test_that("download_xml fails if curl is not installed", { skip("how to test error with `check_installed()`?") mockery::stub(download_xml, "requireNamespace", function(...) FALSE) expect_error( download_xml("http://httpbin.org/xml"), "`curl` must be installed to use `download_xml\\(\\)`" ) }) test_that("read_xml errors with an empty document", { expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { read_xml(character()) }) tf <- tempfile() file.create(tf) on.exit(unlink(tf)) expect_error(read_xml(tf), "Document is empty") }) test_that("read_html correctly parses malformed document", { lego <- read_html(test_path("lego.html.bz2")) expect_length(xml_find_all(lego, ".//p"), 39) }) test_that("parse_options errors when given an invalid option", { expect_error( parse_options("INVALID", xml_parse_options()), '`options` "INVALID" is not a valid option' ) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, read_html(test_path("lego.html.bz2"), options = "INVALID") ) # Empty inputs returned as 0 expect_identical(0L, parse_options("", xml_parse_options())) expect_identical(0L, parse_options(NULL, xml_parse_options())) # Numerics returned as integers expect_identical(12L, parse_options(12L, xml_parse_options())) expect_identical(12L, parse_options(12, xml_parse_options())) # Multiple inputs summed expect_identical(3L, parse_options(c("RECOVER", "NOENT"), xml_parse_options())) }) test_that("read_html properly passes parser arguments", { skip_if_not(libxml2_version() >= "2.9.2") blanks <- read_html(xml2_example("cd_catalog.xml"), options = c("RECOVER", "NOERROR")) expect_equal( as_list(blanks)$html$body$catalog$cd[[1]], "\r\n " ) no_blanks <- read_html(xml2_example("cd_catalog.xml"), options = c("RECOVER", "NOERROR", "NOBLANKS")) expect_equal( as_list(no_blanks)$html$body$catalog$cd[[1]], list("Empire Burlesque") ) }) test_that("read_xml works with httr response objects", { skip("httpbin is unreliable") x <- read_xml(httr::GET("http://httpbin.org/xml")) expect_s3_class(x, "xml_document") expect_length(xml_find_all(x, "//slide"), 2) }) test_that("read_xml and read_html fail for bad status codes", { skip("httpbin is unreliable") expect_error( read_xml(httr::GET("http://httpbin.org/status/404")), class = "http_404" ) expect_error( read_html(httr::GET("http://httpbin.org/status/404")), class = "http_404" ) }) test_that("read_xml works with raw inputs", { x <- read_xml("") expect_equal(xml_url(x), NA_character_) }) test_that("read_html works with non-ASCII encodings", { tmp <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(tmp)) writeLines("\U2019", tmp, useBytes = TRUE) res <- read_html(tmp, encoding = "UTF-8") expect_equal( as.character(res, options = ""), "\n\U2019\n" ) }) test_that("read_xml and read_html fail with > 1 input", { expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { read_xml(c("foo", "bar")) read_html(c("foo", "bar")) }) })