context("Httr2Adapter") skip_if_not_installed("httr2") library("httr2") aa <- Httr2Adapter$new() test_that("Httr2Adapter bits are correct", { skip_on_cran() expect_is(Httr2Adapter, "R6ClassGenerator") expect_is(aa, "Httr2Adapter") expect_null(aa$build_httr_request) # pulled out of object, so should be NULL expect_null(aa$build_httr_response) # pulled out of object, so should be NULL expect_is(aa$disable, "function") expect_is(aa$enable, "function") expect_is(aa$handle_request, "function") expect_is(aa$remove_stubs, "function") expect_is(aa$name, "character") expect_equal(aa$name, "Httr2Adapter") }) test_that("Httr2Adapter behaves correctly", { skip_on_cran() expect_message(aa$enable(), "Httr2Adapter enabled!") expect_message(aa$disable(), "Httr2Adapter disabled!") }) test_that("build_httr_request/response fail well", { skip_on_cran() expect_error(build_httr_request(), "argument \"x\" is missing") expect_error(build_httr_response(), "argument \"req\" is missing") }) test_that("Httr2Adapter: works when vcr is loaded but no cassette is inserted", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("vcr") webmockr::enable(adapter = "httr2") on.exit({ webmockr::disable(adapter = "httr2") unloadNamespace("vcr") }) stub_request("get", hb("/get")) library("vcr") # works when no cassette is loaded expect_silent((x <- request(hb("/get")) %>% req_perform())) expect_s3_class(x, "httr2_response") # # works when empty cassette is loaded vcr::vcr_configure(dir = tempdir()) vcr::insert_cassette("empty") expect_silent((x <- request(hb("/get")) %>% req_perform())) vcr::eject_cassette("empty") expect_s3_class(x, "httr2_response") }) context("Httr2Adapter: date slot") test_that("Httr2Adapter date slot works", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("vcr") library("vcr") path <- file.path(tempdir(), "foobar") vcr::vcr_configure(dir = path) vcr::use_cassette("test-date", request(hb("/get")) %>% req_perform()) # list.files(path) # readLines(file.path(path, "test-date.yml")) vcr::insert_cassette("test-date") x <- request(hb("/get")) %>% req_perform() # $headers$date is a different format expect_is(x$headers$date, "character") expect_error(format(x$headers$date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), "invalid 'trim'") vcr::eject_cassette("test-date") # cleanup unlink(path, recursive = TRUE) }) # library(httr2) # z <- request(hb("/get")) %>% req_perform() # httr2_obj <- z$request # save(httr2_obj, file = "tests/testthat/httr2_obj.rda", version = 2) context("Httr2Adapter: works with real data") test_that("Httr2Adapter works", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("vcr") load("httr2_obj.rda") # load("tests/testthat/httr2_obj.rda") res <- Httr2Adapter$new() # with vcr message library("vcr") expect_error( res$handle_request(httr2_obj), "There is currently no cassette in use" ) # with webmockr message # unload vcr unloadNamespace("vcr") expect_error( res$handle_request(httr2_obj), "Real HTTP connections are disabled" ) invisible(stub_request("get", hb("/get"))) aa <- res$handle_request(httr2_obj) expect_is(res, "Httr2Adapter") expect_is(aa, "httr2_response") expect_null(aa$request$method) expect_equal(aa$url, hb("/get")) # no response headers expect_equal(length(aa$headers), 0) # with headers # clear registry stub_registry_clear() # stub with headers x <- stub_request("get", hb("/get")) x <- to_return(x, headers = list("User-Agent" = "foo-bar")) aa <- res$handle_request(httr2_obj) expect_is(res, "Httr2Adapter") expect_is(aa, "httr2_response") expect_null(aa$request$method) expect_equal(aa$url, hb("/get")) # has headers and all_headers expect_equal(length(aa$headers), 1) expect_s3_class(aa$headers, "httr2_headers") expect_named(aa$headers, "user-agent") # stub with redirect headers my_url <- "" x <- stub_request("get", my_url) x <- to_return(x, status = 302, headers = list( status = 302, location = "" ) ) httr2_obj$url <- my_url res <- Httr2Adapter$new() aa <- res$handle_request(httr2_obj) expect_null(aa$request$method) expect_equal(aa$url, my_url) expect_equal(aa$status_code, 302) # has headers and all_headers expect_equal(length(aa$headers), 2) expect_s3_class(aa$headers, "httr2_headers") expect_equal(sort(names(aa$headers)), c("location", "status")) }) test_that("Httr2Adapter works with req_auth_basic", { skip_on_cran() unloadNamespace("vcr") httr_mock() # httr_mock(FALSE) # webmockr_allow_net_connect() stub_registry_clear() # stub_registry() # request_registry() z <- stub_request("get", uri = hb("/basic-auth/foo/bar")) %>% to_return( body = list(foo = "bar"), headers = list("Content-Type" = "application/json") ) # mocked httr2 requests with auth work x <- request(hb("/basic-auth/foo/bar")) %>% req_auth_basic("foo", "bar") %>% req_perform() expect_is(x, "httr2_response") expect_equal( jsonlite::fromJSON(rawToChar(x$body)), list(authenticated = TRUE, user = "foo") ) expect_s3_class(x$headers, "httr2_headers") expect_equal(x$status_code, 200) # Httr2Adapter works on requests with auth # x <- request(hb("/basic-auth/foo/bar")) %>% # req_auth_basic("foo", "bar") %>% # req_perform() # httr2_obj_auth <- x$request # save(httr2_obj_auth, file = "tests/testthat/httr2_obj_auth.rda", version = 2) # load("tests/testthat/httr2_obj_auth.rda") load("httr2_obj_auth.rda") zz <- Httr2Adapter$new() z <- zz$handle_request(httr2_obj_auth) expect_is(z, "httr2_response") expect_equal( jsonlite::fromJSON(rawToChar(z$body)), list(foo = "bar") ) expect_s3_class(z$headers, "httr2_headers") expect_equal(z$status_code, 200) }) test_that("httr2 works with webmockr_allow_net_connect", { skip_on_cran() unloadNamespace("vcr") enable() stub_registry_clear() z <- stub_request("get", uri = hb("/get")) %>% wi_th(query = list(stuff = "things")) %>% to_return(body = "yum=cheese") req <- request(hb("/get")) %>% req_url_query(stuff = "things") x <- req_perform(req) expect_true(resp_body_string(x) == "yum=cheese") # disable net connect - now real requests can't be made webmockr_disable_net_connect() stub_registry_clear() expect_error( req_perform(req), "Real HTTP connections are disabled" ) # allow net connect - stub still exists though - so not a real request webmockr_allow_net_connect() z <- stub_request("get", uri = hb("/get")) %>% wi_th(query = list(stuff = "things")) %>% to_return(body = "yum=cheese") req <- request(hb("/get")) %>% req_url_query(stuff = "things") z <- req_perform(req) expect_true(resp_body_string(z) == "yum=cheese") # allow net connect - stub now gone - so real request should happen stub_registry_clear() req <- request(hb("/get")) %>% req_url_query(stuff = "things") httr2::local_mocked_responses(NULL) w <- req_perform(req) expect_false(resp_body_string(w) == "yum=cheese") }) test_that("httr2 requests with bodies work", { skip_on_cran() enable() stub_registry_clear() z <- stub_request("post", uri = hb("/post")) %>% to_return(body = "asdffsdsdf") req <- request(hb("/post")) %>% req_body_json(list(stuff = "things")) x <- req_perform(req) expect_true(httr2::resp_body_string(x) == "asdffsdsdf") # now with allow net connect stub_registry_clear() httr2_mock(FALSE) webmockr_allow_net_connect() req <- request(hb("/post")) %>% req_body_json(list(stuff = "things")) x <- req_perform(req) expect_identical(httr2::resp_body_json(x)$json, list(stuff = "things")) webmockr_disable_net_connect() }) disable() test_that("httr2 requests with nested list bodies work", { skip_on_cran() enable() # httr_mock() stub_registry_clear() body <- list(id = " ", method = "x", params = list(pwd = "p", user = "a")) z <- stub_request("post", uri = hb("/post")) %>% wi_th(body = body) %>% to_return(body = "asdffsdsdf") x <- request(hb("/post")) %>% req_body_json(body) %>% req_perform() expect_true(rawToChar(x$body) == "asdffsdsdf") # now with allow net connect stub_registry_clear() webmockr_allow_net_connect() response_real <- request(hb("/post")) %>% req_body_json(body) %>% req_perform() expect_equal( jsonlite::fromJSON(rawToChar(response_real$body))$json, body ) webmockr_disable_net_connect() })