# problems returns a detailed warning message Code vroom(I("a,b,c\nx,y,z,,"), altrep = FALSE, col_types = "ccc") Condition Warning: One or more parsing issues, call `problems()` on your data frame for details, e.g.: dat <- vroom(...) problems(dat) Output # A tibble: 1 x 3 a b c 1 x y z,, # emits an error message if provided incorrect input Code problems(a_vector) Condition Error in `problems()`: ! The `x` argument of `vroom::problems()` must be a data frame created by vroom: x `x` has class --- Code problems(a_tibble) Condition Error in `problems()`: ! The `x` argument of `vroom::problems()` must be a data frame created by vroom: x `x` seems to have been created with something else, maybe readr?