test_that("integers are returned correctly", { # empty fields are returned as NAs test_vroom("foo,bar,baz\n1,,3\n", col_types = list(.default = "i"), delim = ",", equals = tibble::tibble(foo = 1L, bar = NA_integer_, baz = 3L) ) # numbers which are not integers are returned as NAs test_vroom("foo,bar,baz\n1,1.5,3\n", col_types = list(.default = "i"), delim = ",", equals = tibble::tibble(foo = 1L, bar = NA_integer_, baz = 3L) ) # fields with non-digits are returned as NAs test_vroom("foo,bar,baz\n1,32xyz,3\n", col_types = list(.default = "i"), delim = ",", equals = tibble::tibble(foo = 1L, bar = NA_integer_, baz = 3L) ) # 2^31 - 1 is the maximum representable integer with 32 bit ints test_vroom("foo,bar,baz\n1,2147483647,3\n", col_types = list(.default = "i"), delim = ",", equals = tibble::tibble(foo = 1L, bar = 2147483647L, baz = 3L) ) test_vroom("foo,bar,baz\n1,2147483648,3\n", col_types = list(.default = "i"), delim = ",", equals = tibble::tibble(foo = 1L, bar = NA_integer_, baz = 3L) ) }) test_that("NA can be a int value", { test_vroom(I("x\n1\n2\n"), delim = ",", col_types = "i", na = "1", equals = tibble::tibble(x = c(NA_integer_, 2L))) })