context("uri_regex") test_that("uri_regex with crul", { stub_request("get", uri_regex = "") %>% to_return(body = list(foo = "bar")) library(crul) enable(adapter = "crul") webmockr_disable_net_connect() invisible( lapply(c("elephants", "bears", "leaves", "foo", "bar"), function(z) { expect_true(HttpClient$new(hb())$get(z)$success()) }) ) # more complicated regex stub_request("get", uri_regex = "[Aa].+\\.io/apple/") invisible( lapply(c("Anounce", "apple", "Afar", "after"), function(z) { expect_true(HttpClient$new(sprintf("", z))$get("apple")$success()) expect_error( HttpClient$new(sprintf("", z))$get("fruit"), "Real HTTP connections are disabled" ) }) ) # regex to match any URL ## ## when matching any url with `.+`, it would lead to an empty url in response ## object, at least with crul stub_request("get", uri_regex = ".+") invisible( lapply(c("Anounce", "apple", "Afar", "after"), function(z) { url <- sprintf("", z) res <- HttpClient$new(url)$get(z) expect_is(res, "HttpResponse") expect_true(grepl(res$url, file.path(url, z), = TRUE)) }) ) }) stub_registry_clear() test_that("uri_regex with httr", { stub_request("get", uri_regex = "") %>% to_return(body = list(foo = "bar")) library(httr) enable(adapter = "httr") invisible( lapply(c("elephants", "bears", "leaves", "foo", "bar"), function(z) { expect_false(http_error(GET(file.path(hb(), z)))) }) ) # more complicated regex stub_request("get", uri_regex = "[Aa].+\\.io/apple/") invisible( lapply(c("Anounce", "apple", "Afar", "after"), function(z) { expect_false(http_error(GET(sprintf("", z)))) expect_error( GET(sprintf("", z)), "Real HTTP connections are disabled" ) }) ) # regex to match any URL ## ## when matching any url with `.+`, it would lead to an empty url in response ## object, at least with crul stub_request("get", uri_regex = ".+") invisible( lapply(c("Anounce", "apple", "Afar", "after"), function(z) { url <- sprintf("", z) res <- GET(url, path = z) expect_is(res, "response") expect_true(grepl(res$url, file.path(url, z), = TRUE)) }) ) }) stub_registry_clear() test_that("uri_regex with httr2", { skip_if_not_installed("httr2") stub_request("get", uri_regex = "") %>% to_return(body = list(foo = "bar")) library(httr2) enable(adapter = "httr2") invisible( lapply(c("elephants", "bears", "leaves", "foo", "bar"), function(z) { req <- request(file.path(hb(), z)) expect_false(resp_is_error(req_perform(req))) }) ) # more complicated regex stub_request("get", uri_regex = "[Aa].+\\.io/apple/") invisible( lapply(c("Anounce", "apple", "Afar", "after"), function(z) { req <- request(sprintf("", z)) expect_false(resp_is_error(req_perform(req))) req2 <- request(sprintf("", z)) expect_error( req_perform(req2), "Real HTTP connections are disabled" ) }) ) # regex to match any URL ## ## when matching any url with `.+`, it would lead to an empty url in response ## object, at least with crul stub_request("get", uri_regex = ".+") invisible( lapply(c("Anounce", "apple", "Afar", "after"), function(z) { url <- sprintf("", z) # res <- GET(url, path = z) req <- request(url) %>% req_url_path_append(z) res <- req_perform(req) expect_is(res, "httr2_response") expect_true(grepl(res$url, file.path(url, z), = TRUE)) }) ) }) stub_registry_clear()