if(FALSE){ library(targets) test_that("targets works with apa6", { scoped_temporary_project() # browser() unlink("R", recursive = TRUE) worcs::worcs_project(path = ".", manuscript = "github_document", preregistration = "None", add_license = "None", use_renv = FALSE, use_targets = TRUE, use_git = FALSE ) lnz <- readLines("_targets.R") lnz[grep("tarchetypes::", lnz, fixed = TRUE)] <- gsub(")", ", cue = tar_cue(mode = 'always'))", lnz[grep("tarchetypes::", lnz, fixed = TRUE)], fixed = TRUE) writeLines(lnz, "_targets.R") # It seems like it's necessary to first render individual output chunks, # then render the manuscript, # and THEN it's possible to render the manuscript using tar_make() tryCatch(targets::tar_make(), error = function(e){}, warning = function(w){}) # expect_true(file.exists("manuscript/manuscript.html")) tryCatch(rmarkdown::render("manuscript/manuscript.Rmd"), error = function(e){}, warning = function(w){}) expect_true(file.exists("manuscript/manuscript.html")) if(file.exists("manuscript/manuscript.html")){ file.remove("manuscript/manuscript.html") } cat(readLines("_targets.R")) print(list.files("./manuscript")) tryCatch(targets::tar_make(), error = function(e){}, warning = function(w){}) expect_true(file.exists("manuscript/manuscript.html")) }) # test_that("targets works with renv", { # scoped_temporary_project() # worcs::worcs_project(path = ".", # manuscript = "github_document", # preregistration = "None", # add_license = "None", # use_renv = TRUE, # use_targets = TRUE, # use_git = FALSE # ) # tryCatch(targets::tar_make(), error = function(e){}, warning = function(w){}) # # expect_true(file.exists("manuscript/manuscript.html")) # # }) # test_that("targets works with target markdown", { scoped_temporary_project() unlink("R", recursive = TRUE) worcs::worcs_project(path = ".", manuscript = "target_markdown", preregistration = "None", add_license = "None", use_renv = FALSE, use_git = FALSE ) # file.remove(file.path(test_dir, "_targets.rmd")) if(file.exists("_targets.r")){ file.remove("_targets.r") } linz <- c("---", " title: \"Target Markdown\"", " output: html_document", "---", "", "```{r setup, include = FALSE}", "knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = \"#>\")", "```", "", "# Setup", "", "bla", "", "```{r}", "library(targets)", "tar_unscript()", "```", "", "# Targets", "", "bla", "", "```{targets raw-data}", "tar_target(raw_data, airquality)", "```", "", "blbaal", "", "```{targets downstream-targets}", "list(", " tar_target(data, {raw_data[complete.cases(airquality), ]}),", " tar_target(hist, hist(data$Ozone))", ")", "```", "", "try this now", "", "```{targets fit, tar_simple = TRUE}", "lm(Ozone ~ Wind + Temp, data)", "```", "", "# Pipeline", "", "run everything", "", "```{r}", "tar_make()", "```", "", "# Output", "", "get results", "", "```{r, message = FALSE}", "tar_read(fit)", "```", "", "```{r}", "tar_read(hist)", "```", "", "", "interactive") cat(linz, file = "_targets.Rmd", append = FALSE, sep = "\n") tryCatch(rmarkdown::render("_targets.Rmd"), error = function(e){}, warning = function(w){}) expect_true(file.exists("_targets.html")) if(file.exists("_targets.html")){ file.remove("_targets.html") } tryCatch(worcs::reproduce(check_endpoints = FALSE), error = function(e){}, warning = function(w){}) expect_true(file.exists("_targets.html")) }) }