skip_if_not_installed("grid") library("grid") f1 <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf") on.exit(unlink(f1)) pdf(f1, onefile = TRUE) grid.text("Page 1") grid.newpage() grid.text("Page 2") invisible( test_that("get_bookmarks", { skip_if_not(supports_get_bookmarks()) expect_equal(nrow(get_bookmarks(f1)[[1]]), 0L) }) test_that("set_bookmarks", { skip_if_not(supports_get_bookmarks()) skip_if_not(supports_set_bookmarks()) f2 <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf") on.exit(unlink(f2)) bookmarks <- get_bookmarks(f1)[[1]] set_bookmarks(bookmarks, f1, f2) expect_equal(nrow(get_bookmarks(f2)[[1]]), 0L) bookmarks <- data.frame(title = c("Page 1", "Page 2"), page = c(1L, 2L)) set_bookmarks(bookmarks, f1, f2) expect_equal(nrow(get_bookmarks(f2)[[1]]), 2L) bookmarks <- data.frame(title = "Page 2", page = c(2L)) set_bookmarks(bookmarks, f1, f2) expect_equal(nrow(get_bookmarks(f2)[[1]]), 1L) }) test_that("set_bookmarks_gs", { skip_if_not(supports_get_bookmarks()) skip_if_not(supports_gs()) f2 <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf") on.exit(unlink(f2)) bookmarks <- get_bookmarks(f1)[[1]] set_bookmarks_gs(bookmarks, f1, f2) expect_equal(nrow(get_bookmarks(f2)[[1]]), 0L) bookmarks <- data.frame(title = c("Page 1", "Page 2"), page = c(1L, 2L)) set_bookmarks_gs(bookmarks, f1, f2) expect_equal(nrow(get_bookmarks(f2)[[1]]), 2L) bookmarks <- data.frame(title = "Page 2", page = c(2L)) set_bookmarks_gs(bookmarks, f1, f2) expect_equal(nrow(get_bookmarks(f2)[[1]]), 1L) bookmarks <- data.frame(title = c("Front", "Page 1", "Page 2"), level = c(1, 2, 2), page = c(1L, 1L, 2L)) set_bookmarks_gs(bookmarks, f1, f2) expect_equal(nrow(get_bookmarks(f2)[[1]]), 3L) # Negative count (closed) bookmarks <- data.frame(title = c("Front", "Page 1", "Page 2"), page = c(1L, 1L, 2L), count = c(1L, -1L, 0), fontface = c("italic", "bold", "bold.italic"), color = c("black", "red", "blue")) set_bookmarks_gs(bookmarks, f1, f2) bm <- get_bookmarks(f2)[[1]] expect_equal(nrow(bm), 3L) expect_equal(attr(bm, "total_pages"), 2L) # Does Unicode work skip_if_not(l10n_info()[["UTF-8"]]) skip_on_os("mac") # CRAN checks on macOS 14 bookmarks <- data.frame(title = c("R\u5f88\u68d2\uff01", "Page 1", "Page 2"), level = c(1, 2, 2), page = c(1L, 1L, 2L)) set_bookmarks_gs(bookmarks, f2, f2) bm <- get_bookmarks(f2)[[1]] expect_equal(bm$title[1], "R\u5f88\u68d2\uff01") # Edit bookmarks of file with pre-existing bookmarks f3 <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf") on.exit(unlink(f3)) bookmarks <- data.frame(title = c("Page 1", "Page 2"), page = c(1L, 2L)) set_bookmarks_gs(bookmarks, f2, f3) expect_equal(nrow(get_bookmarks(f3)[[1]]), 2L) }) test_that("bookmarks_pdftk", { skip_if_not(supports_pdftk()) expect_equal(nrow(get_bookmarks(f1)[[1]]), 0L) f2 <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf") on.exit(unlink(f2)) bookmarks <- get_bookmarks(f1)[[1]] set_bookmarks_pdftk(bookmarks, f1, f2) expect_equal(nrow(get_bookmarks(f2)[[1]]), 0L) bookmarks <- data.frame(title = c("Page 1", "Page 2"), page = c(1L, 2L)) set_bookmarks_pdftk(bookmarks, f1, f2) expect_equal(nrow(get_bookmarks(f2)[[1]]), 2L) bookmarks <- data.frame(title = "Page 2", page = c(2L)) set_bookmarks_pdftk(bookmarks, f1, f2) expect_equal(nrow(get_bookmarks(f2)[[1]]), 1L) bookmarks <- data.frame(title = c("Front", "Page 1", "Page 2"), level = c(1, 2, 2), page = c(1L, 1L, 2L)) set_bookmarks_pdftk(bookmarks, f1, f2) expect_equal(nrow(get_bookmarks(f2)[[1]]), 3L) # Does Unicode work skip_if_not(l10n_info()[["UTF-8"]]) skip_on_os("mac") # CRAN checks on macOS 14 bookmarks <- data.frame(title = c("R\u5f88\u68d2\uff01", "Page 1", "Page 2"), level = c(1, 2, 2), page = c(1L, 1L, 2L)) set_bookmarks_pdftk(bookmarks, f2, f2) bm <- get_bookmarks_pdftk(f2)[[1]] expect_equal(bm$title[1], "R\u5f88\u68d2\uff01") # Test unsupported feature messages bookmarks <- data.frame(title = c("Front", "Page 1", "Page 2"), count = c(-1L, 1L, 0L), page = c(1L, 1L, 2L), fontface = c("italic", "bold", "plain"), color = c("black", "blue", "red")) expect_snapshot(set_bookmarks_pdftk(bookmarks, f1, f2)) # Edit bookmarks of file with pre-existing bookmarks f3 <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf") on.exit(unlink(f3)) bookmarks <- data.frame(title = c("Page 1", "Page 2"), page = c(1L, 2L)) set_bookmarks_pdftk(bookmarks, f2, f3) expect_equal(nrow(get_bookmarks(f3)[[1]]), 2L) }) test_that("bookmarks_pdftools", { skip_if_not(supports_pdftools()) expect_equal(nrow(get_bookmarks(f1)[[1]]), 0L) f2 <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf") on.exit(unlink(f2)) skip_if_not(supports_set_bookmarks()) bookmarks <- data.frame(title = c("Page 1", "Page 2"), page = c(1L, 2L)) set_bookmarks(bookmarks, f1, f2) expect_equal(nrow(get_bookmarks_pdftools(f2)[[1]]), 2L) bookmarks <- data.frame(title = "Page 2", page = c(2L)) set_bookmarks(bookmarks, f1, f2) expect_equal(nrow(get_bookmarks_pdftools(f2)[[1]]), 1L) bookmarks <- data.frame(title = c("Front", "Page 1", "Page 2"), level = c(1, 2, 2), page = c(1L, 1L, 2L)) set_bookmarks(bookmarks, f1, f2) expect_equal(nrow(get_bookmarks_pdftools(f2)[[1]]), 3L) # Does Unicode work skip_if_not(l10n_info()[["UTF-8"]]) skip_on_os("mac") # CRAN checks on macOS 14 bookmarks <- data.frame(title = c("R\u5f88\u68d2\uff01", "Page 1", "Page 2"), level = c(1, 2, 2), page = c(1L, 1L, 2L)) set_bookmarks(bookmarks, f2, f2) bm <- get_bookmarks_pdftools(f2)[[1]] expect_equal(bm$title[1], "R\u5f88\u68d2\uff01") }) test_that("`get_count()` and `get_level()`", { expect_equal(get_count(c(1, 2, 3, 2), c(TRUE, FALSE, NA, NA)), c(2, -1, 0, 0)) expect_equal(get_count(c(1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2), c(TRUE, FALSE, NA, TRUE, NA, FALSE, NA)), c(2, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0)) expect_error(get_level(c(2, 1, 0)), "mis-specified") expect_error(get_level(c(0, 0, 2)), "mis-specified") expect_equal(get_level(c(2, 1, 0, 0)), c(1, 2, 3, 2)) expect_equal(get_level(c(-2, 1, 0, 0)), c(1, 2, 3, 2)) }) test_that("`cat_bookmarks()` works", { skip_if_not(supports_get_bookmarks() && supports_set_bookmarks() && supports_pdftk()) bookmarks <- data.frame(title = c("Page 1", "Page 2"), page = c(1L, 2L)) f2 <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf") on.exit(unlink(f2)) set_bookmarks(bookmarks, f1, f2) f3 <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf") on.exit(unlink(f3)) set_bookmarks(bookmarks, f1, f3) l <- get_bookmarks(c(f2, f3)) bm <- cat_bookmarks(l, method = "flat") expect_equal(bm$page, 1:4) expect_equal(bm$title, c("Page 1", "Page 2", "Page 1", "Page 2")) bm <- cat_bookmarks(l, method = "filename") expect_equal(bm$page, c(1L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 4L)) expect_equal(bm$level, c(1L, 2L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 2L)) expect_equal(bm$count, c(2L, 0L, 0L, 2L, 0L, 0L)) expect_equal(bm$title, c(basename(f2), "Page 1", "Page 2", basename(f3), "Page 1", "Page 2")) bm <- cat_bookmarks(l, method = "title") expect_equal(bm$page, c(1L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 4L)) expect_equal(bm$level, c(1L, 2L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 2L)) expect_equal(bm$count, c(2L, 0L, 0L, 2L, 0L, 0L)) expect_equal(bm$title, c("R Graphics Output", "Page 1", "Page 2", "R Graphics Output", "Page 1", "Page 2")) })