library(terra) library(elevatr) library(raster) test_that("Test Terrain and Weibull Effects", { # skip() skip_if_offline() skip_on_ci() skip_on_cran() ## Function to suppress print/cat outputs quiet <- function(x) { sink(tempfile()) on.exit(sink()) invisible(force(x)) } ## Test Terrain_Model Function ############### Polygon1 <- sf::st_as_sf(sf::st_sfc( sf::st_polygon(list(cbind( c(4651704, 4651704, 4654475, 4654475, 4651704), c(2692925, 2694746, 2694746, 2692925, 2692925) ))), crs = 3035 )) polygon_wgs84 <- sf::st_transform(Polygon1, st_crs(4326)) srtm <- suppressMessages(elevatr::get_elev_raster(locations = polygon_wgs84, z = 11)) res <- terrain_model(srtm, Polygon1, sourceCCL = terra::rast("g100_06.tif")) expect_length(res, 2) expect_length(res[[1]], 3) expect_length(res[[2]], 1) expect_s4_class(res[[2]], "SpatRaster") expect_s4_class(res[[1]][[1]], "SpatRaster") expect_s4_class(res[[1]][[2]], "SpatRaster") expect_s4_class(res[[1]][[3]], "SpatRaster") res <- terrain_model(terra::rast(srtm), Polygon1, sourceCCL = "g100_06.tif") expect_length(res, 2) expect_length(res[[1]], 3) expect_length(res[[2]], 1) expect_s4_class(res[[2]], "SpatRaster") expect_s4_class(res[[1]][[1]], "SpatRaster") expect_s4_class(res[[1]][[2]], "SpatRaster") expect_s4_class(res[[1]][[3]], "SpatRaster") srtm_terra <- terra::rast(srtm) values(srtm_terra) <- NA res <- expect_warning(terrain_model(srtm_terra, Polygon1, sourceCCL = "g100_06.tif")) res <- suppressWarnings(terrain_model(srtm_terra, Polygon1, sourceCCL = "g100_06.tif")) expect_length(res, 2) expect_length(res[[1]], 3) expect_length(res[[2]], 1) expect_s4_class(res[[2]], "SpatRaster") expect_s4_class(res[[1]][[1]], "SpatRaster") expect_s4_class(res[[1]][[2]], "SpatRaster") expect_s4_class(res[[1]][[3]], "SpatRaster") ## Get DEM Fail (too big) ############## polygon <- structure(list(structure( list(structure(c(2627705.84970268, 3015019.42206679, 5354856.02640269, 5660619.11584955, 2627705.84970268, 1916658.62646189, 3437763.9404084, 3370878.53767667, 1834071.85234423, 1916658.62646189 ), dim = c(5L, 2L))), class = c("XY", "POLYGON", "sfg"))), n_empty = 0L, crs = structure(list(input = NA_character_, wkt = NA_character_), class = "crs"), class = c("sfc_POLYGON", "sfc"), precision = 0, bbox = structure( c(xmin = 2627705.84970268, ymin = 1834071.85234423, xmax = 5660619.11584955, ymax = 3437763.9404084), class = "bbox")) st_crs(polygon) <- 3035 expect_error( terrain_model(topograp = TRUE, polygon, sourceCCL = "g100_06.tif") ) ## Mock Packages not installed ############ with_mocked_bindings( is_elevatr_installed = function() FALSE, expect_error( terrain_model(topograp = TRUE, Polygon1, sourceCCL = "g100_06.tif") ) ) ## Test GA with Terrain Model ################### Projection <- 3035 vdata <- data.frame(ws = 12, wd = 0) ## Normal Terrain Example sp_polygon <- sf::st_as_sf(sf::st_sfc( sf::st_polygon(list(cbind( c(4498482, 4498482, 4499991, 4499991, 4498482), c(2668272, 2669343, 2669343, 2668272, 2668272) ))), crs = 3035 )) resultrect <- quiet(suppressWarnings( genetic_algorithm( Polygon1 = sp_polygon, n = 12, iteration = 1, vdirspe = vdata, Rotor = 30, RotorHeight = 100, topograp = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, plotit = TRUE ) )) expect_true(nrow(resultrect) == 1) expect_true(is.matrix(resultrect)) expect_false(any(unlist(sapply(resultrect, ## CCL-Raster should be in directory already path <- paste0(system.file(package = "windfarmGA"), "/extdata/") sourceCCLRoughness <- paste0(path, "clc_legend.csv") resultrect <- quiet(suppressWarnings( genetic_algorithm( Polygon1 = sp_polygon, n = 12, iteration = 1, vdirspe = vdata, Rotor = 30, RotorHeight = 100, topograp = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, plotit = TRUE, sourceCCL = "g100_06.tif", sourceCCLRoughness = sourceCCLRoughness ) )) expect_true(nrow(resultrect) == 1) expect_true(is.matrix(resultrect)) expect_false(any(unlist(sapply(resultrect, ## Weibull ################ ## Weibull Params (FAKE). DEM <- suppressWarnings(elevatr::get_elev_raster( verbose = FALSE, locations = st_transform(sp_polygon, 4326), z = 11 )) sp_polygonproj <- st_transform(sp_polygon, st_crs(DEM)) DEM <- terra::rast(DEM) DEMcrop <- crop(DEM, sp_polygonproj, mask = TRUE) maxval <- max(values(DEMcrop), na.rm = TRUE) a_raster <- terra::app(DEMcrop, function(x) (x / maxval) + 1) k_raster <- terra::app(DEMcrop, function(x) (x / maxval) + 6) resultrect <- quiet(suppressWarnings( genetic_algorithm( Polygon1 = sp_polygon, n = 12, iteration = 1, vdirspe = vdata, Rotor = 30, RotorHeight = 100, verbose = TRUE, weibull = TRUE, weibullsrc = list(k_raster, a_raster) ) )) expect_true(nrow(resultrect) == 1) expect_true(is.matrix(resultrect)) expect_false(any(unlist(sapply(resultrect, rm(resultrect) resultrect <- quiet(suppressWarnings( genetic_algorithm( Polygon1 = sp_polygon, n = 12, iteration = 1, vdirspe = vdata, Rotor = 30, RotorHeight = 100, weibull = TRUE, weibullsrc = list(raster::raster(k_raster), a_raster) ) )) expect_true(nrow(resultrect) == 1) expect_true(is.matrix(resultrect)) expect_false(any(unlist(sapply(resultrect, rm(resultrect) resultrect <- quiet(suppressWarnings( genetic_algorithm( Polygon1 = sp_polygon, n = 12, iteration = 1, vdirspe = vdata, Rotor = 30, RotorHeight = 100, weibull = TRUE, weibullsrc = list(k_raster, raster::raster(a_raster)) ) )) expect_true(nrow(resultrect) == 1) expect_true(is.matrix(resultrect)) expect_false(any(unlist(sapply(resultrect, expect_error( genetic_algorithm( Polygon1 = sp_polygon, n = 12, iteration = 1, vdirspe = vdata, Rotor = 30, RotorHeight = 100, weibull = TRUE ) ) ## Plotting Terrain Effects ############# plres <- suppressWarnings( plot_result(resultrect, sp_polygon, topographie = TRUE, plotEn = 1, sourceCCLRoughness = sourceCCLRoughness, weibullsrc = list(a_raster * (gamma(1 + (1 / values(k_raster))))) ) ) expect_false(anyNA(plres)) expect_true(all(plres$EfficAllDir <= 100)) plres <- suppressWarnings( plot_result(resultrect, sp_polygon, topographie = TRUE, plotEn = 1, sourceCCLRoughness = sourceCCLRoughness, weibullsrc = list(raster::raster(a_raster * (gamma(1 + (1 / values(k_raster)))))) ) ) expect_false(anyNA(plres)) expect_true(all(plres$EfficAllDir <= 100)) plres <- suppressWarnings( plot_result(resultrect, sp_polygon, topographie = TRUE, plotEn = 1, sourceCCLRoughness = sourceCCLRoughness, weibullsrc = raster::raster(a_raster * (gamma(1 + (1 / values(k_raster))))) ) ) expect_false(anyNA(plres)) expect_true(all(plres$EfficAllDir <= 100)) plres <- plot_result(resultrect, sp_polygon, weibullsrc = list(k_raster, a_raster) ) expect_false(anyNA(plres)) expect_true(all(plres$EfficAllDir <= 100)) plres <- plot_result(resultrect, sp_polygon, weibullsrc = list( raster::raster(k_raster), raster::raster(a_raster) ) ) expect_false(anyNA(plres)) expect_true(all(plres$EfficAllDir <= 100)) ## Weibull Single Raster for mean wind spead weibullraster <- a_raster * (gamma(1 + (1 / values(k_raster)))) plres <- plot_result(resultrect, sp_polygon, plotEn = 2, weibullsrc = weibullraster ) expect_false(anyNA(plres)) expect_true(all(plres$EfficAllDir <= 100)) if (length(list.files(pattern = "g100_06.tif")) != 0) { file.remove("g100_06.tif") } plres <- plot_result(resultrect, sp_polygon, topographie = TRUE, plotEn = 1 ) expect_false(anyNA(plres)) expect_true(all(plres$EfficAllDir <= 100)) ## calculate_energy with Terrain + Plots!! ################## ## With Terrain (+new function) Polygon1 <- sf::st_as_sf(sf::st_sfc( sf::st_polygon(list(cbind( c(4498482, 4498482, 4499991, 4499991, 4498482), c(2668272, 2669343, 2669343, 2668272, 2668272) ))), crs = 3035 )) srtm <- suppressWarnings( elevatr::get_elev_raster( locations = Polygon1, z = 11 ) ) srtm_crop <- terra::crop(terra::rast(srtm), Polygon1) vdata <- data.frame(ws = 12, wd = 0) Rotor <- 50 fcrR <- 3 resGrid <- grid_area( shape = Polygon1, size = Rotor * fcrR, prop = 1, plotGrid = FALSE ) resStartGA <- init_population(Grid = resGrid[[1]], n = 15, nStart = 100) srtm_crop <- terra::mask(srtm_crop, Polygon1) roughrast <- terra::terrain(srtm_crop, "roughness") if (all( { values(roughrast) <- 1 } srtm_crop <- list( strm_crop = srtm_crop, orogr1 = srtm_crop / as.numeric(terra::global(srtm_crop, fun = "mean", na.rm = TRUE)), roughness = roughrast ) ccl <- terra::rast("g100_06.tif") ccl <- crop(ccl, Polygon1, mask = TRUE) path <- paste0(system.file(package = "windfarmGA"), "/extdata/") sourceCCLRoughness <- paste0(path, "clc_legend.csv") rauhigkeitz <- utils::read.csv(sourceCCLRoughness, header = TRUE, sep = ";" ) cclRaster <- terra::classify(ccl, matrix(c( rauhigkeitz$GRID_CODE, rauhigkeitz$Rauhigkeit_z ), ncol = 2 )) resCalcEn <- calculate_energy( sel = resStartGA[[1]], referenceHeight = 50, srtm_crop = srtm_crop, cclRaster = cclRaster, RotorHeight = 50, SurfaceRoughness = 0.14, wnkl = 20, distanz = 100000, dirSpeed = vdata, RotorR = 50, polygon1 = Polygon1, topograp = TRUE, weibull = FALSE, plotit = TRUE ) expect_output(str(resCalcEn), "List of 1") df <-, resCalcEn) expect_true(all(df[df[, "A_ov"] != 0, "TotAbschProz"] != 0)) expect_true(all(df[df[, "TotAbschProz"] != 0, "V_New"] < df[df[, "TotAbschProz"] != 0, "Windmean"])) expect_false(any(unlist(sapply(resCalcEn, expect_true(all(df[, "Rect_ID"] %in% resGrid[[1]][, "ID"])) resultrect <- quiet(suppressWarnings( genetic_algorithm( Polygon1 = Polygon1, n = 12, iteration = 1, vdirspe = vdata, Rotor = 30, RotorHeight = 100, topograp = srtm_crop$strm_crop, verbose = TRUE, plotit = TRUE, sourceCCL = "g100_06.tif", sourceCCLRoughness = sourceCCLRoughness ) )) expect_true(nrow(resultrect) == 1) expect_true(is.matrix(resultrect)) expect_false(any(unlist(sapply(resultrect, ## Weibull + Plotting ############## DEMcrop <- srtm_crop$orogr1 maxval <- max(values(DEMcrop)) a_raster <- terra::app(DEMcrop, function(x) (x / maxval) + 1) k_raster <- terra::app(DEMcrop, function(x) (x / maxval) + 6) weibullraster <- a_raster * (gamma(1 + (1 / values(k_raster)))) resCalcEn <- calculate_energy( sel = resStartGA[[1]], referenceHeight = 50, srtm_crop = srtm_crop, cclRaster = cclRaster, RotorHeight = 50, SurfaceRoughness = 0.14, wnkl = 20, distanz = 100000, dirSpeed = vdata, RotorR = 50, polygon1 = Polygon1, topograp = FALSE, weibull = weibullraster, plotit = TRUE ) expect_output(str(resCalcEn), "List of 1") df <-, resCalcEn) expect_true(all(df[df[, "A_ov"] != 0, "TotAbschProz"] != 0)) expect_true(all(df[df[, "TotAbschProz"] != 0, "V_New"] < df[df[, "TotAbschProz"] != 0, "Windmean"])) expect_false(any(unlist(sapply(resCalcEn, expect_true(all(df[, "Rect_ID"] %in% resGrid[[1]][, "ID"])) resCalcEn <- calculate_energy( sel = resStartGA[[1]], referenceHeight = 50, srtm_crop = srtm_crop, cclRaster = cclRaster, RotorHeight = 50, SurfaceRoughness = 0.14, wnkl = 20, distanz = 100000, dirSpeed = vdata, RotorR = 50, polygon1 = Polygon1, topograp = FALSE, weibull = raster::raster(weibullraster), plotit = TRUE ) expect_output(str(resCalcEn), "List of 1") df <-, resCalcEn) expect_true(all(df[df[, "A_ov"] != 0, "TotAbschProz"] != 0)) expect_true(all(df[df[, "TotAbschProz"] != 0, "V_New"] < df[df[, "TotAbschProz"] != 0, "Windmean"])) expect_false(any(unlist(sapply(resCalcEn, expect_true(all(df[, "Rect_ID"] %in% resGrid[[1]][, "ID"])) ## Make Hole in Weibull-Raster, so some Values are NA min_y_ppt <- data.frame(resStartGA[[1]][order(resStartGA[[1]][, 2]) <= 9, ]) min_y_ppt <- st_as_sf(min_y_ppt, coords = c("X", "Y")) weibullrastercrop <- crop(weibullraster, terra::ext(min_y_ppt)) resCalcEn <- calculate_energy( sel = resStartGA[[1]], referenceHeight = 50, srtm_crop = srtm_crop, cclRaster = cclRaster, RotorHeight = 50, SurfaceRoughness = 0.14, wnkl = 20, distanz = 100000, dirSpeed = vdata, RotorR = 50, polygon1 = Polygon1, topograp = FALSE, weibull = weibullrastercrop, plotit = TRUE ) expect_output(str(resCalcEn), "List of 1") df <-, resCalcEn) expect_true(all(df[df[, "A_ov"] != 0, "TotAbschProz"] != 0)) expect_true(all(df[df[, "TotAbschProz"] != 0, "V_New"] < df[df[, "TotAbschProz"] != 0, "Windmean"])) expect_false(any(unlist(sapply(resCalcEn, expect_true(all(df[, "Rect_ID"] %in% resGrid[[1]][, "ID"])) })