library(testit) assert('sample2() does not make an exception on length-1 x', { (sample2(5, 2) %==% c(5, 5)) (length(sample2(1:5, 2)) == 2) }) assert('highlight_code handles {{ .code. }} and ...code #<< formats', { (highlight_code('{{paste(1)}}') %==% '*paste(1)') (highlight_code('paste(1) #<<') %==% '*paste(1)') (highlight_code(' {{paste(1)}}') %==% '* paste(1)') (highlight_code(' paste(1) #<<') %==% '*paste(1)') (highlight_code('{{paste(1)}} # }} not at the end') %==% '{{paste(1)}} # }} not at the end') (highlight_code('{{paste(1)}} #<<') %==% '*{{paste(1)}}') (highlight_code('*paste(1) #<<') %==% '*paste(1) #<<') (highlight_code('paste(1) #comment #<<') %==% '*paste(1) #comment') (highlight_code('paste(1) #<< ') %==% '*paste(1)') (highlight_code('paste(1) #<< ') %==% '*paste(1)') (highlight_code(' paste(1) #<<') %==% '* paste(1)') (highlight_code('* paste(1) #<<') %==% '* paste(1) #<<') (highlight_code('paste(1)#<<') %==% '*paste(1)') # A space is added in following (can't overwrite first space when 2nd char is *) (highlight_code(' * paste(1) #<<') %==% '* * paste(1)') }) test_uri = '' clean_env_images() assert('encode_images() identifies images, process their paths, and stores base64 data', { (encode_images('background-image: url(1x1.gif)') %==% paste0('background-image: url(', url_token, '1x1.gif)')) (env_images[['1x1.gif']] %==% test_uri) (encode_images('background-image: url(./1x1.gif)') %==% paste0('background-image: url(', url_token, './1x1.gif)')) (env_images[['./1x1.gif']] %==% test_uri) (encode_images('testing ') %==% paste0('testing ')) (encode_images('testing ![test](1x1.gif)') %==% paste0('testing ![test](', url_token, '1x1.gif)')) # the image doesn't exist (encode_images('testing ![test](2x2.gif)') %==% 'testing ![test](2x2.gif)') (is.null(env_images[['2x2.gif']])) # incorrect Markdown syntax (encode_images('testing !()[1x1.gif]') %==% 'testing !()[1x1.gif]') # surrounded by backticks (encode_images('testing `!()[1x1.gif]`') %==% 'testing `!()[1x1.gif]`') (encode_images('testing ``') %==% 'testing ``') }) # this requires Internet connection, so only run in CI environments like Travis if (!'NOT_CRAN', NA))) assert('encode_images() works with online images', { (encode_images("background-image: url(") %==% paste0("background-image: url(", url_token, "")) (env_images[['']] %==% test_uri) }) clean_env_images()