" , " Estimate l.CI u.CI" , "ERR 0.769 0.703 0.835" , "EDR 0.733 0.639 0.831" , "" , "Model converged in 72 + 430.1 iterations" , "Fitted using 299 zcurve-data-values. 500 supplied, 300 significant (ODR = 0.60, 95% CI [0.56, 0.64]).", "Q = -319.14, 95% CI[-340.91, -306.78]" )) expect_equal( capture_output_lines(summary(fitw), print = TRUE, width = 150), c("Call:" , "zcurve_clustered(data = data, method = \"w\", bootstrap = 20)" , "" , "model: EM via EM (weighted)" , "" , " Estimate l.CI u.CI" , "ERR 0.810 0.709 0.881" , "EDR 0.788 0.651 0.901" , "" , "Model converged in 59 + 188 iterations" , "Fitted using 299 zcurve-data-values. 500 supplied, 300 significant (ODR = 0.60, 95% CI [0.56, 0.64]).", "Q = -321.39, 95% CI[-361.78, -298.20]" )) expect_doppelganger("z-curve clustered mixed", function(){ oldpar <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE) on.exit(graphics::par(mfrow = oldpar[["mfrow"]])) par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) plot(fitb) plot(fitw) }) expect_doppelganger("z-curve clustered mixed (ggplot-1)", plot(fitb, plot_type = "ggplot")) expect_doppelganger("z-curve clustered mixed (ggplot-2)", plot(fitw, plot_type = "ggplot")) })