skip_if_not_installed("grid") library("grid") test_that("get_xmp() / set_xmp()", { skip_if_not(supports_get_xmp() && supports_set_xmp()) # In non-Unicode locales "dc:rights" will have instead of copyright sign in snapshots skip_if_not(l10n_info()[["UTF-8"]]) skip_on_os("mac") # CRAN checks on macOS 14 f <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf") on.exit(unlink(f)) pdf(f) grid.text("Page 1") invisible( expect_snapshot(print(xmp())) set_xmp(xmp(), f) expect_snapshot(print(get_xmp(f)[[1]])) x <- xmp(alt_text = "An alternative image text", attribution_url = "", creator = "A creator", #### Vector create_date = "2020-10-10", # Digital document creation date creator_tool = "A creator tool", date_created = "2020", ext_description = "An extended description (for accessibility)\nWith newline", headline = "A headline", keywords = "R, xmpdf", modify_date = "2023-01-27T13:37:27.909812682-08:00[America/Los_Angeles]", more_permissions = "", producer = "R", description = "A description", title = "An XMP title", #### alt-lang spdx_id = "CC-BY-4.0", `Iptc4xmpCore:Location` = "A sublocation (legacy)", `dc:contributor` = "A contributor" ) x <- update(x, `dc:contributor` = "An updated contributor") expect_snapshot(print(x)) expect_snapshot(print(x, mode = "creative_commons")) expect_snapshot(print(x, mode = "google_images")) expect_snapshot(print(x, mode = "all")) expect_true(x$marked) expect_equal(x$get_item("dc:contributor"), "An updated contributor") expect_equal(x$get_item("Iptc4xmpCore:Location"), "A sublocation (legacy)") expect_equal(x$subject, c("R", "xmpdf")) xc <- x$clone() x$update(xc) set_xmp(x, f) x2 <- get_xmp(f)[[1]] expect_equal(x2$alt_text[["x-default"]], "An alternative image text") expect_equal(x2$ext_description[["x-default"]], "An extended description (for accessibility)\nWith newline") expect_equal(x2$rights[["x-default"]], "\u00a9 2020 A creator. Some rights reserved.") expect_equal(x2$subject, c("R", "xmpdf")) expect_equal(x2$title[["x-default"]], "An XMP title") expect_equal(x2$get_item("dc:contributor"), "An updated contributor") expect_equal(x2$get_item("Iptc4xmpCore:Location"), "A sublocation (legacy)") x2$set_item("x:XMPToolkit", NULL) # make reproducible expect_snapshot(print(x2)) x <- xmp(creator = c("Creator 1", "Creator 2")) set_xmp(x, f) x3 <- get_xmp(f)[[1]] expect_equal(x3$creator, c("Creator 1", "Creator 2")) }) test_that("auto_xmp", { x <- xmp(spdx_id = "CC-BY-SA-4.0") expect_true(x$marked) x$auto_xmp <- base::setdiff(x$auto_xmp, "xmpRights:Marked") expect_null(x$marked) x <- update(x, creator = "A creator", date_created = "2020-10-04") expect_equal(x$rights, "\u00a9 2020 A creator. Some rights reserved.") x$spdx_id <- "CC0-1.0" expect_equal(x$rights, "In the public domain. No rights reserved.") x$spdx_id <- NULL expect_equal(x$rights, "\u00a9 2020 A creator. All rights reserved.") }) test_that("get_xmp_exiftool() / set_xmp_exiftool()", { skip_if_not(supports_exiftool()) f <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf") on.exit(unlink(f)) pdf(f) grid.text("Page 1") invisible( x <- xmp(creator = "An XMP creator") x$title <- as_lang_alt(c("en" = "An English Title", "fr" = "A French Title"), default_lang = "en") set_xmp_exiftool(x, f) x <- get_xmp_exiftool(f, use_names = FALSE)[[1]] expect_equal(x$title[["x-default"]], "An English Title") expect_equal(x$title[["fr"]], "A French Title") }) test_that("as_xmp()", { df <- data.frame(`dc.Creator` = "John Doe", `dc:Title` = "A Title", check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) x <- as_xmp(df) expect_equal(x$title[["x-default"]], "A Title") })