context("RequestPattern") test_that("RequestPattern: structure is correct", { expect_is(RequestPattern, "R6ClassGenerator") aa <- RequestPattern$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get")) expect_is(aa, "RequestPattern") expect_null(aa$body_pattern) expect_null(aa$headers_pattern) expect_is(aa$clone, "function") expect_is(aa$initialize, "function") expect_is(aa$matches, "function") expect_is(aa$method_pattern, "MethodPattern") expect_is(aa$to_s, "function") expect_is(aa$uri_pattern, "UriPattern") }) test_that("RequestPattern: behaves as expected", { aa <- RequestPattern$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get")) rs1 <- RequestSignature$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get")) rs2 <- RequestSignature$new(method = "post", uri = hb("/get")) rs3 <- RequestSignature$new( method = "get", uri = "https:/", options = list(headers = list(`User-Agent` = "foobar", stuff = "things")) ) expect_true(aa$matches(rs1)) expect_false(aa$matches(rs2)) expect_false(aa$matches(rs3)) expect_is(aa$to_s(), "character") expect_match(aa$to_s(), "GET") expect_match(aa$to_s(), "") }) test_that("RequestPattern: uri_regex", { x <- RequestPattern$new(method = "get", uri_regex = "") expect_is(x$uri_pattern, "UriPattern") expect_equal(x$uri_pattern$to_s(), "https?://") expect_equal(x$to_s(), "GET https?://") }) test_that("RequestPattern fails well", { expect_error(RequestPattern$new(), "one of uri or uri_regex is required") x <- RequestPattern$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get")) expect_error(x$matches(), "argument \"request_signature\" is missing") expect_error( x$matches("adfadf"), "must be of class RequestSignature" ) }) # BODY PATTERNS: plain text bodies and related test_that("should match if request body and body pattern are the same", { aa <- RequestPattern$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), body = "abc") rs1 <- RequestSignature$new( method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), options = list(body = "abc") ) expect_true(aa$matches(rs1)) }) test_that("should match if request body and body pattern are the same with multline text", { multiline_text <- "hello\nworld" bb <- RequestPattern$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), body = multiline_text) rs2 <- RequestSignature$new( method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), options = list(body = multiline_text) ) expect_true(bb$matches(rs2)) }) # FIXME: regex in bodies not supported yet test_that("regex", {}) test_that("should match if pattern is missing body but is in signature", { cc <- RequestPattern$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get")) rs3 <- RequestSignature$new( method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), options = list(body = "abc") ) expect_true(cc$matches(rs3)) }) test_that("should not match if pattern has body specified as NA but request body is not empty", { dd <- RequestPattern$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), body = NA) rs4 <- RequestSignature$new( method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), options = list(body = "abc") ) expect_false(dd$matches(rs4)) }) test_that("should not match if pattern has body specified as empty string but request body is not empty", { ee <- RequestPattern$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), body = "") rs5 <- RequestSignature$new( method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), options = list(body = "abc") ) expect_false(ee$matches(rs5)) }) test_that("should not match if pattern has body specified but request has no body", { ff <- RequestPattern$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), body = "abc") rs6 <- RequestSignature$new(method = "get", uri = hb("/get")) expect_false(ff$matches(rs6)) }) test_that("should match when pattern body is json or list", { body_list <- list( a = "1", b = "five", c = list( d = list("e", "f") ) ) # These should both be TRUE pattern_as_list <- RequestPattern$new( method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), body = body_list ) rs7 <- RequestSignature$new( method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), options = list( headers = list(`Content-Type` = "application/json"), body = jsonlite::toJSON(body_list, auto_unbox = TRUE) ) ) expect_true(pattern_as_list$matches(rs7)) pattern_as_json <- RequestPattern$new( method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), body = jsonlite::toJSON(body_list, auto_unbox = TRUE) ) expect_true(pattern_as_json$matches(rs7)) }) test_that("should match when pattern body is a list and body is various content types", { pattern <- RequestPattern$new( method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), body = list(data = list(a = "1", b = "five")) ) rs_xml <- RequestSignature$new( method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), options = list( headers = list(`Content-Type` = "application/xml"), body = '' ) ) expect_true(pattern$matches(rs_xml)) xml_employees_text <- ' ' xml_employees_list <- list(company = list( employees = list( company = "MacroSoft", division = "Sales", employee = list( empno = "7369", ename = "SMITH", job = "CLERK", hiredate = "17-DEC-1980" ), employee = list( empno = "7499", ename = "ALLEN", job = "SALESMAN", hiredate = "20-FEB-1981" ) ), employees = list( company = "MacroSoft", division = "Research", employee = list( empno = "7698", ename = "BLAKE", job = "MANAGER", hiredate = "01-MAY-1981" ), employee = list( empno = "7782", ename = "CLARK", job = "MANAGER", hiredate = "09-JUN-1981" ) ) )) pattern2 <- RequestPattern$new( method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), body = xml_employees_list ) rs_xml2 <- RequestSignature$new( method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), options = list( headers = list(`Content-Type` = "application/xml"), body = xml_employees_text ) ) expect_true(pattern2$matches(rs_xml2)) }) test_that("should warn when xml parsing fails and fall back to the xml string", { pattern <- RequestPattern$new( method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), body = '' ) rs_xml_parse_fail <- RequestSignature$new( method = "get", uri = hb("/get"), options = list( headers = list(`Content-Type` = "application/xml"), body = ' wi_th(body = response_body) |> to_return(status = 200) res <- POST(url = "", body = response_body) expect_s3_class(res, "response") expect_equal(status_code(res), 200) disable() }) context("UriPattern") test_that("UriPattern: structure is correct", { expect_is(UriPattern, "R6ClassGenerator") aa <- UriPattern$new(pattern = "") expect_is(aa, "UriPattern") expect_is(aa$pattern, "character") expect_false(aa$regex) expect_match(aa$pattern, "foobar") # matches w/o slash expect_true(aa$matches("")) # and matches w/ slash expect_true(aa$matches("")) # fails well expect_error( expect_is(aa$matches(), "function"), "argument \"uri\" is missing" ) # regex usage z <- UriPattern$new(regex_pattern = ".+ample\\..") expect_is(z, "UriPattern") expect_is(z$pattern, "character") expect_true(z$regex) expect_true(z$matches("")) expect_true(z$matches("")) expect_false(z$matches("")) # add query params usage z <- UriPattern$new(pattern = "") expect_equal(z$pattern, "") z$add_query_params(list(pizza = "cheese", cheese = "cheddar")) expect_equal(z$pattern, "") ## query params in uri only z <- UriPattern$new(pattern = "") expect_equal(z$pattern, "") ## before running add_query_params(), query_params_matches() of UriPattern won't match expect_false(z$matches("")) z$add_query_params() ## after unning add_query_params(), we should match expect_true(z$matches("")) # matches urls without scheme # - does match with "http" # - does not match with "https" z <- UriPattern$new(pattern = "") expect_equal(z$pattern, "") expect_true(z$matches("")) expect_false(z$matches("")) # regex with query parameters z <- UriPattern$new(regex_pattern = "\\?fruit=apple") expect_is(z, "UriPattern") expect_is(z$pattern, "character") expect_true(z$regex) expect_true(z$matches("")) expect_true(z$matches("")) expect_false(z$matches("")) })