##' testthat test to see if generated logfile stays the same ##' ##' @author Raphael Winkelmann context("test logging capabilities") test_that("logging file content is the same as hard coded string", { str = "beginTime : 0 \ncenterTime : FALSE \nendTime : 0 \nwindowShift : 5 \nwindowSize : 20 \neffectiveLength : TRUE \nwindow : BLACKMAN \nanalysisOrder : 0 \nenergyNormalization : FALSE \nlengthNormalization : FALSE \ntoFile : FALSE \nexplicitExt : \noutputDirectory : \nforceToLog : TRUE \nverbose : FALSE \n => on files:" altDir = tempdir() path2log = paste(altDir, "/wrasspTESTTHATlog.txt", sep="") if(file.exists(path2log)){ unlink(path2log) } wavFiles <- list.files(system.file("extdata", package = "wrassp"), pattern = glob2rx("*.wav"), full.names = TRUE) for (func in names(wrasspOutputInfos)){ for(wavFile in wavFiles[1]){ funcFormals = formals(func) funcFormals$listOfFiles = wavFile funcFormals$toFile = FALSE funcFormals$forceToLog = TRUE funcFormals$verbose = FALSE funcFormals$optLogFilePath = path2log res = do.call(func,as.list(funcFormals)) } } lines = suppressWarnings(readLines(path2log)) logFileStr = paste(lines[6:21],collapse="\n") expect_that(logFileStr, equals(str)) expect_that(grep("######## zcrana performed ########", lines), equals(244)) blackGrep = grep("window : BLACKMAN ", lines) == c(12, 64, 82, 101, 168, 189, 211) expect_that(sum(blackGrep), equals(7)) unlink(path2log) })