test_that("modifying nodes works", {
x <- read_xml("")
node <- xml_find_first(x, "//x")
expect_equal(xml_name(node), "x")
.Call(node_set_name, node$node, "y")
expect_equal(xml_name(node), "y")
expect_equal(xml_text(node), "")
.Call(node_set_content, node$node, "test")
expect_equal(xml_text(node), "test")
test_that("xml_text<- only modifies text content", {
x <- read_xml("Text1text2")
expect_equal(xml_text(x), "Text1text2")
# will only change the first text by default
xml_text(x) <- "new_text1"
expect_equal(xml_text(x), "new_text1text2")
# You can change the second by explicitly selecting it
text_node <- xml_find_first(x, "//text()[2]")
xml_text(text_node) <- "new_text2"
expect_equal(xml_text(x), "new_text1new_text2")
test_that("xml_text<- creates new text nodes if needed", {
x <- read_xml("")
xml_text(x) <- "test"
expect_equal(xml_text(x), "test")
test_that("xml_remove removes nodes", {
x <- read_xml("123")
children <- xml_children(x)
t1 <- children[[1]]
xml_remove(children, free = TRUE)
expect_equal(xml_text(x), "")
test_that("xml_replace replaces nodes", {
x <- read_xml("123")
children <- xml_children(x)
t1 <- children[[1]]
t2 <- children[[2]]
t3 <- xml_children(children[[2]])[[1]]
expect_equal(xml_text(x), "123")
xml_replace(t1, t3)
expect_equal(xml_text(x), "323")
first_child <- xml_children(x)[[1]]
xml_replace(first_child, t1, .copy = FALSE)
expect_equal(xml_text(x), "123")
xml_remove(first_child, free = TRUE)
first_child <- xml_children(x)[[1]]
xml_replace(first_child, t3, .copy = FALSE)
expect_equal(xml_text(x), "32")
xml_remove(first_child, free = TRUE)
test_that("xml_replace works with nodesets", {
x <- read_xml("123")
children <- xml_children(x)
t1 <- children[[1]]
xml_replace(children, t1)
expect_equal(xml_text(x), "11")
test_that("xml_sibling adds a sibling node", {
x <- read_xml("123")
children <- xml_children(x)
t1 <- children[[1]]
t2 <- children[[2]]
t3 <- xml_children(children[[2]])[[1]]
xml_add_sibling(t1, t3)
expect_length(xml_siblings(t1), 2)
expect_equal(xml_text(x), "1323")
xml_add_sibling(t1, t3, .where = "before")
expect_length(xml_siblings(t1), 3)
expect_equal(xml_text(x), "31323")
children <- xml_children(x)
xml_add_sibling(children, t1)
expect_equal(xml_text(x), "311131231")
test_that("xml_add_child adds a child node", {
x <- read_xml("123")
children <- xml_children(x)
t1 <- children[[1]]
t2 <- children[[2]]
t3 <- xml_children(children[[2]])[[1]]
expect_length(xml_children(t1), 0)
xml_add_child(t1, t3, .copy = TRUE)
expect_length(xml_children(t1), 1)
expect_equal(xml_text(x), "1323")
children <- xml_children(x)
xml_add_child(children, t1)
expect_equal(xml_text(x), "1313231313")
test_that("xml_add_child can create a new default namespace", {
x <- xml_root(xml_add_child(xml_new_document(), "foo", xmlns = "bar"))
expect_equal(unclass(xml_ns(x)), c(d1 = "bar"))
test_that("xml_add_child can create a new prefixed namespace", {
x <- xml_root(xml_add_child(xml_new_document(), "foo", "xmlns:bar" = "baz"))
expect_equal(unclass(xml_ns(x)), c(bar = "baz"))
test_that("xml_add_child can create a new attribute", {
x <- xml_add_child(xml_new_document(), "foo", "bar" = "baz")
expect_equal(xml_attr(x, "bar"), "baz")
test_that("xml_add_child can create new text", {
x <- xml_add_child(xml_new_document(), "foo", "bar")
expect_equal(xml_text(x), "bar")
test_that("xml_add_child can create a new node with the specified prefix", {
x <- xml_root(xml_add_child(xml_new_document(), "foo", "xmlns:bar" = "baz"))
t1 <- xml_add_child(x, "bar:qux")
expect_equal(xml_name(t1), "qux")
expect_equal(xml_name(t1, xml_ns(x)), "bar:qux")
test_that("xml_add_child can create a new node with the specified prefix", {
x <- xml_root(xml_add_child(xml_new_document(), "foo", "xmlns:bar" = "baz"))
expect_error(xml_add_child(x, "bar2:qux"), "No namespace with prefix `bar2` found")
# https://github.com/r-lib/xml2/issues/284
test_that("xml_add_child can create a new node with attribute named 'par'", {
x <- xml_new_root("foo")
t1 <- xml_add_child(x, "a", "par" = "b")
expect_true(xml_has_attr(t1, "par"))
test_that("xml_add_parent works with xml_node input", {
x <- read_xml("")
y <- xml_find_first(x, ".//y")
xml_add_parent(y, "z")
expect_equal(xml_name(xml_parent(y)), "z")
expect_equal(xml_name(xml_child(x)), "z")
test_that("xml_add_parent works with xml_nodeset input", {
x <- read_xml("")
y <- xml_find_all(x, ".//y")
xml_add_parent(y, "z")
expect_equal(xml_name(xml_parent(y)), c("z", "z"))
expect_equal(xml_name(xml_child(x)), "z")
test_that("xml_add_parent works with xml_missing input", {
x <- read_xml("
Some text.
Some other.
No bold text
y <- xml_find_all(x, ".//p")
z <- xml_find_first(y, ".//b")
xml_add_parent(z, "em")
expect_equal(xml_name(xml_parent(z)), c("em", "em"))
expect_equal(xml_name(xml_children(y)), c("em", "em"))
test_that("xml_new_document adds a default character encoding", {
x <- read_xml("\u00E1\u00FC\u00EE")
expect_equal(as.character(x), "\n\u00E1\u00FC\u00EE\n")
x2 <- xml_new_document()
xml_add_child(x2, "root", "\u00E1\u00FC\u00EE")
expect_equal(as.character(x2), "\n\u00E1\u00FC\u00EE\n")
test_that("xml_new_root is equivalent to using xml_new_document xml_add_child", {
x1 <- xml_add_child(xml_new_document(), "foo", "bar")
x2 <- xml_new_root("foo", "bar")
expect_identical(as.character(x1), as.character(x2))
test_that("xml_add_child can insert anywhere in the child list", {
x <- read_xml("")
xml_add_child(x, "z")
expect_equal(c("z"), xml_name(xml_children(x)))
xml_add_child(x, "w", .where = 0)
expect_equal(c("w", "z"), xml_name(xml_children(x)))
xml_add_child(x, "y", .where = 1)
expect_equal(c("w", "y", "z"), xml_name(xml_children(x)))
xml_add_child(x, "x", .where = 1)
expect_equal(c("w", "x", "y", "z"), xml_name(xml_children(x)))
test_that("xml_add_child can insert anywhere in a nodeset", {
x <- read_xml("
Some text.
Some other.
No bold text
y <- xml_find_all(x, ".//p")
z <- xml_find_first(y, ".//b")
xml_add_child(z, "bar")
xml_add_child(z, "foo", .where = 0)
expect_equal(c("foo", "bar", "foo", "bar"), xml_name(xml_children(z)))
test_that("Can write root nodes with namespaces", {
x <- xml_new_root("foo:bar", "xmlns:foo" = "http://foo/bar")
expect_equal(unclass(xml_ns(x)), c(foo = "http://foo/bar"))
expect_equal(as.character(xml_find_first(x, "/*")), "")