test_that("write_xml errors for incorrect directory and with invalid inputs", { x <- read_xml("") filename <- "does_not_exist/test.xml" expect_error(write_xml(x, filename), "'does_not_exist' does not exist in current working directory") expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { write_xml(x, c("test.xml", "foo")) }) }) test_that("write_xml works with relative file paths", { x <- read_xml("") filename <- "../test.xml" on.exit(unlink(filename)) write_xml(x, filename, options = "no_declaration") expect_identical(readChar(filename, 1000L), "\n") }) test_that("write_xml works with no options", { x <- read_xml("") filename <- "../test.xml" on.exit(unlink(filename)) write_xml(x, filename, options = NULL) expect_identical(readChar(filename, 1000L), "\n\n") }) test_that("write_xml works with an explicit connections", { x <- read_xml("") filename <- "../test.xml" file <- file(filename, "wb") on.exit(unlink(filename)) write_xml(x, file, options = "no_declaration") close(file) expect_identical(readChar(filename, 1000L), "\n") }) test_that("write_xml works with an implicit connections", { x <- read_xml("") filename <- "../test.xml.gz" write_xml(x, filename, options = "no_declaration") file <- gzfile(filename, "rb") on.exit({ unlink(filename) close(file) }) expect_identical(readChar(file, 1000L), "\n") }) test_that("write_xml works with nodeset input and files", { x <- read_xml("") y <- xml_find_all(x, "//y") filename <- "../test.xml" on.exit(unlink(filename)) expect_error( write_xml(y, filename, options = "no_declaration"), "Can only save length 1 node sets" ) write_xml(y[1], filename, options = "no_declaration") expect_identical(readChar(filename, 1000L), "") }) test_that("write_xml works with nodeset input and connections", { x <- read_xml("") y <- xml_find_all(x, "//y") filename <- "../test.xml.gz" expect_error( write_xml(y, filename, options = "no_declaration"), "Can only save length 1 node sets" ) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { write_xml(y[1], c(filename, "foo")) }) write_xml(y[1], filename, options = "no_declaration") file <- gzfile(filename, "rb") on.exit({ unlink(filename) close(file) }) expect_identical(readChar(file, 1000L), "") }) test_that("write_xml works with node input and files", { x <- read_xml("") y <- xml_find_first(x, "//y") filename <- "../test.xml" expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, write_xml(y, c(filename, "foo"))) write_xml(y, filename, options = "no_declaration") on.exit(unlink(filename)) expect_identical(readChar(filename, 1000L), "") }) test_that("write_xml works with node input and connections", { x <- read_xml("") y <- xml_find_first(x, "//y") filename <- "../test.xml.gz" write_xml(y, filename, options = "no_declaration") file <- gzfile(filename, "rb") on.exit({ unlink(filename) close(file) }) expect_identical(readChar(file, 1000L), "") }) test_that("write_html work with html input", { x <- read_html("Foo") filename <- "../test.html.gz" write_html(x, filename) file <- gzfile(filename, "rb") on.exit({ unlink(filename) close(file) }) expect_identical( readChar(file, 1000L), "\n\n\nFoo\n\n" ) }) test_that("write_xml returns invisibly", { x <- read_xml("foo") tf <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(tf)) res <- withVisible(write_xml(x, tf)) expect_null(res$value) expect_false(res$visible) })