library(testit) assert('file_ext() and sans_ext() work', { p = c('abc.doc', 'def123.tex#', 'path/to/foo.Rmd', 'backup.ppt~', 'pkg.tar.xz') (file_ext(p) %==% c('doc', 'tex#', 'Rmd', 'ppt~', 'tar.xz')) (sans_ext(p) %==% c('abc', 'def123', 'path/to/foo', 'backup', 'pkg')) (file_ext(c('', 'foo', 'file.nb.html')) %==% c('gz', '', 'nb.html')) # some special extensions p = c('abc.c++', 'def.c--', 'ghi.e##', 'jkl.FB2K-COMPONENT', 'mno.WITNESS_CAMPAIGN', 'pqr.H!') (file_ext(p, '-+!_#') %==% c('c++', 'c--', 'e##', 'FB2K-COMPONENT', 'WITNESS_CAMPAIGN', 'H!')) # by default, these extensions are not recognized (file_ext(p) %==% character(length(p))) }) assert('with_ext() works for corner cases', { (with_ext(character(), 'abc') %==% character()) (with_ext('abc', character()) %==% 'abc') (with_ext(NA_character_, 'abc') %==% NA_character_) (has_error(with_ext('abc', NA_character_))) (with_ext('abc', c('d', 'e')) %==% c('abc.d', 'abc.e')) (has_error(with_ext(c('a', 'b'), c('d', 'e', 'f')))) (with_ext(c('a', 'b'), c('d', 'e')) %==% c('a.d', 'b.e')) (with_ext(c('a', 'b'), c('d')) %==% c('a.d', 'b.d')) (with_ext(c('a', 'b', 'c'), c('', '.d', 'e.e')) %==% c('a', 'b.d', 'c.e.e')) }) assert('same_path() works', { ('~/foo', NA_character_))) (, '~/foo'))) (same_path('~/foo', file.path(Sys.getenv('HOME'), 'foo'))) (!same_path(tempdir(), 'foo')) }) assert('normalize_path() works', { f1 = tempfile() writeLines('test symlink', f1) f2 = paste0(f1, '~') res = file.symlink(f1, f2) # this may fail (on Windows), i.e., res = FALSE # resolve symlink by default (!res || basename(normalize_path(f2)) %==% basename(f1)) # do not resolve symlink (!res || basename(normalize_path(f2, resolve_symlink = FALSE)) %==% basename(f2)) # resolve_symlink = FALSE should work with inputs like . and .. (normalize_path(c('.', '..'), resolve_symlink = FALSE) %==% normalize_path(c('.', '..'))) }) assert('url_filename() returns the file names in URLs', { (url_filename('') %==% 'logo.png') (url_filename(c( '', '', '' )) %==% rep('index.html', 3)) }) assert('is_abs_path() recognizes absolute paths on Windows and *nix', { (!is_abs_path('abc/def')) (is_abs_path(if (.Platform$OS.type == 'windows') { c('D:\\abc', '\\\\netdrive\\somewhere') } else '/abc/def')) }) assert('del_empty_dir() correctly deletes empty dirs', { # do nothing is NULL (del_empty_dir(NULL) %==% NULL) # remove if empty dir.create(temp_dir <- tempfile()) del_empty_dir(temp_dir) (!dir_exists(temp_dir)) # do not remove if not empty dir.create(temp_dir <- tempfile()) writeLines('test', tempfile(tmpdir = temp_dir)) (del_empty_dir(temp_dir) %==% NULL) (dir_exists(temp_dir)) unlink(temp_dir, recursive = TRUE) }) assert('mark_dirs add trailing / when necessary', { local({ dir.create(tmp_dir <- tempfile()) tmp_dir_slash = paste0(tmp_dir, "/") file.create(tmp_file <- tempfile(tmpdir = tmp_dir)) (mark_dirs(c(tmp_dir, tmp_file)) %==% c(tmp_dir_slash, tmp_file)) (mark_dirs(c(tmp_dir_slash, tmp_file)) %==% c(tmp_dir_slash, tmp_file)) unlink(tmp_dir, recursive = TRUE) }) }) assert("relative_path() works", { (relative_path(c('foo/bar.txt', 'foo/baz.txt'), 'foo/') %==% c("bar.txt", "baz.txt")) (relative_path('foo/bar.txt', 'foo') %==% "bar.txt") }) assert("proj_root() works", { # detect .Rproj root dir.create(tmp_dir <- tempfile()) tmp_dir_slash <- paste0(tmp_dir, "/") file.create(f1 <- file.path(tmp_dir, "test.Rproj")) writeLines(c("Version: 1.2.3", "test: 321"), f1) (same_path(proj_root(tmp_dir), tmp_dir) %==% TRUE) unlink(f1) # detect package root file.create(f2 <- file.path(tmp_dir, "DESCRIPTION")) writeLines(c("Package: abc", "test: 321"), f2) dir.create(tmp_dir_child <- tempfile(tmpdir = tmp_dir)) (same_path(proj_root(tmp_dir_child), tmp_dir) %==% TRUE) unlink(tmp_dir, recursive = TRUE) })