context("mock writing to disk") enable() test_that("Write to a file before mocked request: crul", { skip_on_cran() library(crul) ## make a temp file f <- tempfile(fileext = ".json") ## write something to the file cat("{\"hello\":\"world\"}\n", file = f) expect_is(readLines(f), "character") expect_match(readLines(f), "world") ## make the stub stub_request("get", hb("/get")) %>% to_return(body = file(f)) ## make a request out <- HttpClient$new(hb("/get"))$get(disk = f) expect_is(out$content, "character") expect_equal(attr(out$content, "type"), "file") expect_is(readLines(out$content), "character") expect_match(readLines(out$content), "hello") # cleanup unlink(f) stub_registry_clear() }) test_that("Write to a file before mocked request: httr", { skip_on_cran() library(httr) ## make a temp file f <- tempfile(fileext = ".json") ## write something to the file cat("{\"hello\":\"world\"}\n", file = f) expect_is(readLines(f), "character") expect_match(readLines(f), "world") ## make the stub stub_request("get", hb("/get")) %>% to_return( body = file(f), headers = list("content-type" = "application/json") ) ## make a request ## with httr, you must set overwrite=TRUE or you'll get an errror out <- GET(hb("/get"), write_disk(f, overwrite = TRUE)) content(out) expect_is(out$content, "path") expect_equal(attr(out$content, "class"), "path") expect_is(readLines(out$content), "character") expect_match(readLines(out$content), "hello") # cleanup unlink(f) stub_registry_clear() }) test_that("Write to a file before mocked request: httr", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("httr2") library(httr2) ## make a temp file f <- tempfile(fileext = ".json") ## write something to the file cat("{\"hello\":\"world\"}\n", file = f) expect_is(readLines(f), "character") expect_match(readLines(f), "world") ## make the stub stub_request("get", hb("/get")) %>% to_return( body = file(f), headers = list("content-type" = "application/json") ) ## make a request req <- request(hb("/get")) out <- req_perform(req, path = f) expect_is(out$body, "httr2_path") expect_equal(attr(out$body, "class"), "httr2_path") expect_is(readLines(out$body), "character") expect_match(readLines(out$body), "hello") # cleanup unlink(f) stub_registry_clear() }) test_that("Use mock_file to have webmockr handle file and contents: crul", { skip_on_cran() library(crul) ## make a temp file f <- tempfile(fileext = ".json") ## make the stub stub_request("get", hb("/get")) %>% to_return(body = mock_file(f, "{\"hello\":\"mars\"}\n")) ## make a request out <- crul::HttpClient$new(hb("/get"))$get(disk = f) out$content expect_is(out$content, "character") expect_match(out$content, "json") expect_is(readLines(out$content), "character") expect_true(any(grepl("hello", readLines(out$content)))) # cleanup unlink(f) stub_registry_clear() }) test_that("Use mock_file to have webmockr handle file and contents: httr", { skip_on_cran() library(httr) ## make a temp file f <- tempfile(fileext = ".json") ## make the stub stub_request("get", hb("/get")) %>% to_return( body = mock_file(path = f, payload = "{\"foo\": \"bar\"}"), headers = list("content-type" = "application/json") ) ## make a request out <- GET(hb("/get"), write_disk(f)) ## view stubbed file content expect_is(out$content, "path") expect_match(out$content, "json") expect_is(readLines(out$content), "character") expect_true(any(grepl("foo", readLines(out$content)))) # cleanup unlink(f) stub_registry_clear() }) test_that("Use mock_file to have webmockr handle file and contents: httr", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("httr2") library(httr2) ## make a temp file f <- tempfile(fileext = ".json") ## make the stub stub_request("get", hb("/get")) %>% to_return( body = mock_file(path = f, payload = "{\"foo\": \"bar\"}"), headers = list("content-type" = "application/json") ) ## make a request req <- request(hb("/get")) # req <- request("") out <- req_perform(req, path = f) # out <- GET(hb("/get"), write_disk(f)) ## view stubbed file content expect_is(out$body, "httr2_path") expect_match(out$body, "json") expect_is(readLines(out$body), "character") expect_true(any(grepl("foo", readLines(out$body)))) # cleanup unlink(f) stub_registry_clear() })