## Test 1: xportr_label: error when metadata is not set ---- test_that("label Test 1: xportr_label: error when metadata is not set", { df <- data.frame( Subj = as.character(123, 456, 789), Different = c("a", "b", "c"), Val = c("1", "2", "3"), Param = c("param1", "param2", "param3") ) expect_error(xportr_label(df), regexp = "Must be of type 'data.frame', 'Metacore' or set via 'xportr_metadata\\(\\)'" ) }) ## Test 2: xportr_label: Gets warning when metadata has multiple rows with same variable ---- test_that( "label Test 2: xportr_label: Gets warning when metadata has multiple rows with same variable", { # This test uses the (2) functions below to reduce code duplication # All `expect_*` are being called inside the functions # # Checks that message appears when xportr.domain_name is invalid multiple_vars_in_spec_helper(xportr_label) # Checks that message doesn't appear when xportr.domain_name is valid multiple_vars_in_spec_helper2(xportr_label) } ) ## Test 3: xportr_label: Works as expected with only one domain in metadata ---- test_that("label Test 3: xportr_label: Works as expected with only one domain in metadata", { adsl <- data.frame( USUBJID = c(1001, 1002, 1003), BRTHDT = c(1, 1, 2) ) metadata <- data.frame( dataset = c("adsl", "adsl"), variable = c("USUBJID", "BRTHDT"), label = c("Hello", "Hello2") ) expect_silent(xportr_label(adsl, metadata)) })