test_that("You can use !! in cols and cols_only", { var <- "xyz" expect_equal( cols(!!var := col_character()), cols(xyz = col_character()) ) expect_equal( cols_only(!!var := col_character()), cols_only(xyz = col_character()) ) }) test_that("format(col_spec) contains the delimiter if specified", { expect_match(fixed = TRUE, format(cols(.delim = "\t")), '.delim = "\\t"' ) }) test_that("col_types are truncated if you pass too many (#355)", { res <- vroom(I("a,b,c,d\n1,2,3,4"), col_types = "cccccccc") expect_equal(res, tibble::tibble(a = "1", b = "2", c = "3", d = "4")) }) test_that("all col_types can be reported with color", { local_reproducible_output(crayon = TRUE) dat <- vroom( I(glue::glue(" skip,guess,character,factor,logical,double,integer,big_integer,\\ number,date,datetime skip,a,b,c,TRUE,1.3,5,10,\"1,234.56\",2023-01-20,2018-01-01 10:01:01")), col_types = "_?cfldiInDT" ) expect_snapshot(spec(dat)) })