# SETUP ---- PACKAGES <- read_to_string("extdata", "PACKAGES") PACKAGES_2 <- read_to_string("extdata", "misc_PACKAGES") # READ ALL ---- cynkra_all <- read_dcf(PACKAGES) misc_all <- read_dcf(PACKAGES_2) test_that("read_dcf() returns a list of lists", { expect_vector(cynkra_all, ptype = list()) for (x in cynkra_all) { expect_vector(x, ptype = list()) } expect_vector(misc_all, ptype = list()) for (x in misc_all) { expect_vector(x, ptype = list()) } }) test_that("read_dcf() returns a list named with package names", { expect_named( cynkra_all, c("dm", "cynkrathis", "fledge", "indiedown", "munch", "tic", "tv"), ignore.order = TRUE ) }) test_that("each element of read_dcf() contains 'Package' and 'Version' fields", { for (x in cynkra_all) { expect_subset(c("Package", "Version"), names(x)) } }) test_that("all package fields in read_dcf() are single strings", { for (x in cynkra_all) { for (field in x) { expect_vector(field, ptype = character(), size = 1) } } }) test_that("read_dcf() correctly parses multiline values when in the middle", { expect_match(misc_all[["aaSEA"]][["Imports"]], "shinydashboard", fixed = TRUE) expect_match(misc_all[["aaSEA"]][["Imports"]], "plotly", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("read_dcf() correctly parses multiline values when last field", { expect_match( misc_all[["CGIwithR"]][["URL"]], "http://www.warwick.ac.uk/go/cgiwithr", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("read_dcf() preserves newlines in values", { # Each of these fields contain exactly two newlines expect_match(misc_all[["aaSEA"]][["Imports"]], "\\n.*\\n") expect_match(misc_all[["CGIwithR"]][["URL"]], "\\n.*\\n") }) test_that("read_dcf() doesn't introduce random newlines", { expect_no_match(misc_all[["ABACUS"]][["Imports"]], "\\n") }) # READ ALL VALUES ---- cynkra_packages <- read_dcf_all_values(PACKAGES, "Package") misc_packages <- read_dcf_all_values(PACKAGES_2, "Package") test_that("read_dcf_all_values() returns a vector of strings", { expect_vector(cynkra_packages, ptype = character()) expect_vector(misc_packages, ptype = character()) }) test_that("read_dcf_all_values() returns non-empty string", { expect_gt(length(cynkra_packages), 0) expect_gt(length(misc_packages), 0) }) test_that("read_dcf_all_values() returns all expected values from example file", { expect_setequal( cynkra_packages, c("dm", "cynkrathis", "fledge", "indiedown", "munch", "tic", "tv") ) }) # READ ONE VALUE ---- dm_version <- read_dcf_one_value(PACKAGES, "Version") dm_package <- read_dcf_one_value(PACKAGES, "Package") A3_version <- read_dcf_one_value(PACKAGES_2, "Version") test_that("read_dcf_one_value() returns single string", { expect_vector(dm_version, ptype = character(), size = 1) expect_vector(dm_package, ptype = character(), size = 1) expect_vector(A3_version, ptype = character(), size = 1) }) test_that("read_dcf_one_value() returns an expected value from example file", { expect_equal(dm_version, "") expect_equal(dm_package, "dm") expect_equal(A3_version, "1.0.0") }) # READ TO STRING ---- packages <- read_char(system.file("extdata", "PACKAGES", package = "woodendesc")) test_that("read_char() returns a single string", { expect_vector(packages, ptype = character(), size = 1) }) test_that("read_char() contains data from the file", { expect_match( packages, "MD5sum: 3bf55df981de5d2b4e542de074f89098", fixed = TRUE ) expect_match( packages, "fst, future, miniUI, parallel, reactable, shiny, shinyWidgets, tibble", fixed = TRUE ) })