library(testit) assert('is_blank() tests if a vector is blank', { (is_blank('')) (is_blank(NULL) %==% logical(0)) (is_blank(c('', ' ', '\n', '\t'))) (!is_blank('abc')) (is_blank(c('', 'abc')) %==% c(TRUE, FALSE)) }) assert('n2w converts numbers to words', { (n2w(0) %==% 'zero') # cap capitalizes the first letter (n2w(0, cap = TRUE) %==% 'Zero') # hyphen adds '-' for 21-99 (except 30, 40, ...) (n2w(21, cap = TRUE, hyphen = TRUE) %==% 'Twenty-one') (n2w(21, cap = TRUE, hyphen = FALSE) %==% 'Twenty one') # x can be negative integers (n2w(-21, cap = TRUE, hyphen = TRUE) %==% 'Minus twenty-one') (n2w(-21, cap = TRUE, hyphen = FALSE) %==% 'Minus twenty one') # and controls whether to have 'add' between hundreds and double digits (n2w(121, and = FALSE) %==% 'one hundred twenty-one') (n2w(121, and = TRUE) %==% 'one hundred and twenty-one') # x can be a vector with length > 1 (n2w(c(10, 13, 99, 1e6)) %==% c('ten', 'thirteen', 'ninety-nine', 'one million')) # the number should be less than 1e15 (has_error(n2w(1e15))) }) assert('join_words() joins multiple words into a single string', { jw = function(...) unclass(join_words(...)) (jw(NULL) %==% character()) (jw(c('a')) %==% 'a') (jw(c('a', 'b')) %==% 'a and b') (jw(c('a', 'b'), and = "") %==% 'a, b') (jw(c('a', 'b', 'c')) %==% 'a, b, and c') (jw(c('a', 'b', 'c'), and = '') %==% 'a, b, c') (jw(c('a', 'b', 'c'), ' / ', '') %==% 'a / b / c') (jw(c('a', 'b', 'c'), before = '"') %==% '"a", "b", and "c"') (jw(c('a', 'b', 'c'), before = '``', after = "''") %==% "``a'', ``b'', and ``c''") (jw(c('a', 'b', 'c'), before = '``', after = "''", oxford_comma = FALSE) %==% "``a'', ``b'' and ``c''") rm(list = 'jw') }) assert('split_lines() splits a character vector into lines', { (split_lines('a') %==% 'a') (split_lines('') %==% '') (split_lines(NULL) %==% NULL) (split_lines('a\n') %==% c('a', '')) (split_lines(c('a', 'b\nc')) %==% c('a', 'b', 'c')) (split_lines(c('', '\n')) %==% c('', '', '')) (split_lines('a\nb') %==% c('a', 'b')) (split_lines('a\nb\n\n') %==% c('a', 'b', '', '')) (split_lines(c('a\nb', '', ' ', 'c')) %==% c('a', 'b', '', ' ', 'c')) }) assert('split_source() puts lines of the same expression into a list element', { (split_source('1+1') %==% list('1+1')) (split_source(c('1+1+', '1')) %==% list(c('1+1+', '1'))) (split_source(c('1+1+', '1', 'TRUE')) %==% list(c('1+1+', '1'), 'TRUE')) x = c('# a', '# b', '1', '# c', 'if (T)', 'F') (split_source(x) %==% c(as.list(x[1:4]), list(x[5:6]))) (split_source(x, merge_comments = TRUE) %==% list(x[1:3], x[4:6])) x = c(x, '1+1') (split_source(x, TRUE, line_number = TRUE)[2:3] %==% list( structure(x[4:6], lines = c(4L, 6L)), structure(x[7], lines = c(7L, 7L)) )) }) assert('split_source() should signal an error for incomplete code', { (has_error(split_source('1+1+'))) (has_error(split_source(c('1+1', '1+1+')))) }) assert('valid_syntax() tells if a code fragment is syntactically valid', { (valid_syntax('1+1')) (!valid_syntax('1+1+')) (valid_syntax('if(TRUE)1')) (!valid_syntax(c('if(T){', 'F'))) (valid_syntax(c('if(T){', 'F}'))) }) assert('alnum_id() generates ID strings', { x = c('Hello world 123!', 'a &b*^##c 456') (alnum_id(x) %==% c('hello-world-123', 'a-b-c-456')) (alnum_id(x, '[^[:alpha:]]+') %==% c('hello-world', 'a-b-c')) })