library(testthat) library(magrittr) library(yaml) test_that('yaml package result is stable',{ expect_equal_to_reference(file = '001.rds', yaml.load('[ID: ]')) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '002.rds', yaml.load('ID: ')) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '003.rds', yaml.load('[ ID: ]')) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '004.rds', yaml.load('[ ID: ]')) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '005.rds', yaml.load('RACE')) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '006.rds', yaml.load('RACE:')) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '007.rds', yaml.load('? RACE')) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '008.rds', yaml.load('[{RACE: }, ID: ]')) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '009.rds', yaml.load('[? RACE, ? ID]')) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '010.rds', yaml.load('[RACE: , ID: ]')) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '011.rds', yaml.load('RACE: [ race, [ foo: bar, hey: baz ]]')) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '012.rds', yaml.load('RACE: [ race, [ {foo: bar}, {hey: baz} ]]')) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '013.rds', yaml.load('RACE: [ race, [ {foo: bar}, hey: baz ]]')) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '014.rds', yaml.load('RACE: [ race, [ {foo: bar}, ? baz ]]')) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '015.rds', yaml.load('RACE: [ race, [ {foo: bar}, baz: ]]')) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '016.rds', yaml.load('RACE: [ race, [ {foo: bar}, hey: ]]')) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '017.rds', yaml.load('RACE: [ race, [ bar, baz ]]')) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '018.rds', yaml.load('RACE: [ race, [ {foo: bar} ]]')) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '019.rds', yaml.load('RACE: [ label: race, [ foo: bar ]]')) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '020.rds', yaml.load('RACE: [ label: race, [ foo: bar, hey: baz ]]')) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '021.rds', yaml.load('RACE: [ label: race, [ foo: bar, baz ]]')) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '022.rds', yaml.load('1')) # a length-one vector expect_equal_to_reference(file = '023.rds', yaml.load('a')) # a length-one vector expect_equal_to_reference(file = '024.rds', yaml.load('a:')) # a length-one named list expect_equal_to_reference(file = '025.rds', yaml.load('a: ')) # a length-one named list expect_equal_to_reference(file = '026.rds', yaml.load('? a')) # a length-one named list expect_equal_to_reference(file = '027.rds', yaml.load('[ 0]')) # a length-one sequence, represented as a vector expect_equal_to_reference(file = '028.rds', yaml.load('[ 0, 1]')) # a sequence, represented as a vector expect_equal_to_reference(file = '029.rds', yaml.load('a: 0')) # a length-one mapping, represented as a length-one named list expect_equal_to_reference(file = '030.rds', yaml.load('[a: 0]')) # a list of named list * recursive expect_equal_to_reference(file = '031.rds', yaml.load('[a: 0, b: 1]')) # a list of named lists * expect_equal_to_reference(file = '032.rds', yaml.load('[a: [0,1,2], b: 1]')) # a list of lists * expect_equal_to_reference(file = '033.rds', yaml.load('[a: [0,1,2], 5 ]')) # a list of one list and one int expect_equal_to_reference(file = '034.rds', yaml.load('[ [ [ [d: [0, 1, 2]]]]]')) # a list of named list * recursive }) test_that('as_yamlet result is stable',{ expect_equal_to_reference(file = '035.rds', as_yamlet('RACE: [white: 0, 1 ]')) # surprising, but correct. expect_equal_to_reference(file = '036.rds', as_yamlet('RACE: [race, [white: 0, 1 ]]')) expect_equal_to_reference( file = '037.rds', # @ 0.7.7 this was runaway parsimony as_yamlet( 'RACE: [ race, [ foo: bar ]]' # @ 0.7.8 we see (correctly) label, guide not label, foo ) ) }) test_that('as_yamlet result is still stable',{ # yaml.load('foo: bar') # yaml.load('foo: bar', handlers = list(seq = parsimonious)) # yaml.load('[foo: bar]') # yaml.load('[foo: bar]', handlers = list(seq = parsimonious)) # # yaml.load('RACE: [ label: race, [ foo: bar ]]') # yaml.load('RACE: [ label: race, [ foo: bar ]]', handlers = list(seq = parsimonious)) # # yaml.load('RACE: [ label: race, [ foo: bar, hey: baz ]]') # yaml.load('RACE: [ label: race, [ foo: bar, hey: baz ]]', handlers = list(seq = parsimonious)) # # as_yamlet('RACE: [ label: race, [ foo: bar ]]') # as_yamlet('RACE: [ label: race, [ foo: bar, hey: baz ]]') # # as_yam('RACE: [ label: race, [ foo: bar ]]') %>% str # as_yam('RACE: [ label: race, [ foo: bar, hey: baz ]]') %>% str expect_equal_to_reference(file = '038.rds',as_yamlet('RACE: [ label: race, [ foo: bar ]]')) # must not be label, label; must not drop foo expect_equal_to_reference(file = '039.rds', as_yamlet('RACE: [ label: race, [ foo: bar, hey: baz ]]')) # 'label: race' must reduce in presence of plural list }) test_that('more elements than keys gives warning',{ expect_warning(as_yamlet('RACE: [label: race, guide: [white: 0, black: 1 ], categorical, 0]\nID: [1, 2, 3]')) }) test_that('yamlet reads length-one character equivalently to vector',{ expect_identical(as_yam(c('ID:','TIME:')),as_yam('ID:\nTIME:')) }) test_that('key priority by source is explicit > object > argument > option > default',{ expect_identical(names(as_yamlet('a: value')$a), 'label') # default old <- getOption('yamlet_default_keys') options(yamlet_default_keys = 'option') expect_identical(names(as_yamlet('a: value')$a), 'option') # option expect_identical(names(as_yamlet('a: value', default_keys = 'argument')$a), 'argument') # argument expect_identical(names(as_yamlet('a: value\n_keys: object', default_keys = 'argument')$a),'object') expect_identical(names(as_yamlet('a: [explicit: value]\n_keys: object', default_keys = 'argument')$a),'explicit') options(yamlet_default_keys = old) }) test_that('mixed-length vector types are respected',{ expect_equal_to_reference( file = '099.rds', as_yamlet('RACE: [ race, [white, black, asian ]]') ) }) test_that('mixed-depth nesting is supported',{ expect_equal_to_reference(file = '100.rds', as_yamlet('ITEM: [ label: item, [ foo: bar, hey: baz ]]')) }) test_that('default decorations are equivalent to explicit requests',{ file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') meta <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.yaml') expect_identical(decorate(file),decorate(file, meta = meta)) expect_identical(decorate(file, meta = as_yamlet(meta)),decorate(file, meta = meta)) expect_identical(decorate(file),decorate(file, meta = meta)) }) test_that('non-default import is equivalent',{ file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') b <- decorate(file, source = FALSE) %>% resolve c <- decorate( file, read = read.table, quote = "", = TRUE, sep = ',', header = TRUE, na.strings = c('', '\\s', '.','NA'), strip.white = TRUE, check.names = FALSE ) %>% resolve expect_identical(b, c) }) test_that('interconversion to and from storage is conservative',{ file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') meta <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.yaml') expect_identical( readLines(meta), as.character(as_yamlet(decorate(file))) ) a <- data.frame(foo = 1) a %<>% decorate('foo: [[A: 1, B: 2]]') expect_identical( a %>% decorations, a %>% io_csv(tempfile(fileext = '.csv')) %>% io_csv %>% decorations ) }) test_that('coersion to storage format is stable',{ expect_equal_to_reference(file = '053.rds', to_yamlet(3)) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '054.rds', to_yamlet(c(a = '4', b = '5.8'))) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '055.rds', to_yamlet(c(a = 4, b = 5.8))) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '056.rds', to_yamlet(TRUE)) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '057.rds', to_yamlet('foo')) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '058.rds', to_yamlet(c('a','b'))) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '059.rds', to_yamlet(c(a = 'a',b = 'b'))) expect_identical(to_yamlet(c(no = 'n', yes = 'y')),"[ 'no': 'n', 'yes': 'y' ]") expect_identical(to_yamlet(c('no' = 'n', 'yes' = 'y')),"[ 'no': 'n', 'yes': 'y' ]") expect_identical(to_yamlet(c('No' = 'n', 'Yes' = 'y')),"[ 'No': 'n', 'Yes': 'y' ]") }) test_that('as.character.yamlet and as_yamlet.character are reciprocal',{ foo <- as_yamlet(system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.yaml')) expect_identical(foo, as_yamlet(as.character(foo))) expect_identical(as.character(foo), as.character(as_yamlet(as.character(foo)))) }) test_that('read_yamlet and write_yamlet are reciprocal',{ foo <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.yaml') file <- tempfile() write_yamlet(read_yamlet(foo), con = file) expect_identical(readLines(file), readLines(foo)) }) test_that('decorate will not overwrite existing attributes',{ foo <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(foo) expect_warning(y <- decorate(x, 'Subject: subject identifier')) expect_silent(y <- redecorate(x, 'Subject: subject identifier')) }) test_that('decorate ignores anonymous attributes',{ foo <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') library(csv) x <- as.csv(foo) expect_warning(meta <- as_yamlet('time: [ a, b, c]')) expect_warning(decorate(x, meta = meta)) }) test_that('io_yamlet methods are reciprocal with default or modified arguments',{ foo <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.yaml') out <- file.path(tempdir(), 'out.yaml') x <- io_yamlet(foo) expect_identical(x,io_yamlet(io_yamlet(x, out))) expect_identical( x, io_yamlet( fileEncoding = 'UTF-8', # read eol = '\n', #default_keys = c('foo','bar'), io_yamlet( fileEncoding = 'UTF-8', # write eol = '\r', default_keys = c('foo','bar'), x, out ) ) ) }) test_that('io_table methods are reciprocal with default or modified arguments',{ file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) out <- file.path(tempdir(), '') foo <- io_table(x, out) expect_identical(out, foo) y <- io_table(foo, = TRUE) attr(x, 'source') <- NULL rownames(x) <- NULL rownames(y) <- NULL expect_identical(x, y) # lossless 'round-trip' io_table(x, out, sep = ',' , na = '.') #, fileEncoding = 'UTF-16') y <- io_table(out, = TRUE, sep = ',', na.strings = '.') #, fileEncoding = 'UTF-16') rownames(y) <- NULL expect_identical(x, y) # lossless 'round-trip' }) test_that('io_csv methods are reciprocal with default or modified arguments',{ file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) attr(x, 'source') <- NULL out <- file.path(tempdir(), '') foo <- io_csv(x, out) expect_identical(out, foo) expect_identical(readLines(file), readLines(out)) y <- io_csv(out) rownames(x) <- NULL rownames(y) <- NULL attr(x, 'source') <- NULL attr(y, 'source') <- NULL expect_identical(x, y) # lossless 'round-trip' io_csv(x, out, quote = TRUE, na = 'NA', eol = '\r') #, fileEncoding = 'UTF-16') y <- io_csv(out, na.strings = 'NA') # , fileEncoding = 'UTF-16') attr(y, 'source') <- NULL expect_identical(x, y) # lossless 'round-trip' }) test_that('class attributes are excluded from storage by default',{ expect_false('class' %in% decorations(Theoph)$Subject) }) test_that('yamlet package writes proper yaml with non-default keys',{ out <- file.path(tempdir(), 'out.yaml') expect_silent(write_yamlet('ID: identifier', con = out)) expect_silent(write_yamlet('ID: identifier', con = out, default_keys = c('foo','bar'))) expect_warning(write_yamlet('ID: identifier', con = out, default_keys = character(0))) foo <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.yaml') x <- io_yamlet(foo) # read y <- as_yam(x[1], default_keys = c('foo','bar')) io_yamlet(x, out, default_keys = c('foo','bar')) # write expect_silent(io_yamlet(out)) # read z <- as_yamlet('ID: identifier') expect_identical(as.character(z), 'ID: identifier') expect_identical( as.character(z, default_keys = c('foo','bar'))[[1]], 'ID: [ label: identifier ]' ) }) test_that('dplyr filter does not drop attributes',{ # not okay in 3.6.1: filter drops label on factors library(dplyr) library(magrittr) file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- file %>% decorate %>% resolve x %$% Heart %>% attributes %>% names expect_true( setequal( x %>% filter(! %$% Heart %>% attributes %>% names, c('levels','class','label','codelist') ) ) }) test_that('io_table accepts nuisance arguments without error',{ file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) out <- file.path(tempdir(), '') expect_silent(foo <- io_table(x, out, foo = 'bar')) expect_silent(y <- io_table(foo, = TRUE, foo = 'bar')) }) test_that('io_csv accepts nuisance arguments without error',{ file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) out <- file.path(tempdir(), 'out.csv') expect_silent(foo <- io_csv(x, out, foo = 'bar')) expect_silent(y <- io_csv(foo, = TRUE, foo = 'bar')) }) test_that('explicit_guide recognizes encodings, units, formats, and codelists',{ library(magrittr) a <- 'CONC: [ concentration, ng/mL ]' %>% as_yamlet %>% explicit_guide b <- 'RACE: [ subject race, [ Caucasian, Latin, Black ]]' %>% as_yamlet %>% explicit_guide c <- 'RACE: [ subject race, //Caucasian//Latin//Black// ]' %>% as_yamlet %>% explicit_guide d <- 'DATE: [ date, "%Y-%m-%d" ]' %>% as_yamlet %>% explicit_guide e <- c( names(a[[1]])[[2]], names(b[[1]])[[2]], names(c[[1]])[[2]], names(d[[1]])[[2]] ) expect_identical(e, c('units','codelist','encoding','format')) x <- data.frame( ID = 1, CONC = 1, RACE = 1, SEX = 1, DATE = 1 ) x$ID %<>% structure(label = 'subject identifier') x$CONC %<>% structure(label = 'concentration', guide = 'ng/mL') x$RACE %<>% structure(label = 'race', guide = list(white = 0, black = 1, asian = 2)) x$SEX %<>% structure(label = 'sex', guide = list(female = 0, male = 1)) x$DATE %<>% structure(label = 'date', guide = '%Y-%m-%d') expect_identical( x %>% explicit_guide %>% as_yamlet %>% lapply(names) %>% unlist %>% as.character, c('label','label','units','label','codelist','label','codelist','label','format') ) }) test_that('classified() creates class factor and removes attribute codelist',{ library(magrittr) file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) x %<>% explicit_guide %>% classified %>% as_yamlet(exclude_attr = NULL) expect_identical( x$Creatinine %>% names, c('levels','class','label','codelist') ) expect_true('factor' %in% x$Heart$class) }) test_that('resolve correctly classifies conditional elements',{ skip_if_not( l10n_info()$`UTF-8` ) skip_if( .Platform$OS.type == "unix" && Encoding(enc2native("\U00B5")) != "UTF-8", "Skipping non-ASCII path tests on UTF-8 Unix system" ) library(magrittr) library(dplyr) file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','phenobarb.csv') x <- decorate(file) x %>% as_yamlet x %>% explicit_guide %>% as_yamlet expect_warning( x %>% select(value) %>% explicit_guide %>% as_yamlet) # value looks like codelist because event not available to signal conditional x %>% explicit_guide %>% classified %>% as_yamlet a <- x %>% resolve %>% as_yamlet expect_true(setequal(names(a$value), c('label','units', 'title'))) }) test_that('resolve correctly classifies factors',{ library(magrittr) file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') expect_true(file %>% decorate %>% resolve %$% Heart %>% inherits('factor')) }) test_that('filter, select, mutate, group_by, arrange, summarize and [ do not drop subclass decorated',{ library(dplyr) library(magrittr) file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) expect_identical('decorated', x %>% class %>% `[[`(1)) expect_identical('decorated', x %>% filter(! %>% class %>% `[[`(1)) expect_identical( 'decorated', x %>% group_by(Subject) %>% mutate(mxt = max(time)) %>% class %>% `[[`(1) ) expect_identical( 'decorated', x %>% select(Subject:interval) %>% class %>% `[[`(1) ) expect_identical( 'decorated', x %>% summarize(mx = max(time)) %>% class %>% `[[`(1) ) expect_identical( 'decorated', x %>% arrange(Subject,time) %>% class %>% `[[`(1) ) expect_identical( 'decorated', class(x[1:5, 1:3])[[1]] ) }) test_that('conditionalize errors on mixed quotes',{ library(dplyr) library(magrittr) x <- data.frame(column = 'foo', test = "can't\"", value = 1) expect_error( x %>% conditionalize(column, label, test, value) %>% as_yamlet ) }) test_that('conditionalize alternates single and double quotes',{ library(dplyr) library(magrittr) x <- data.frame( stringsAsFactors = FALSE, column = 'foo', test = c('"cant"',"can't"), value = 1 ) expect_identical( x %>% conditionalize(column, label, test, value) %>% as_yamlet %$% column %$% label %>% names, c( "test == '\"cant\"'", "test == \"can't\"") ) }) test_that('conditionalize does not quote numerics',{ library(dplyr) library(magrittr) x <- data.frame( column = 1, test = 2, value = 3 ) expect_identical( x %>% conditionalize(column, label, test, value) %>% as_yamlet %$% column %$% label %>% names, "test == 2" ) }) test_that('conitionalize handles factors like character',{ library(dplyr) library(magrittr) x <- data.frame( stringsAsFactors = TRUE, column = 'foo', test = c('"cant"',"can't"), value = 1 ) expect_identical( x %>% conditionalize(column, label, test, value) %>% as_yamlet %$% column %$% label %>% names, c( "test == '\"cant\"'", "test == \"can't\"") ) }) test_that('subset classified does not drop label', { a <- classified(factor(letters)) attr(a, 'label') <- 'foo' a <- a[1:3] expect_identical(attr(a,'label'), 'foo') }) test_that('is_parseable distinguishes udunits from non-udunits',{ expect_identical( is_parseable(c('kg/m2','kg/m^2','foo','kg.m/s2')), c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE) ) }) test_that('is_pareseable is vectorized',{ expect_identical( is_parseable(c('kg/m2','kg/m^2','foo','kg.m/s2')), c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE) ) }) test_that('micro symbol is_pareseable',{ # # skip_if_not( l10n_info()$`UTF-8` ) skip_if( .Platform$OS.type == "unix" && Encoding(enc2native("\U00B5")) != "UTF-8", "Skipping non-ASCII path tests on UTF-8 Unix system" ) expect_true(is_parseable('µg/L')) }) test_that('is_parseable respects locally-defined units',{ library(units) expect_false(is_parseable('foo')) install_unit('foo') expect_true(is_parseable('foo')) remove_unit('foo') expect_false(is_parseable('foo')) }) test_that('all valid spork print as axis label',{ library(magrittr) library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(spork) expect_silent( data.frame(y=1:10, x=1:10) %>% decorate("x: 1 joule^\\*. ~1 kg m^2./s^2") %>% #decorate("x: ''") %>% mutate(x = structure(x, label = x %>% attr('label') %>% as_spork %>% as_plotmath %>% as.expression)) %>% ggplot(aes(x, y)) ) expect_silent( data.frame(y=1:10, x=1:10) %>% decorate("x: gravitational force \\\\ (kg\\.m/s^2.)") %>% mutate(x = structure(x, label = x %>% attr('label') %>% as_spork %>% as_plotmath %>% as.expression)) %>% ggplot(aes(x, y)) ) }) test_that('R reserved words survive in print.dg labels',{ library(magrittr) library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(testthat) expect_silent( data.frame(y=1:10, x=1:10) %>% decorate("x: for NaN% joule^\\*. ~1 kg m^2./s^2. %") %>% #decorate("x: ''") %>% mutate(x = structure(x, label = x %>% attr('label') %>% as_spork %>% as_plotmath %>% as.expression)) %>% ggplot(aes(x, y)) ) }) test_that('column attributes with metacharacters are quoted or escaped on write',{ library(magrittr) library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(testthat) datum <- "x: [ 'AUC , [0-24]', ng*h/mL ]" x <- data.frame(x=1:10) %>% decorate(datum) path <- tempdir() file <- file.path(path,'foo.csv') x %>% io_csv(file) y <- readLines(sub('csv','yaml',file)) expect_identical(y, datum) }) test_that('for each named column, or all if none named, the data.frame method for modify() assigns a value in the attributes environment',{ library(magrittr) library(dplyr) file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) x %<>% modify(title = paste(label, '(', guide, ')'), time) x %>% select(time, conc) %>% as_yamlet expect_identical(attr(x$time,'title'), 'time since start of study ( h )') expect_identical(attr(x$conc,'title'), NULL) # modify (almost) all columns x %<>% modify(title = paste(label, '(', guide, ')'), -Subject) x %>% select(time, conc) %>% as_yamlet expect_identical(attr(x$time,'title'), 'time since start of study ( h )') expect_identical(attr(x$conc,'title'), 'quinidine serum concentration ( mg/L )') expect_identical(attr(x$Subject,'title'), NULL) }) test_that('modify() makes the underlying object available as an argument',{ file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) x %<>% modify(`defined values` = sum(! x %>% select(time) %>% as_yamlet expect_identical(attr(x$time,'defined values'), 1471L) }) test_that('modify() makes the object name available for use and assignment',{ file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) x %<>% modify(time, name = label) expect_identical(names(x)[[2]], 'time since start of study') }) test_that('the data.frame method for modify() gives a warning if the assignment target is reserved (i.e, class, levels, labels, names)',{ file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) expect_warning(x %<>% modify(class = 'numeric', Subject)) }) test_that('the data.frame method for modify() fails gracefully if assignment cannot be made',{ file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) if(exists('foo'))rm(foo) expect_warning(x %<>% modify(title = foo, time)) }) test_that('the default method for modify() supports lists',{ file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) a <- list(a = 1, b = 1:10, c = letters) %>% modify(length = length(.), b:c) expect_identical(attr(a[['a']],'length'), NULL) expect_identical(attr(a[['c']],'length'), 26L) }) test_that('modifier verbs are limited to dots scope',{ library(magrittr) file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) # as_yamlet expect_equal_to_reference(file = '060.rds', as_yamlet(x, Height)) # decorations expect_equal_to_reference(file = '061.rds', decorations(x, Height)) # modify expect_equal_to_reference( file = '062.rds', modify(x, Height, label = 'Height (cm)') %>% as_yamlet(Height,Weight) ) # resolve as_yamlet(x, Height, Weight) expect_equal_to_reference( file = '063.rds', resolve(x, Height) %>% as_yamlet(Height, Weight) ) }) test_that('io_res resolves guide ambiguity on read',{ library(magrittr) file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- io_csv(file) %>% resolve y <- io_res(file) expect_identical(x, y) }) test_that('output of as_decorated inherits class decorated',{ x <- as_decorated(list()) expect_true(inherits(x,'decorated')) }) test_that('xtable.decorated is stable',{ library(magrittr) library(xtable) options(yamlet_persistence = FALSE) set.seed(0) x <- data.frame( auc = rnorm(100, mean = 2400, sd = 200), bmi = rnorm(100, mean = 20, sd = 5), gen = 0:1 ) x %<>% decorate('auc: [AUC_0-24, ng*h/mL]') x %<>% decorate('bmi: [Body Mass Index, kg/m^2]') x %<>% decorate('gen: [Gender, [Male: 1, Female: 0]]') y <- xtable(x) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '064.rds', y) y <- xtable(x, auc:bmi) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '065.rds', y) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '066.rds', resolve(x)) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '067.rds', xtable(resolve(x))) options(yamlet_persistence = TRUE) }) test_that('promote is stable',{ library(magrittr) meta <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','phenobarb.csv') x <- read.csv(meta) singularity( data = x, list( "event == 'conc'", "event == 'dose'", "event == 'metabolite'" ) ) %>% expect_identical(0L) singularity( data = x[x$event == 'dose',], list( "event == 'conc'", "event == 'dose'", "event == 'metabolite'" ) ) %>% expect_identical(2L) singularity( data = x[x$event == 'dose',], list( "time >= 0", "event == 'dose'" ) ) %>% expect_identical(NA_integer_) file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','phenobarb.csv') x <- file %>% decorate expect_equal_to_reference( file = '068.rds', x %>% == 'dose') %>% promote(event) %>% decorations(value) ) expect_equal_to_reference( file = '069.rds', x %>% filter(event == 'dose') %>% decorations(value) ) expect_equal_to_reference( file = '070.rds', x %>% filter(event == 'dose') %>% decorations(value) ) expect_equal_to_reference( file = '071.rds', x %>% filter(event == 'conc') %>% decorations(value) ) expect_equal_to_reference( file = '072.rds', x[x$event == 'dose',] %>% decorations(event, value) ) expect_equal_to_reference( file = '073.rds', x[x$event == 'conc',] %>% decorations(event, value) ) }) test_that('ggready is stable',{ library(magrittr) file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '074.rds',decorations(x, Weight)) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '075.rds',decorations(, Weight)) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '076.rds',class(x)) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '078.rds',class(ggready( expect_equal_to_reference(file = '079.rds',class(ggready(x))) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '080.rds',class(ggready(resolve(x)))) x <- ggready(x) library(magrittr) library(ggplot2) # Here we filter on-the-fly # without loss of attributes. # Notice mg/L rendering; this is actually part of an expression. file %>% decorate %>% filter(! %>% ggready %>% ggplot(aes(x = time, y = conc, color = Heart)) + geom_point() # By default ggready resolves everything decorated. # But we can intervene to resolve selectively, # And further intervene to 'ggready' selectively. # x <- file %>% decorate %>% filter(! x %>% resolve(conc, time) %>% # Heart left unresolved! ggready(conc, Heart) %>% # time left unreadied! ggplot(aes(x = time, y = conc, color = Heart)) + geom_point() # Still, all the labels were actually expressions: expect_equal_to_reference(file = '081.rds',x %>% resolve(conc, time) %>% ggready(conc, Heart) %$% conc %>% attributes %$% label %>% class ) }) test_that('ggplot.resolved is stable',{ file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) library(magrittr) x <- decorate(file) x %<>% filter(! expect_equal_to_reference(file = '082.rds',class(x)) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '083.rds',class(data.frame(x))) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '084.rds',class(as_decorated(data.frame(x)))) # The bare data.frame gives boring labels and unordered groups. map <- aes(x = time, y = conc, color = Heart) data.frame(x) %>% ggplot(map) + geom_point() # Decorated data.frame uses supplied labels. # Notice CHF levels are still not ordered. x %>% ggplot(map) + geom_point() # We can resolve guide for a chance to enrich the output with units. # Notice CHF levels are now ordered. x %<>% resolve suppressWarnings( # because this complains for columns with no units x <- modify(x, title = paste0(label, '\n(', units, ')')) ) x %>% ggplot(map) + geom_point() # Or something fancier. x %<>% modify(conc, title = 'conc_serum. (mg*L^-1.)') x %>% ggplot(map) + geom_point() # The y-axis title is deliberately given in spork syntax for elegant coercion: library(spork) x %<>% modify(conc, expression = as.expression(as_plotmath(as_spork(title)))) x %>% ggplot(map) + geom_point() # Add a fancier label for Heart, and facet by a factor: x %<>% modify(Heart, expression = as.expression(as_plotmath(as_spork('CHF^\\*')))) x %>% ggplot(map) + geom_point() + facet_wrap(~Creatinine) # ggready handles the units and plotmath implicitly for a 'standard' display: x %>% ggready %>% ggplot(map) + geom_point() + facet_wrap(~Creatinine) }) test_that('ggplot.resolved is stable',{ skip_if_not( l10n_info()$`UTF-8` ) skip_if( .Platform$OS.type == "unix" && Encoding(enc2native("\U00B5")) != "UTF-8", "Skipping non-ASCII tests on UTF-8 Unix system" ) # Here we try a dataset with conditional labels and units. file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','phenobarb.csv') x <- file %>% decorate %>% resolve # Note that value has two elements for label and guide. expect_equal_to_reference(file = '085.rds',x %>% decorations(value)) #' # The print method defaults to the first, with warning. map <- aes(x = time, y = value, color = event) expect_warning(print(x %>% ggplot(map) + geom_point())) # If we subset appropriately, the relevant value is substituted. expect_silent(print(x %>% filter(event == 'conc') %>% ggplot(map) + geom_point())) }) test_that('unclassified is the inverse of classified',{ file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) x %<>% explicit_guide y <- classified(x) z <- unclassified(y) # x %>% decorations(Creatinine) # y %>% decorations(Creatinine) # z %>% decorations(Creatinine) # attr(y$Creatinine, 'codelist') # identical( # attr(x$Creatinine, 'codelist'), # attr(z$Creatinine, 'codelist') # ) # str(attr(x$Creatinine,'codelist')) # str(attr(z$Creatinine,'codelist')) # # names(names(attr(x$Creatinine,'codelist'))) # names(names(attr(z$Creatinine,'codelist'))) expect_identical(x, z) }) test_that('desolve is the inverse of resolve',{ file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) expect_identical(x, desolve(resolve(x))) }) test_that('implicit_guide is the inverse of explicit_guide',{ file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) expect_identical(x, implicit_guide(explicit_guide(x))) }) test_that('resolve and desolve retain class',{ file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) expect_true(inherits(resolve(x), 'decorated')) expect_true(inherits(desolve(resolve(x)), 'decorated')) }) test_that('labels and guide elements with colon-space are quoted',{ foo <- data.frame(x = 1) attr(foo$x,'label') <- 'foo: x' guide <- list(1) names(guide) <- 'H: M' attr(foo$x, 'guide') <- guide dir <- tempdir() file <- file.path(dir, 'foo.csv') foo %>% io_csv(file) expect_silent(io_csv(file)) }) test_that('classified methods do not lose attributes',{ foo <- classified(letters[1:5]) bar <- classified(LETTERS[1:5]) attr(foo, 'label') <- 'letters' attr(bar, 'label') <- 'LETTERS' foo[2:3] <- c('a','b') foo[[4]] <- 'c' expect_true( setequal( names(attributes(c(foo,bar))), c('levels','class','codelist','label') ) ) expect_true( setequal( names(attributes(foo[1:2])), c('levels','class','codelist','label') ) ) expect_true( setequal( names(attributes(foo[[2]])), c('levels','class','codelist','label') ) ) }) test_that('unclassified methods do not lose attributes',{ foo <- classified(letters[1:5]) attr(foo, 'label') <- 'letters' foo <- unclassified(foo) expect_true( setequal( names(attributes(foo)), c('codelist','label','class') ) ) }) test_that('classified() works the same on character and factor',{ expect_identical(classified(LETTERS), classified(factor(LETTERS))) }) test_that('as_yamlet does not capture levels of classified by default',{ library(magrittr) library(dplyr) file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) y <- x y$Heart %<>% classified expect_true( setequal( names(decorations(y, Heart)[[1]]), c('label','guide','codelist') ) ) decorations(x, Heart) }) test_that('filter.decorated retains class', { library(dplyr) library(magrittr) file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) expect_true(inherits(x %>% filter(Subject == 1), 'decorated')) }) test_that('promote() retains class decorated', { library(dplyr) library(magrittr) file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','phenobarb.csv') x <- decorate(file) x %<>% filter(event == 'dose') decorations(x) expect_true(inherits(x, 'decorated')) }) test_that('decorations() treats factor levels the same for factor and classified',{ library(dplyr) library(magrittr) file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) expect_false('levels' %in% (x %>% decorations(Race) %>% `[[`(1) %>% names)) expect_false('levels' %in% (x %>% resolve %>% decorations(Race) %>% `[[`(1) %>% names)) }) test_that('mimic() is stable',{ library(dplyr) library(magrittr) let <- letters[1:5] LET <- LETTERS[1:5] int <- 0L:4L num <- as.numeric(int) fac <- factor(let) css <- classified(let) expect_equal_to_reference(mimic(let, let), '086.rds') expect_equal_to_reference(mimic(LET, let), '087.rds') expect_equal_to_reference(mimic(int, let), '088.rds') expect_equal_to_reference(mimic(num, let), '089.rds') expect_equal_to_reference(mimic(fac, let), '090.rds') expect_equal_to_reference(mimic(css, let), '091.rds') expect_equal_to_reference(mimic(character(0)), '092.rds') expect_equal_to_reference(mimic(numeric(0)), '093.rds') expect_equal_to_reference(mimic(LET), '094.rds') x <- data.frame(let, LET) # x %<>% mutate(let = mimic(let, LET), LET = mimic(LET)) expect_equal_to_reference(x, '095.rds') }) test_that('subset retains class for decorated inheriting grouped_df',{ library(dplyr) library(magrittr) file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) x %<>% group_by(Subject) attr(x[['time']], 'foo') <- 'bar' expect_true(inherits(x, 'decorated')) # also for names<- }) test_that('classified may contain NA',{ expect_silent( classified(c(1,NA)) ) expect_silent( classified(c(1,NA), exclude = NULL) ) }) test_that('bind_rows() works for grouped_df containing classified factors',{ library(magrittr) library(dplyr) file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') b <- decorate(file) %>% resolve b %<>% group_by(Subject) expect_silent(bind_rows(b,b)) a <- data.frame(i = c(1,1,2), x = classified(1:3)) b <- data.frame(i = c(2,2,3), x = classified(3:5)) a %<>% group_by(i) b %<>% group_by(i) # str(a) # str(b) bind_rows(a,b) %$% x %>% attributes expect_silent(bind_rows(a,b)) expect_identical(bind_rows(a,b) %$% x %>% attributes %$% codelist, as.character(1:5)) }) test_that('gather.decorated respects supplied key and value',{ library(magrittr) library(tidyr) file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) # x %>% gather('key', 'value', time, interval) %>% decorations # x %>% gather('key', 'value', time, interval) %>% names() # x %>% gather(key = 'key', value = 'value', time, interval) %>% names() suppressWarnings(nms <- names( gather( x, key = 'source', value = 'widgets', time, interval ) )) expect_true(all(c('source','widgets') %in% nms)) }) test_that('gather.decorated with no arguments is a non-operation',{ library(magrittr) library(tidyr) file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) expect_identical(x, gather(x, key = 'source', value = 'widgets')) expect_identical(x, gather(x, key = 'source', value = 'widgets', !!!character(0))) }) test_that('mimic is stable',{ let <- letters[1:5] LET <- LETTERS[1:5] int <- 0L:4L num <- as.numeric(int) fac <- factor(let) css <- classified(let) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '096.rds', list( mimic(LET, let), mimic(let, let), mimic(num, let), mimic(int, let), mimic(fac, let), mimic(css, let), mimic(character(0)), mimic(numeric(0)), mimic(LET), mimic(let), mimic(num), mimic(int), mimic(fac), mimic(css) )) }) test_that('factor and character can mimic numeric',{ let <- letters[1:5] LET <- LETTERS[1:5] int <- 0L:4L num <- as.numeric(int) fac <- factor(let) css <- classified(let) expect_silent(mimic(let, num)) expect_silent(mimic(fac, num)) expect_silent(mimic(css, num)) mimic(css, num) unclassified(mimic(css, num)) expect_true(is.numeric(unclassified(mimic(css, num)))) mimic(css, as.character(num)) unclassified(mimic(css, as.character(num))) expect_true(is.numeric(unclassified(mimic(css, as.character(num))))) expect_true( is.integer( unclassified( mimic(css, as.numeric(css)) ) ) ) # expect_error(mimic(css, as.integer(css))) # don't know why this should be an error expect_silent(mimic(css, as.integer(css))) }) test_that('as.integer.classified() returns integer with guide',{ css <- classified(letters[1:3], labels = LETTERS[1:3]) int <- as.integer(css) expect_true('guide' %in% names(attributes(int))) expect_true(is.integer(int)) }) test_that('as.integer.classified() is equivalent to as.numeric.classified()',{ css <- classified(c('knife','fork','spoon')) expect_true(all(as.integer(css) == as.numeric(css))) }) test_that('modify() does not search for assignment targets beyond data scope',{ library(magrittr) file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) suppressWarnings(x %<>% modify(time, SORT = .data$sort)) expect_false('sort' %in% names(attributes(x$time))) }) test_that('print.yamlet handles unexpected objects nicely',{ library(magrittr) file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) x %<>% modify(time, SORT = sort) # print(decorations(x,time)) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '097.rds', decorations(x, time)) }) test_that('subset decorated succeeds when dimensions are dropped',{ library(magrittr) file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') x <- decorate(file) expect_silent(x[1,1]) }) test_that('NA names and values in lists can be converted to yamlet',{ expect_silent(to_yamlet(setNames(1:3, c('a','b',NA)))) expect_silent(to_yamlet(setNames(c(1,2,NA), c('a','b','c')))) }) test_that('a length one sequence resolves parsimoniously',{ y <- as_yamlet('RACE: [ race, [ Asian: 1 ]]') expect_equal(names(y[[1]][2]), 'guide') }) test_that('column named *n* can be decorated',{ library(magrittr) library(dplyr) x <- data.frame(n = 1) x %<>% decorate('"n": count') expect_identical('count',decorations(x)$n$label) }) test_that('column named *scenario* can have label *Scenario* even if there is a column with this name',{ library(magrittr) library(dplyr) x <- data.frame(scenario = 1, Scenario = 1) x %<>% decorate('scenario: Scenario') x %<>% decorate('Scenario: scenario') expect_identical('Scenario', decorations(x)$scenario$label) }) test_that('write_yamlet uses canonical attribute order by default',{ x <- data.frame(x = 1, y = 1, z = factor('a')) x %<>% decorate(' x: [ guide: mm, desc: this, label: foo ] "y": [ guide: bar, desc: other ] ') expect_equal_to_reference(file = '101.rds', capture.output(write_yamlet(x))) }) test_that('moot redecorate warnings are suppressed',{ x <- data.frame(x = 1, y = 1, z = factor('a')) x %<>% decorate(' x: [ guide: mm, desc: this, label: foo ] "y": [ guide: bar, desc: other ] ') expect_silent(x %>% decorate(decorations(x))) expect_warning(x %>% decorate('x: bar')) expect_silent(x %>% decorate('x: bar', overwrite = TRUE)) }) test_that('class "decorated" persists after merges, joins, enumerations',{ library(magrittr) library(dplyr) x <- data.frame(foo = 1, bar = 2) x %<>% decorate('foo: [distance, mm]') x %<>% decorate('bar: [height, mm]') expect_true(inherits(x, 'decorated')) expect_true(inherits(full_join(x,x), 'decorated')) expect_true(inherits(left_join(x,x), 'decorated')) expect_true(inherits(left_join(x,, 'decorated')) expect_false(inherits(full_join(, x), 'decorated')) expect_true(inherits(what = 'decorated', merge(x,x))) # if(require(wrangle)){ # expect_true(inherits(what = 'decorated', enumerate(x, foo, bar))) # } # check gives warning }) test_that('decorations() does not print colon for un-named list',{ x <- data.frame(foo = c('a','b','c')) x %<>% decorate('foo: [title, [[1,2],[2,3]]]') foo <- capture_output(decorations(x), print = TRUE) foo <- sub(':','', foo) # remove the only expected colon expect_false(grepl(':', foo)) }) test_that('read_yamlet and write_yamlet reproduce block quote',{ x <- read_yamlet(' x: background: | x is so happy a variable of note it wants to help you sentence: > Sometimes we don\'t really care where the line breaks are.') expect_equal_to_reference( file = '102.rds', capture_output( print = TRUE, write_yamlet(x) ) ) expect_equal_to_reference( file = '103.rds', capture_output( print = TRUE, write_yamlet(x, block = TRUE) ) ) }) test_that('decorated retains class when ungrouped', { expect_true(inherits(ungroup(as_decorated(group_by(Theoph, Subject))), 'decorated')) }) test_that('length-one codelists are not confused with units',{ x <- data.frame(race = 2, sex = 'M', conc = 1, time = 0) x %<>% decorate(' race: [ Race, [ Asian: 2 ]] sex: [ Sex, [M] ] ') #x %>% resolve %>% decorations expect_identical( 'codelist', x %>% resolve %>% decorations %$% race %>% names %>% extract2(2) ) expect_identical( 'codelist', x %>% resolve %>% decorations %$% sex %>% names %>% extract2(2) ) expect_equal_to_reference( file = '104.rds', 'sex: [ Sex, M ]' %>% yaml.load(handlers = list(seq = parsimonious)) ) expect_equal_to_reference( file = '105.rds', 'sex: [ Sex,[ M ]]' %>% yaml.load(handlers = list(seq = parsimonious)) ) expect_equal_to_reference( file = '106.rds', 'sex: [ Sex,[ M, F ]]' %>% yaml.load(handlers = list(seq = parsimonious)) ) }) test_that('un-named codelists are back-transformed consistently',{ expect_identical( 'sex: Sex', capture.output(write_yamlet(as_yamlet('sex: Sex'))) ) expect_identical( 'sex: [ Sex, M ]', capture.output(write_yamlet(as_yamlet('sex: [ Sex, M ]'))) ) expect_identical( 'sex: [ Sex, [ M ]]', capture.output(write_yamlet(as_yamlet('sex: [ Sex, [ M ]]'))) ) expect_identical( 'sex: [ Sex, [ M, F ]]', capture.output(write_yamlet(as_yamlet('sex: [ Sex, [ M, F ]]'))) ) }) test_that('named codelists are back-transformed consistently',{ expect_identical( 'sex: [ Sex, [ Male: M ]]', capture.output(write_yamlet(as_yamlet('sex: [ Sex, [ Male: M ]]'))) ) expect_identical( 'sex: [ Sex, [ Male: M, Female: F ]]', capture.output(write_yamlet(as_yamlet('sex: [ Sex, [ Male: M, Female: F ]]'))) ) }) test_that('class "guided" or similar supports concatenation of guides',{ # Use vctrs to achieve consistent attribute treatment. # see test-dvec.R }) test_that('variables with units support unit math',{ # write converters for guided -> units and back # see test-dvec.R }) test_that(' passes exclude = NULL to member factors',{ x <- data.frame(letters = c('a','b','c','d', NA)) x %<>% decorate('letters: [Letters, [ a, b, c, d, NA ]]') x %>% decorations x %<>% explicit_guide x %>% decorations x %<>% classified(exclude = NULL) expect_true(NA %in% attr(x$letters, 'codelist')) expect_true(NA %in% levels(x$letters)) }) test_that('codelist can contain literal NA if quoted',{ x <- data.frame(letters = c('a','b','c','d', 'NA')) x %<>% decorate('letters: [Letters, [ a, b, c, d, "NA" ]]') x %>% decorations x %<>% explicit_guide x %>% decorations x %<>% classified expect_true('NA' %in% attr(x$letters, 'codelist')) expect_true('NA' %in% levels(x$letters)) }) test_that('when two different decodes have the same code, classified levels match classified codelist values',{ x <- data.frame(letters = c('a','a','b')) x %<>% decorate('letters: [Letters, [ TRT1: a, TRT2: a, TRT3: b ]]') x expect_warning({ x %>% resolve x %>% resolve %>% desolve x %>% resolve %>% desolve %>% resolve x %<>% resolve }) expect_identical( levels(x$letters), unlist(as.character(attr(x$letters, 'codelist'))) ) }) test_that('when two different codes have the same decode, classified levels match unique classified codelist values',{ x <- data.frame(letters = c('a','b','c')) x %<>% decorate('letters: [Letters, [ TRT1: a, TRT2: b, TRT2: c ]]') x expect_warning({ x %>% resolve x %>% resolve %>% desolve x %>% resolve %>% desolve %>% decorations x %>% resolve %>% desolve %>% resolve x %<>% resolve }) levels(x$letters) as.character(attr(x$letters, 'codelist')) expect_identical( x %$% letters %>% levels, x %$% letters %>% attr('codelist') %>% as.character %>% unlist %>% unique ) }) test_that('ggplot succeeds for class decorated that has no labels',{ file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv') library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) library(magrittr) expect_silent(a <- file %>% as.csv %>% filter(! %>% as_decorated %>% ggplot(aes(x = time, y = conc, color = Heart)) + geom_point()) # look for legend: congestive heart failure (mod/no/sev) }) test_that('classified does not re-classify',{ # avoid alternating states x <- data.frame( age = c(53, 58, 60), sex = c(0, 1, 1), race = c(1, 1, 2) ) x %<>% decorate(' age: [ Age, year ] sex: [ Sex, [ Female: 0, Male: 1 ]] race: [ Race, [White: 1, Asian: 2 ]] ') x x %>% resolve x %>% resolve(sex) x %>% resolve(sex) %>% resolve x %>% resolve %$% sex %>% attributes x %>% resolve(sex) %>% resolve %$% sex %>% attributes x %>% resolve(sex) %$% sex %>% attributes foo <- x %>% resolve(sex) # this drops sex label: foo %>% resolve %>% decorations expect_identical( x %>% resolve, x %>% resolve(sex) %>% resolve ) expect_identical( x %>% resolve, x %>% resolve(race) %>% resolve ) expect_identical( x %>% resolve, x %>% resolve(age) %>% resolve ) }) test_that('io_csv.character allows user to over-ride meta',{ # issue 3 expect_silent( x <- io_csv( system.file(package = 'yamlet','extdata/phenobarb.csv'), meta = system.file(package = 'yamlet','extdata/quinidine.yaml') ) ) expect_identical(NULL, attr(x$Wt, 'label')) }) test_that('[ can be the first character of a code or decode',{ # issue 2 x <- data.frame(range = '[min,max]') expect_silent(x %<>% decorate('range: [ Range, [ "[minimum,maximum]": "[min,max]" ]]')) expect_silent(decorations(x)) where <- tempdir() x %>% io_csv(file.path(where, 'bracket.csv')) y <- io_csv(file.path(where, 'bracket.csv'), source = FALSE) expect_identical(x,y) }) test_that('Quoted Yes and No survive parsing verbatim',{ x <- "blq: [ LOQ Y/N, [ 'No': 0, 'Yes': 1 ]]" y <- x %>% write_yamlet %>% as.character x y expect_identical(x, y) }) test_that('append_units() supports specific target',{ x <- as_dvec(1:10, label = 'acceleration', units = 'm/s^2') x %<>% append_units(target = 'title') expect_true('title' %in% names(attributes(x))) }) test_that('make_title() honors pass-through arguments for append_units()',{ x <- as_dvec(1:10, label = 'acceleration', units = 'm/s^2') x %<>% make_title(open = '[', close = ']') attr(x, 'title') expect_identical(attr(x, 'title'), "acceleration[m/s^2]") }) test_that('make_title() / drop_title() active on resolve() and desolve()',{ x <- data.frame( age = c(53, 58, 60), sex = c(0, 1, 1), race = c(1, 1, 2) ) x %<>% decorate(' age: [ Age, year ] sex: [ Sex, [ Female: 0, Male: 1 ]] race: [ Race, [White: 1, Asian: 2 ]] ') x x %<>% resolve expect_true('title' %in% names(attributes(x$age))) x %<>% desolve expect_false('title' %in% names(attributes(x$age))) }) test_that('make_title() can be globally defeated',{ options(yamlet_with_title = FALSE) x <- data.frame( age = c(53, 58, 60), sex = c(0, 1, 1), race = c(1, 1, 2) ) x %<>% decorate(' age: [ Age, year ] sex: [ Sex, [ Female: 0, Male: 1 ]] race: [ Race, [White: 1, Asian: 2 ]] ') x x %<>% resolve expect_false('title' %in% names(attributes(x$age))) options(yamlet_with_title = NULL) }) test_that('yamlet_options() displays globally-configurable options',{ options(yamlet_with_title = FALSE) expect_true('yamlet_with_title' %in% names(yamlet_options())) options(yamlet_with_title = NULL) expect_false('yamlet_with_title' %in% names(yamlet_options())) }) test_that('make_title() behaves as expected for class dvec',{ x <- as_dvec(1:10, label = 'length', guide = 'mm') expect_false('title' %in% (x %>% make_title %>% attributes %>% names)) expect_true('title' %in% (x %>% resolve %>% make_title %>% attributes %>% names)) }) test_that('add_title() and drop_title() have no effect on (undecorated) data.frame',{ x <- data.frame( age = c(53, 58, 60), height = c(155, 130, 145), race = c(1, 2, 2) ) x %<>% decorate(' age: [ Age, year ] height: [ Height, cm, title: "Subject Height [cm]" ] race: [ Race, [White: 1, Asian: 2 ]] ') x %>% decorations x %<>% x %>% decorations # still has decorations, but is just a data.frame x %<>% make_title x %>% decorations expect_false('title' %in% names(attributes(x$age))) x %<>% drop_title x %>% decorations expect_true('title' %in% names(attributes(x$height))) }) test_that('row_bind of supported table types returns consistent class and functional metadata',{ library(dplyr) a <- data.frame(study = 1) %>% decorate('study: [Study, [A: 1]]', persistence = FALSE) class(a) <- 'data.frame' b <- data.frame(study = 2) %>% decorate('study: [Study, [B: 2]]') # decorated data.frame c <- tibble(study = 3) %>% decorate('study: [Study, [C: 3]]') # decorated tbl_df c %<>% group_by(study) # decorated grouped_df # per ?bind_rows: bind_rows() returns the same type as the first input, # either a data.frame, tbl_df, or grouped_df # or by extension, decorated data.frame, decorated tbl_df, decorated grouped_df # bind_rows(a, a) %>% str # no magic, attributes dropped, not surprising # bind_rows(b, b) %>% str # magic # bind_rows(c, c) %>% str # magic # bind_rows(a, b) %>% str # magic @ 0.10.7 # bind_rows(b, a) %>% str # magic # bind_rows(a, c) %>% str # magic @ 0.10.7 # bind_rows(c, a) %>% str # magic # bind_rows(b, c) %>% str # returns decorated data.frame, not surprising # bind_rows(c, b) %>% str # magic expect_equal_to_reference(file = '108.rds', decorations(bind_rows(a, a))) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '109.rds', decorations(bind_rows(b, b))) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '110.rds', decorations(bind_rows(c, c))) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '111.rds', decorations(bind_rows(a, b))) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '112.rds', decorations(bind_rows(b, a))) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '113.rds', decorations(bind_rows(a, c))) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '114.rds', decorations(bind_rows(c, a))) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '115.rds', decorations(bind_rows(b, c))) expect_equal_to_reference(file = '116.rds', decorations(bind_rows(c, b))) # Conclusions: # * Without any additional intervention, 'decorated' # always appears first before 'tbl_df' or 'grouped_df' # * Without additional intervention, bind_rows() always # returns the data type of first argument. # * bind_rows() drops meta if returning data.frame. # * bind_rows() respects 'vestigal' meta on data.frames otherwise. }) test_that('yamlet warns if codelist not one-to-one',{ x <- data.frame( age = c(53, 58, 60), height = c(155, 130, 145), race = c(1, 1, 1), ethnicity = c(0, 0, 1) ) x %<>% decorate(' age: [ Age, year ] height: [ Height, cm, title: "Subject Height [cm]" ] race: [ Race, [White: 1, White: 1, Asian: 1 ]] ethnicity: [ Ethnicity, [ Hispanic: 0, Hispanic: 1]] ') expect_warning(x %>% resolve %>% decorations) expect_warning(x %>% resolve) }) test_that('yamlet warns if row_bind gives overlapping codelist',{ library(dplyr) x <- data.frame( race = c(1, 2, 2) ) x %<>% decorate(' race: [ Race, [White: 1, Asian: 2 ]] ') y <- data.frame( race = c(1, 2, 2) ) y %<>% decorate(' race: [ Race, [Asian: 1, White: 2, Black: 3]] ') expect_warning(bind_rows(x, y) %>% resolve) expect_warning(bind_rows(x, y)) }) test_that('print.decorated_ggplot() warns if label has length > 1',{ library(magrittr) library(ggplot2) library(yamlet) a <- Theoph %>% %>% decorate(' conc: Concentration Time: Time ') %>% mutate(source = 'Theoph') b <- a %>% ggplot( aes( x = Time, y = conc ) ) + geom_point() + ggtitle(a$source) b$labels expect_warning(print(b)) }) test_that('yamlet can decorate n and N', { x <- data.frame(a = 0, n = 0, N = 0) x %<>% decorate('a: test') x %<>% decorate('"n": number') x %<>% decorate('"N": [ newtons, kg*m*s-2 ]') expect_identical(attr(x$N, 'label'), 'newtons') }) test_that('decorations for "n" etc. survive trip to storage', { x <- data.frame(n = 0, sam = 0, wt = 0) x %<>% decorate(' "n": [ Number, [a: 0, b: 1, c: -1], sort: 1] sam: Number of Samples wt: [ Body Weight, kg ] ') y <- x %>% io_yamlet(tempfile()) %>% io_yamlet expect_identical(decorations(x), y) }) test_that('decorating with guide element -1 survives trip to storage as integer',{ expect_identical(to_yamlet(-1L), "-1") }) test_that('classified.classified() drops unused levels',{ a <- factor(c('knife','fork'), levels = c('knife','fork','spoon')) levels(a) # three levels levels(factor(a)) # two levels b <- classified(a) levels(b) # three levels levels(classified(b)) levels(classified(b, drop = TRUE)) expect_identical(levels(classified(b, drop = TRUE)), c('knife', 'fork')) b classified(b) expect_silent(classified(b, levels = 'knife')) expect_error(classified(b, labels = 'knife')) expect_silent(classified(b, labels = c('Knife','Fork','Spoon'))) expect_error(classified(b, labels = c('Knife','Fork','Spoon'), exclude = 'fork')) expect_silent(classified(b, drop = TRUE, labels = c('Knife','Fork'))) }) test_that('classified() supports NA values',{ a <- factor(c('knife','fork','spoon'), levels = c('knife','fork')) b <- classified(a) expect_true(any( expect_false(any(, 'codelist')))) expect_identical(levels(a), levels(b)) }) test_that('classified() supports NA levels',{ a <- factor(c('knife','fork', NA), levels = c('knife','fork',NA), exclude = NULL) expect_true(any( b <- classified(a, exclude = NULL) expect_false(any( expect_true(any(, 'codelist')))) levels(a) levels(b) expect_identical(levels(a), levels(b)) }) test_that('as.integer.classified() supports NA values and levels',{ a <- classified( factor( c('knife','fork','spoon'), levels = c('knife','fork') ) ) b <- classified( factor( c('knife','fork',NA), levels = c('knife','fork',NA), exclude = NULL ), exclude = NULL ) ai <- as.integer(a, -1) expect_identical(as.integer(ai), c(0L, 1L, NA)) expect_identical(as.integer(attr(ai, 'guide')), c(0L, 1L)) expect_identical(names(attr(ai, 'guide')), c('knife','fork')) bi <- as.integer(b, -1, exclude = NULL) expect_false(any( expect_true(any(, 'guide'))))) }) test_that('classified() handles multiple new levels appropriately',{ a <- structure(1:3, codelist = list(knife = 1, fork = 2, spoon = 3)) b <- classified(a) expect_identical(b, classified(b)) expect_warning( c <- classified( b, levels = c('knife','fork','spoon','chopstix','ladel'), labels = c('Knife','Fork','Spoon','Chopstix','Ladel') ) ) }) test_that('literal NA and NA_character_ survive round-trip',{ a <- 'letters: [ Letters, [ a, b, c, NA ]]' x <- data.frame(letters = c('a','b','c', NA)) x %<>% decorate(a) b <- write_yamlet(x) expect_identical(a, b) a <- "letters: [ Letters, [ a, b, c, 'NA' ]]" x <- data.frame(letters = c('a','b','c', 'NA')) x %<>% decorate(a) b <- write_yamlet(x) expect_identical(a, b) }) test_that('yamlet names can be true NA or NA string',{ a <- "letters: [ Letters, [ A: a, B: b, C: c, 'NA': 'NA', NA: NA ]]" x <- data.frame(letters = c('a','b','c', 'NA', NA )) x %<>% decorate(a) foo <- capture.output(b <- write_yamlet(x)) expect_identical(a, b) c <- attr(x$letters, 'guide') expect_true(any( expect_true(any( expect_equal_to_reference(capture.output(decorations(x)), file = '118.rds') x %<>% redecorate("letters: [ Letters, [ a, b, c, 'NA', NA ]]") expect_equal_to_reference(capture.output(decorations(x)), file = '119.rds') }) test_that('as.integer.classified gives fully-recoverable result when NA is a level',{ library(dplyr) x <- data.frame(letters = c('a','b','c',NA)) x %<>% decorate('letters: [ Letters, [NA, a, b, c ]]') x %<>% resolve(exclude = NULL) x %<>% mutate(letters = classified(letters, exclude = NULL)) x %<>% mutate(letters = as.integer(letters, -1, exclude = NULL)) expect_silent(x %>% resolve(letters)) x %<>% resolve expect_equal_to_reference(x, file = '120.rds') }) test_that('mimic supports solitary NA',{ expect_silent( { mimic(NA, NA) mimic(factor(NA), NA) mimic(factor(NA, exclude = NULL), NA) mimic(NA, 1) mimic(factor(NA), 1) mimic(factor(NA, exclude = NULL), 1) mimic(factor(NA, levels = c(NA, 'foo')), 1) mimic(factor(NA, levels = NA, exclude = NULL), 1) } ) expect_silent( { mimic( factor( NA, levels = NA, exclude = NULL ), 1, exclude = NULL ) } ) }) test_that('as.integer.classified preserves all levels',{ a <- classified( c('knife','fork'), levels = c(NA, 'knife','fork','spoon'), exclude = NULL ) attr(a, 'label') <- 'my label' b <- as.integer(a) guide <- unlist(attr(b, 'guide')) nms <- names(guide) names(guide) <- NULL expect_identical(nms, levels(a)) expect_identical(guide, 1:4) }) test_that('modify supports nonstandard column names',{ a <- data.frame(`has space` = 0, check.names = FALSE) expect_silent(modify(a, 'has space', name = name)) }) test_that('enscript() is stable and idempotent', { x <- data.frame( time = 1:10, work = (1:10)^1.5, group = 1:2, set = c(rep('delta',5), rep('gamma', 5)) ) x %<>% decorate(' time: [ Time_cum.^alpha, h ] work: [ Work_total_obs\\n, kg*m^2/s^2 ] group: [ Group, [ Second^\\*: 2, First^#: 1 ]] set: [ Set, [ gamma, delta ]] ') x %>% decorations expect_equal_to_reference(file = '121.rds', enscript(x)) options(yamlet_default_keys = c('label', 'guide', 'title', 'expression', 'plotmath', 'levels', 'codelist')) expect_equal(canonical(enscript(x)), canonical(enscript(enscript(x)))) }) test_that('resolve() and desolve() accommodate anonymous arguments', { x <- data.frame(foo = 1) expect_silent(resolve(x, foo)) expect_silent(desolve(x, foo)) })