# Find one ---------------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("xml_find_first returns a missing object if no match", {
x <- read_xml("")
expect_equal(xml_find_first(x, ".//z"), xml_missing())
test_that("xml_find_first returns the first match if more than one match", {
x <- read_xml("")
y <- xml_find_first(x, ".//y")
expect_s3_class(y, "xml_node")
test_that("xml_find_first does not deduplicate identical results", {
x <- read_xml("")
y <- xml_find_all(x, ".//y")
z <- xml_find_first(y, "..")
expect_s3_class(z, "xml_nodeset")
expect_length(z, 2)
# Find all ---------------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("unqualified names don't look in default ns", {
x <- read_xml(test_path("ns-multiple-default.xml"))
expect_length(xml_find_all(x, "//bar"), 0)
test_that("qualified names matches to namespace", {
x <- read_xml(test_path("ns-multiple-default.xml"))
ns <- xml_ns(x)
expect_length(xml_find_all(x, "//d1:bar", ns), 1)
expect_length(xml_find_all(x, "//d2:bar", ns), 1)
test_that("warning if unknown namespace", {
x <- read_xml("")
expect_warning(xml_find_all(x, "//g:bar"), "Undefined namespace prefix"),
"evaluation failed"
test_that("no matches returns empty nodeset", {
x <- read_xml("")
expect_length(xml_find_all(x, "//baz"), 0)
test_that("xml_find_all returns nodeset or list of nodesets based on flatten", {
x <- read_xml("
Some text.
Some other text.
No bold here!
y <- xml_find_all(x, ".//p")
z <- xml_find_all(y, ".//b", flatten = FALSE)
expect_s3_class(xml_find_all(y, ".//b"), "xml_nodeset")
expect_type(z, "list")
expect_s3_class(z[[1L]], "xml_nodeset")
# Find num ---------------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("xml_find_num errors with non numeric results", {
x <- read_xml("")
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, {
xml_find_num(x, "//z")
xml_find_num(x, "//y")
xml_find_num(x, "1=1")
xml_find_num(x, "string(5)")
test_that("xml_find_num returns a numeric result", {
x <- read_xml("1")
expect_equal(xml_find_num(x, "1 div 0"), Inf)
expect_equal(xml_find_num(x, "-1 div 0"), -Inf)
expect_equal(xml_find_num(x, "0 div 0"), NaN)
expect_equal(xml_find_num(x, "1 div floor(-0.1)"), -1)
expect_equal(xml_find_num(x, "1 div floor(0)"), Inf)
expect_equal(xml_find_num(x, "1 div floor(-0)"), -Inf)
# Find int ---------------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("xml_find_int errors with non integer results", {
x <- read_xml("")
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, {
xml_find_int(x, "//z")
xml_find_int(x, "//y")
xml_find_int(x, "number(1.1)")
test_that("xml_find_int returns a integer result", {
x <- read_xml("1")
expect_identical(xml_find_int(x, "1 div floor(-0.1)"), -1L)
expect_identical(xml_find_int(x, "number(//y)"), 1L)
expect_identical(xml_find_int(x, "string-length(string('abcd'))"), 4L)
# Find chr ---------------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("xml_find_chr errors with non character results", {
x <- read_xml("")
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, {
xml_find_chr(x, "//z")
xml_find_chr(x, "//y")
xml_find_chr(x, "1=1")
xml_find_chr(x, "1+1")
test_that("xml_find_chr returns a character result", {
x <- read_xml("1")
expect_equal(xml_find_chr(x, "string(5)"), "5")
expect_equal(xml_find_chr(x, "string(0.5)"), "0.5")
expect_equal(xml_find_chr(x, "string(-0.5)"), "-0.5")
expect_equal(xml_find_chr(x, "concat(\"titi\", \"toto\")"), "tititoto")
expect_equal(xml_find_chr(x, "substring(\"12345\", 2, 3)"), "234")
expect_equal(xml_find_chr(x, "substring(\"12345\", 2)"), "2345")
expect_equal(xml_find_chr(x, "substring(\"12345\", -4)"), "12345")
# Find lgl ---------------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("xml_find_lgl errors with non logical results", {
x <- read_xml("")
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, {
xml_find_lgl(x, "//z")
xml_find_lgl(x, "//y")
xml_find_lgl(x, "string(5)")
xml_find_lgl(x, "1+1")
test_that("xml_find_lgl returns a logical result", {
x <- read_xml("1")
expect_true(xml_find_lgl(x, "1=1"))
expect_false(xml_find_lgl(x, "1!=1"))
expect_true(xml_find_lgl(x, "true()=true()"))
expect_false(xml_find_lgl(x, "true()=false()"))
expect_true(xml_find_lgl(x, "'test'='test'"))
test_that("Searches with empty inputs retain type stability", {
empty <- xml_nodeset()
expect_equal(xml_find_num(empty, "1 div 0"), integer())
expect_equal(xml_find_chr(empty, "string(0.5)"), character())
expect_equal(xml_find_lgl(empty, "1=1"), logical())
test_that("Searches with entities work (#241)", {
res <- read_xml(test_path("records.xml"), options = "DTDVALID")
field1 <- xml_find_all(res, "//field1")
expect_equal(xml_text(field1), "foo bar Quantitative Consultancy")
test_that("A helpful error is given from non-string xpath in xml_find_first/all", {
node <- read_xml("1")
expect_error(xml_find_all(node, 1), "XPath must be a string", fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(xml_find_first(node, 1), "XPath must be a string", fixed = TRUE)