library(Matrix) context("testing xgb.DMatrix functionality") data(agaricus.test, package = "xgboost") test_data <- agaricus.test$data[1:100, ] test_label <- agaricus.test$label[1:100] n_threads <- 2 test_that("xgb.DMatrix: basic construction", { # from sparse matrix dtest1 <- xgb.DMatrix(test_data, label = test_label, nthread = n_threads) # from dense matrix dtest2 <- xgb.DMatrix(as.matrix(test_data), label = test_label, nthread = n_threads) expect_equal(getinfo(dtest1, "label"), getinfo(dtest2, "label")) expect_equal(dim(dtest1), dim(dtest2)) # from dense integer matrix int_data <- as.matrix(test_data) storage.mode(int_data) <- "integer" dtest3 <- xgb.DMatrix(int_data, label = test_label, nthread = n_threads) expect_equal(dim(dtest1), dim(dtest3)) n_samples <- 100 X <- cbind( x1 = sample(x = 4, size = n_samples, replace = TRUE), x2 = sample(x = 4, size = n_samples, replace = TRUE), x3 = sample(x = 4, size = n_samples, replace = TRUE) ) X <- matrix(X, nrow = n_samples) y <- rbinom(n = n_samples, size = 1, prob = 1 / 2) fd <- xgb.DMatrix(X, label = y, missing = 1, nthread = n_threads) dgc <- as(X, "dgCMatrix") fdgc <- xgb.DMatrix(dgc, label = y, missing = 1.0, nthread = n_threads) dgr <- as(X, "dgRMatrix") fdgr <- xgb.DMatrix(dgr, label = y, missing = 1, nthread = n_threads) params <- list(tree_method = "hist", nthread = n_threads) bst_fd <- xgb.train( params, nrounds = 8, fd, watchlist = list(train = fd) ) bst_dgr <- xgb.train( params, nrounds = 8, fdgr, watchlist = list(train = fdgr) ) bst_dgc <- xgb.train( params, nrounds = 8, fdgc, watchlist = list(train = fdgc) ) raw_fd <-, raw_format = "ubj") raw_dgr <-, raw_format = "ubj") raw_dgc <-, raw_format = "ubj") expect_equal(raw_fd, raw_dgr) expect_equal(raw_fd, raw_dgc) }) test_that("xgb.DMatrix: NA", { n_samples <- 3 x <- cbind( x1 = sample(x = 4, size = n_samples, replace = TRUE), x2 = sample(x = 4, size = n_samples, replace = TRUE) ) x[1, "x1"] <- NA m <- xgb.DMatrix(x, nthread = n_threads), "int.dmatrix") x <- matrix(as.numeric(x), nrow = n_samples, ncol = 2) colnames(x) <- c("x1", "x2") m <- xgb.DMatrix(x, nthread = n_threads), "float.dmatrix") iconn <- file("int.dmatrix", "rb") fconn <- file("float.dmatrix", "rb") expect_equal(file.size("int.dmatrix"), file.size("float.dmatrix")) bytes <- file.size("int.dmatrix") idmatrix <- readBin(iconn, "raw", n = bytes) fdmatrix <- readBin(fconn, "raw", n = bytes) expect_equal(length(idmatrix), length(fdmatrix)) expect_equal(idmatrix, fdmatrix) close(iconn) close(fconn) file.remove("int.dmatrix") file.remove("float.dmatrix") }) test_that("xgb.DMatrix: saving, loading", { # save to a local file dtest1 <- xgb.DMatrix(test_data, label = test_label, nthread = n_threads) tmp_file <- tempfile('xgb.DMatrix_') on.exit(unlink(tmp_file)) expect_true(, tmp_file)) # read from a local file expect_output(dtest3 <- xgb.DMatrix(tmp_file), "entries loaded from") expect_output(dtest3 <- xgb.DMatrix(tmp_file, silent = TRUE), NA) unlink(tmp_file) expect_equal(getinfo(dtest1, 'label'), getinfo(dtest3, 'label')) # from a libsvm text file tmp <- c("0 1:1 2:1", "1 3:1", "0 1:1") tmp_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".libsvm") writeLines(tmp, tmp_file) expect_true(file.exists(tmp_file)) dtest4 <- xgb.DMatrix( paste(tmp_file, "?format=libsvm", sep = ""), silent = TRUE, nthread = n_threads ) expect_equal(dim(dtest4), c(3, 4)) expect_equal(getinfo(dtest4, 'label'), c(0, 1, 0)) # check that feature info is saved data(agaricus.train, package = 'xgboost') dtrain <- xgb.DMatrix( data = agaricus.train$data, label = agaricus.train$label, nthread = n_threads ) cnames <- colnames(dtrain) expect_equal(length(cnames), 126) tmp_file <- tempfile('xgb.DMatrix_'), tmp_file) dtrain <- xgb.DMatrix(tmp_file) expect_equal(colnames(dtrain), cnames) ft <- rep(c("c", "q"), each = length(cnames) / 2) setinfo(dtrain, "feature_type", ft) expect_equal(ft, getinfo(dtrain, "feature_type")) }) test_that("xgb.DMatrix: getinfo & setinfo", { dtest <- xgb.DMatrix(test_data, nthread = n_threads) expect_true(setinfo(dtest, 'label', test_label)) labels <- getinfo(dtest, 'label') expect_equal(test_label, getinfo(dtest, 'label')) expect_true(setinfo(dtest, 'label_lower_bound', test_label)) expect_equal(test_label, getinfo(dtest, 'label_lower_bound')) expect_true(setinfo(dtest, 'label_upper_bound', test_label)) expect_equal(test_label, getinfo(dtest, 'label_upper_bound')) expect_true(length(getinfo(dtest, 'weight')) == 0) expect_true(length(getinfo(dtest, 'base_margin')) == 0) expect_true(setinfo(dtest, 'weight', test_label)) expect_true(setinfo(dtest, 'base_margin', test_label)) expect_true(setinfo(dtest, 'group', c(50, 50))) expect_error(setinfo(dtest, 'group', test_label)) # providing character values will give an error expect_error(setinfo(dtest, 'weight', rep('a', nrow(test_data)))) # any other label should error expect_error(setinfo(dtest, 'asdf', test_label)) }) test_that("xgb.DMatrix: slice, dim", { dtest <- xgb.DMatrix(test_data, label = test_label, nthread = n_threads) expect_equal(dim(dtest), dim(test_data)) dsub1 <- slice(dtest, 1:42) expect_equal(nrow(dsub1), 42) expect_equal(ncol(dsub1), ncol(test_data)) dsub2 <- dtest[1:42, ] expect_equal(dim(dtest), dim(test_data)) expect_equal(getinfo(dsub1, 'label'), getinfo(dsub2, 'label')) }) test_that("xgb.DMatrix: slice, trailing empty rows", { data(agaricus.train, package = 'xgboost') train_data <- agaricus.train$data train_label <- agaricus.train$label dtrain <- xgb.DMatrix( data = train_data, label = train_label, nthread = n_threads ) slice(dtrain, 6513L) train_data[6513, ] <- 0 dtrain <- xgb.DMatrix( data = train_data, label = train_label, nthread = n_threads ) slice(dtrain, 6513L) expect_equal(nrow(dtrain), 6513) }) test_that("xgb.DMatrix: colnames", { dtest <- xgb.DMatrix(test_data, label = test_label, nthread = n_threads) expect_equal(colnames(dtest), colnames(test_data)) expect_error(colnames(dtest) <- 'asdf') new_names <- make.names(seq_len(ncol(test_data))) expect_silent(colnames(dtest) <- new_names) expect_equal(colnames(dtest), new_names) expect_silent(colnames(dtest) <- NULL) expect_null(colnames(dtest)) }) test_that("xgb.DMatrix: nrow is correct for a very sparse matrix", { set.seed(123) nr <- 1000 x <- Matrix::rsparsematrix(nr, 100, density = 0.0005) # we want it very sparse, so that last rows are empty expect_lt(max(x@i), nr) dtest <- xgb.DMatrix(x, nthread = n_threads) expect_equal(dim(dtest), dim(x)) }) test_that("xgb.DMatrix: print", { data(agaricus.train, package = 'xgboost') # core DMatrix with just data and labels dtrain <- xgb.DMatrix( data = agaricus.train$data, label = agaricus.train$label, nthread = n_threads ) txt <- capture.output({ print(dtrain) }) expect_equal(txt, "xgb.DMatrix dim: 6513 x 126 info: label colnames: yes") # verbose=TRUE prints feature names txt <- capture.output({ print(dtrain, verbose = TRUE) }) expect_equal(txt[[1L]], "xgb.DMatrix dim: 6513 x 126 info: label colnames:") expect_equal(txt[[2L]], sprintf("'%s'", paste(colnames(dtrain), collapse = "','"))) # DMatrix with weights and base_margin dtrain <- xgb.DMatrix( data = agaricus.train$data, label = agaricus.train$label, weight = seq_along(agaricus.train$label), base_margin = agaricus.train$label, nthread = n_threads ) txt <- capture.output({ print(dtrain) }) expect_equal(txt, "xgb.DMatrix dim: 6513 x 126 info: label weight base_margin colnames: yes") # DMatrix with just features dtrain <- xgb.DMatrix( data = agaricus.train$data, nthread = n_threads ) txt <- capture.output({ print(dtrain) }) expect_equal(txt, "xgb.DMatrix dim: 6513 x 126 info: NA colnames: yes") # DMatrix with no column names data_no_colnames <- agaricus.train$data colnames(data_no_colnames) <- NULL dtrain <- xgb.DMatrix( data = data_no_colnames, nthread = n_threads ) txt <- capture.output({ print(dtrain) }) expect_equal(txt, "xgb.DMatrix dim: 6513 x 126 info: NA colnames: no") })