test_that("Checking multiple parameters in anlz_gam", { rawdatchk <- rawdat %>% dplyr::filter(station %in% 32) expect_error(anlz_gam(rawdatchk), 'More than one parameter found in input data') }) test_that("Checking multiple stations anlz_gam", { rawdatchk <- rawdat %>% dplyr::filter(param %in% 'chl') %>% dplyr::filter(yr > 2015) %>% dplyr::filter(station %in% c(32, 34)) expect_error(anlz_gam(rawdatchk), 'More than one station found in input data') }) test_that("Checkout output of anlz_gam", { result <- anlz_gam(tomod) expect_is(result, 'gam') }) test_that("Checkout output of anlz_gam, knot reduction if knots too high", { result <- anlz_gam(tomod, kts = 1000) expect_is(result, 'gam') })