context("StubbedRequest") test_that("StubbedRequest: works", { expect_is(StubbedRequest, "R6ClassGenerator") aa <- StubbedRequest$new(method = "get", uri = "") expect_is(aa, "StubbedRequest") expect_null(aa$host) expect_null(aa$query) expect_null(aa$body) expect_null(aa$request_headers) expect_null(aa$response_headers) expect_null(aa$response) expect_null(aa$response_sequences) expect_is(aa$method, "character") expect_equal(aa$method, "get") expect_is(aa$uri, "character") expect_equal(aa$uri, "") expect_is(aa$uri_parts, "list") expect_equal(aa$uri_parts$domain, "") expect_equal(aa$uri_parts$path, "get") expect_is(aa$to_s, "function") expect_equal(aa$to_s(), "GET:") # with expect_is(aa$with, "function") expect_null(aa$query) aa$with(query = list(foo = "bar")) expect_is(aa$query, "list") expect_named(aa$query, "foo") expect_equal(aa$to_s(), "GET: with query params foo=bar") ## >1 query param gets combined with "&" and not "," aa$with(query = list(foo = "bar", stuff = 567)) expect_equal(sort(names(aa$query)), c("foo", "stuff")) expect_equal(aa$to_s(), "GET: with query params foo=bar, stuff=567") # to_return expect_is(aa$to_return, "function") expect_null(aa$body) aa$to_return( status = 404, body = list(hello = "world"), headers = list(a = 5) ) expect_is(aa$responses_sequences, "list") expect_is(aa$responses_sequences[[1]]$body, "list") expect_named(aa$responses_sequences[[1]]$body, "hello") }) test_that("StubbedRequest: to_timeout", { x <- StubbedRequest$new(method = "get", uri = "https:/") expect_false(grepl("should_timeout: TRUE", x$to_s())) x$to_timeout() expect_true(grepl("should_timeout: TRUE", x$to_s())) }) library("fauxpas") test_that("StubbedRequest: to_raise", { x <- StubbedRequest$new(method = "get", uri = "https:/") expect_false(grepl("to_raise: HTTPBadGateway", x$to_s())) x$to_raise(HTTPBadGateway) expect_true(grepl("to_raise: HTTPBadGateway", x$to_s())) ## many exceptions x$to_raise(list(HTTPBadGateway, HTTPForbidden, HTTPInsufficientStorage)) expect_true( grepl( "to_raise: HTTPBadGateway, HTTPForbidden, HTTPInsufficientStorage", x$to_s() ) ) }) test_that("StubbedRequest: different methods work", { expect_equal( StubbedRequest$new( method = "any", uri = "https:/" )$method, "any" ) expect_equal( StubbedRequest$new( method = "get", uri = "https:/" )$method, "get" ) expect_equal( StubbedRequest$new( method = "head", uri = "https:/" )$method, "head" ) expect_equal( StubbedRequest$new( method = "post", uri = "https:/" )$method, "post" ) expect_equal( StubbedRequest$new( method = "put", uri = "https:/" )$method, "put" ) expect_equal( StubbedRequest$new( method = "patch", uri = "https:/" )$method, "patch" ) expect_equal( StubbedRequest$new( method = "delete", uri = "https:/" )$method, "delete" ) }) test_that("StubbedRequest fails well", { # requires uri or uri_regex expect_error(StubbedRequest$new(), "one of uri or uri_regex is required") # method not in acceptable set expect_error( StubbedRequest$new(method = "adf"), "'arg' should be one of" ) }) test_that("StubbedRequest long string handling", { x <- StubbedRequest$new(method = "get", uri = "") # with x$with( query = list( foo = "Bar", a = 5, b = 8, user = paste0( "asdfa asldfj asdfljas dflajsd fasldjf", " asldfja sdfljas dflajs fdlasjf aslfa fdfdsf" ) ), body = list( a = 5, b = 8, user = "asdfa asldfj asdfljas dflajsdfdfdsf", foo = "Bar" ), headers = list( farm = "animal", `User-Agent` = "stuff things whasdlfj adsfla jsdflja sdflasj dflasj dfasljf asdf" ) ) # with: long query expect_output(x$print(), "foo=Bar, a=5, b=8, user=asdfa asldfj asdflja...") # with: long body expect_output(x$print(), "a=5, b=8, user=asdfa asldfj asdflja..., foo=Bar") # with: long request headers expect_output(x$print(), "farm=animal, User-Agent=stuff things whasdlf...") # to_return x$to_return( status = 200, body = list( name = "julia", title = "advanced user", location = "somewhere in the middle of the earth", foo = "Bar" ), headers = list( farm = "animal", `User-Agent` = "stuff things whasdlfj adsfla jsdflja sdflasj dflasj dfasljf asdf" ) ) # to_return: status code expect_output(x$print(), "200") # to_return: long body expect_output( x$print(), "name=julia, title=advanced user, location=somewhere in the mid..., foo=Bar" ) # to_return: long response headers expect_output(x$print(), "farm=animal, User-Agent=stuff things whasdlf...") }) test_that("StubbedRequest nested lists in body", { x <- StubbedRequest$new(method = "get", uri = "") x$with( query = list(foo = "Bar"), headers = list(farm = "animal"), body = list(a = list(b = list(c = "foo", d = "bar"))) ) expect_output( x$print(), "a = list\\(b = list\\(c = \"foo\", d = \"bar\"\\)\\)" ) # longer x$with( query = list(foo = "Bar"), headers = list(farm = "animal"), body = list( apple = list( bears = list( cheesecake = list(foo_do_the_thing = "bar asdjlfas dfaljsdf asljdf slf") ) ) ) ) expect_output( x$print(), "apple = list\\(bears = list\\(cheesecake = list\\(foo_do_the_thing = \"bar asdjlfas dfa..." ) }) test_that("StubbedRequest w/ >1 to_return()", { stub_registry_clear() x <- StubbedRequest$new(method = "get", uri = "") x$to_return(status = 200, body = "foobar", headers = list(a = 5)) x$to_return(status = 200, body = "bears", headers = list(b = 6)) x$to_s() expect_equal(length(x$responses_sequences), 2) expect_match(x$to_s(), "foobar") expect_match(x$to_s(), "bears") })