needs_cairo <- function(fn) fn %in% c("with_cairo_pdf", "with_cairo_ps", "with_svg", "local_cairo_pdf", "local_cairo_ps", "local_svg") skip_if_needs_cairo <- function(fn) { if (!capabilities("cairo") && needs_cairo(fn)) { skip("cairo not available") } } test_that("with_*device* functions create a plot file", { # A plot p <- lattice::xyplot(y ~ x, data.frame(x = -2:2, y = dnorm(-2:2))) # A directory to store the plots plot_dir <- tempfile("withr-test-plots-") dir.create(plot_dir) fn_names <- c("with_bmp", "with_jpeg", "with_pdf", "with_png", "with_tiff", "with_xfig", "with_svg", "with_cairo_pdf", "with_cairo_ps") fns <- mget(fn_names, envir = asNamespace("withr")) extensions <- c("bmp", "pdf", "ps", "jpg", "pdf", "png", "tiff", "xfig", "svg", "pdf", "ps") for (i in seq_along(fns)) { skip_if_needs_cairo(fn_names[[i]]) filename <- file.path(plot_dir, paste0("test-", fn_names[i], ".", extensions[i])) info <- paste0("function = ", fn_names[i], "; filename = ", filename) if (fn_names[i] == "with_xfig") { # grDevices::xfig weirdly gives a warning with the default inputs expect_warning( fns[[i]](filename, print(p)), "will only return the last plot" ) } else { expect_silent(fns[[i]](filename, print(p))) } expect_true(file.exists(filename), info = info) expect_gt($size, 0, label = info) } unlink(plot_dir) }) test_that("local_device functions create a plot file", { # A plot p <- lattice::xyplot(y ~ x, data.frame(x = -2:2, y = dnorm(-2:2))) # A directory to store the plots plot_dir <- tempfile("withr-test-plots-local-") dir.create(plot_dir) fn_names <- c("local_bmp", "local_jpeg", "local_pdf", "local_png", "local_tiff", "local_xfig", "local_svg", "local_cairo_pdf", "local_cairo_ps") fns <- mget(fn_names, envir = asNamespace("withr")) extensions <- c("bmp", "pdf", "ps", "jpg", "pdf", "png", "tiff", "xfig", "svg", "pdf", "ps") for (i in seq_along(fns)) { skip_if_needs_cairo(fn_names[[i]]) filename <- file.path(plot_dir, paste0("test-", fn_names[i], ".", extensions[i])) info <- paste0("function = ", fn_names[i], "; filename = ", filename) (function(i) { if (fn_names[i] == "local_xfig") { # grDevices::xfig weirdly gives a warning with the default inputs expect_warning( fns[[i]](filename), "will only return the last plot") } else { expect_silent(fns[[i]](filename)) } print(p) })(i) expect_true(file.exists(filename), info = info) expect_gt($size, 0, label = info) } unlink(plot_dir) })