data_to_save <- dplyr::tibble(X = c(1, 2, NA), Y = c("a", "", "c"), Z = c(1, 2, 3)) test_that("xportr_write: exported data can be saved to a file", { tmpdir <- tempdir() tmp <- file.path(tmpdir, "xyz.xpt") on.exit(unlink(tmpdir)) xportr_write(data_to_save, path = tmp) expect_equal(read_xpt(tmp), data_to_save) }) test_that("xportr_write: exported data can be saved to a file with a label", { tmpdir <- tempdir() tmp <- file.path(tmpdir, "xyz.xpt") on.exit(unlink(tmpdir)) xportr_write(data_to_save, path = tmp, label = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet") expect_output(str(read_xpt(tmp)), "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet") }) test_that("xportr_write: expect error when invalid multibyte string is passed in label", { tmpdir <- tempdir() tmp <- file.path(tmpdir, "xyz.xpt") on.exit(unlink(tmpdir)) expect_error(xportr_write(data_to_save, tmp, label = "Lorizzle ipsizzle dolizzl\xe7 pizzle")) }) test_that("xportr_write: expect error when file name is over 8 characters long", { tmpdir <- tempdir() tmp <- file.path(tmpdir, paste0(paste(letters[1:9], collapse = ""), ".xpt")) on.exit(unlink(tmpdir)) expect_error(xportr_write(data_to_save, tmp, label = "asdf")) }) test_that("xportr_write: expect error when file name contains non-ASCII symbols or special characters", { tmpdir <- tempdir() tmp <- file.path(tmpdir, ".xpt") on.exit(unlink(tmpdir)) expect_error(xportr_write(data_to_save, tmp, label = "asdf")) }) test_that("xportr_write: expect error when label contains non-ASCII symbols or special characters", { tmpdir <- tempdir() tmp <- file.path(tmpdir, "xyz.xpt") on.exit(unlink(tmpdir)) expect_error(xportr_write(data_to_save, tmp, label = "çtestç")) }) test_that("xportr_write: expect error when label is over 40 characters", { tmpdir <- tempdir() tmp <- file.path(tmpdir, "xyz.xpt") on.exit(unlink(tmpdir)) expect_error(xportr_write(data_to_save, tmp, label = paste(rep("a", 41), collapse = ""))) }) test_that("xportr_write: expect error when an xpt validation fails with strict_checks set to TRUE", { tmpdir <- tempdir() tmp <- file.path(tmpdir, "xyz.xpt") attr(data_to_save$X, "") <- "foo" on.exit(unlink(tmpdir)) expect_error(xportr_write(data_to_save, tmp, label = "label", strict_checks = TRUE)) }) test_that("xportr_write: expect warning when an xpt validation fails with strict_checks set to FALSE", { tmpdir <- tempdir() tmp <- file.path(tmpdir, "xyz.xpt") attr(data_to_save$X, "") <- "foo" on.exit(unlink(tmpdir)) expect_warning(xportr_write(data_to_save, tmp, label = "label", strict_checks = FALSE)) }) test_that("xportr_write: expect warning when an xpt validation fails with strict_checks set to FALSE", { tmpdir <- tempdir() tmp <- file.path(tmpdir, "xyz.xpt") attr(data_to_save$X, "") <- "foo" on.exit(unlink(tmpdir)) expect_warning(xportr_write(data_to_save, tmp, label = "label", strict_checks = FALSE)) }) test_that("xportr_write: Capture errors by haven and report them as such", { tmpdir <- tempdir() tmp <- file.path(tmpdir, "xyz.xpt") attr(data_to_save$X, "") <- "E8601LXw.asdf" on.exit(unlink(tmpdir)) expect_error( suppressWarnings(xportr_write(data_to_save, tmp, label = "label", strict_checks = FALSE)), "Error reported by haven" ) })