test_that("viralpreds() works", { library(tidyverse) library(baguette) library(kernlab) library(kknn) library(ranger) library(rules) library(glmnet) # Define the function to impute values in the undetectable range set.seed(123) impute_undetectable <- function(column) { ifelse(column <= 40, rexp(sum(column <= 40), rate = 1/13) + 1, column) } # Apply the function to all vl columns using purrr's map_dfc library(viraldomain) data("viral", package = "viraldomain") viral_imputed <- viral %>% mutate(across(starts_with("vl"), ~impute_undetectable(.x))) traindata <- viral_imputed target <- "cd_2022" viralvars <- c("vl_2019", "vl_2021", "vl_2022") logbase <- 10 pliegues <- 5 repeticiones <- 2 rejilla <- 2 semilla <- 123 result <- viralpreds(target, pliegues, repeticiones, rejilla, semilla, traindata) # Snapshot the predictions and RMSE output expect_snapshot(result$predictions) expect_snapshot(result$RMSE) })