context("Test Generic Methods") if (isTRUE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("CI")))){ # If on CI NITER <- 2 env_test <- "CI" }else if (!identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")){ # If on CRAN NITER <- 2 env_test <- "CRAN" set.seed(151) }else{ # If on local machine NITER <- 2000 env_test <- 'local' } test_that("Test gKRLS runs in a few configurations", { N <- 1000 G <- 10 x <- rnorm(N) x2 <- rnorm(N) x3 <- rnorm(N) g <- sample(1:G, N, replace = T) g2 <- sample(1:G, N, replace = T) alpha <- rnorm(G) alpha2 <- rnorm(G) alpha3 <- rnorm(G) y <- rbinom(n = N, size = 1, prob = plogis(-1 + sin(alpha3[g] * x) + cos(x2 * x) + alpha[g] + alpha2[g])) if (requireNamespace("gKRLS", quietly = TRUE)) { require(gKRLS) example_vglmer <- vglmer( formula = y ~ x + (1 | g) + v_s(x, x2, type = 'gKRLS'), data = NULL, family = "binomial", control = vglmer_control(iterations = NITER, return_data = TRUE, factorization_method = "strong") ) expect_gte(min(diff(example_vglmer$ELBO_trajectory$ELBO)), 0) expect_false('x2' %in% names(fixef(example_vglmer))) id_vglmer <- example_vglmer$internal_parameters$spline$attr[[1]]$knots$subsampling_id fit_mgcv <- gam(y ~ x + s(x, x2, bs = 'gKRLS', xt = gKRLS(sketch_method = id_vglmer))) # Check that the *design* aligns from gKRLS and vglmer expect_equivalent( as.matrix(example_vglmer$data$Z[,grepl(colnames(example_vglmer$data$Z), pattern='spline')]), model.matrix(fit_mgcv)[,-1:-2] ) # Check with "weak" and many smooth terms but not "proper" REs example_vglmer <- vglmer( formula = y ~ v_s(x2) + v_s(x,type = 'gKRLS') + v_s(x, x2, type = 'gKRLS', xt = gKRLS(sketch_method = 'none', standardize = 'none')), data = NULL, family = "binomial", control = vglmer_control(iterations = NITER, factorization_method = "weak") ) expect_gte(min(diff(example_vglmer$ELBO_trajectory$ELBO)), 0) expect_false('x' %in% names(fixef(example_vglmer))) expect_true('x2' %in% names(fixef(example_vglmer))) # Check that prediction works test_pred <- predict(example_vglmer, newdata = data.frame( x = rnorm(10), x2 = rnorm(10), g = '2' )) # Check that this works with "by" f_g <- factor(g) example_vglmer <- vglmer( formula = y ~ x + v_s(x, x2, type = 'gKRLS', by = f_g), data = NULL, family = "binomial", control = vglmer_control(iterations = NITER, factorization_method = "strong") ) expect_gte(min(diff(example_vglmer$ELBO_trajectory$ELBO)), 0) expect_true('f_g' %in% names(ranef(example_vglmer))) expect_true(ncol(ranef(example_vglmer)$f_g) == 2) expect_false('x2' %in% names(fixef(example_vglmer))) test_pred <- predict(example_vglmer, allow_missing_levels = TRUE, newdata = data.frame(x, x2, f_g = 1590)[1:15,]) # Runs fine with "data" provided directly example_vglmer <- vglmer( formula = yn ~ a + v_s(a, b, type = 'gKRLS'), data = data.frame(yn = y, a = x, b = x2), family = 'linear' ) } }) test_that("Test random walk runs in a few configurations", { N <- 1000 G <- 10 x <- rnorm(N) x2 <- rnorm(N) x3 <- rnorm(N) g <- sample(1:G, N, replace = T) g2 <- sample(1:G, N, replace = T) alpha <- sort(rnorm(G)) alpha2 <- rnorm(G) alpha3 <- rnorm(G) y <- rbinom(n = N, size = 1, prob = plogis(-1 + sin(alpha3[g] * x) + cos(x2 * x) + alpha[g] + alpha2[g])) fg <- g example_vglmer <- expect_error( vglmer( formula = y ~ x + v_s(fg, type = 'randwalk'), data = NULL, family = "binomial", control = vglmer_control(iterations = NITER, return_data = TRUE, factorization_method = "strong") ), regexp='character or factor' ) fg <- factor(g) example_vglmer <- expect_error( vglmer( formula = y ~ x + v_s(fg, type = 'randwalk'), data = NULL, family = "binomial", control = vglmer_control(iterations = NITER, return_data = TRUE, factorization_method = "strong") ), regexp='ordered' ) fg <- factor(g, ordered = TRUE) example_vglmer <- vglmer( formula = y ~ x + v_s(fg, type = 'randwalk'), data = NULL, family = "binomial", control = vglmer_control(iterations = NITER, return_data = TRUE, factorization_method = "strong") ) expect_gte(min(diff(example_vglmer$ELBO_trajectory$ELBO)), 0) # Check that manual predictions work new_fg <- data.frame(fg = sample(1:5, size = 10, replace = T), x = rnorm(10)) pred_new_fg <- predict(example_vglmer, newdata = new_fg) manual_pred <- sparseMatrix(i = 1:nrow(new_fg), j = match(new_fg$fg, example_vglmer$internal_parameters$spline$attr[[1]]$knots$levels), x = 1, dims = c(nrow(new_fg), 10) ) manual_pred <- as.vector(manual_pred %*% example_vglmer$internal_parameters$spline$attr[[1]]$knots$transf_mat %*% example_vglmer$alpha$mean + cbind(1, new_fg$x) %*% coef(example_vglmer) ) expect_equivalent(manual_pred, pred_new_fg) fs <- sample(, N, replace = T) fs <- data.frame( y = y, state = factor(fs, ordered = TRUE) ) fs$y <- fs$y + rnorm(nrow(fs)) + cos(2 * pi * ((0:50)/50))[match(fs$state,] example_randwalk <- vglmer( formula = y ~ x + v_s(state, type = 'randwalk'), data = fs, family = "linear", control = vglmer_control(iterations = NITER, factorization_method = "weak") ) expect_gte(min(diff(example_randwalk$ELBO_trajectory$ELBO)), -.Machine$double.eps) pred_randwalk <- predict(example_randwalk, newdata = data.frame(x = 0, state =, type = 'terms') # Check that prediction works with NA and that "by" works th <- 8 example_vglmer <- vglmer( yo ~ v_s(a, type = 'randwalk', by = st), data = data.frame(yo = y, a = cut(x, th, ordered_result = TRUE), st = fg), family = 'binomial', control = vglmer_control(iterations = NITER) ) expect_gte(min(diff(example_vglmer$ELBO_trajectory$ELBO)), -.Machine$double.eps) # Check that REs are added for the "by" term expect_equivalent( names(ranef(example_vglmer)), c('st', 'spline-(a)-1-base', 'spline-(a)-1-int') ) full_grid <- expand.grid(st = unique(fg), a = unique(cut(x, th, ordered_result = TRUE))) full_grid[31,]$a <- NA pred_grid <- predict(example_vglmer, newdata = full_grid) expect_true([31])) # Check that prediction fails example_vglmer <- vglmer( yo ~ v_s(a, type = 'randwalk') + (1 | fg), data = data.frame(yo = y, a = cut(x, th, ordered_result = TRUE), st = fg), family = 'binomial', control = vglmer_control(iterations = NITER) ) expect_gte(min(diff(example_vglmer$ELBO_trajectory$ELBO)), -.Machine$double.eps) expect_error( predict(example_vglmer, newdata = data.frame(fg = 3, a = '(1.00, 0.99]', stringsAsFactors = F)), regexp = 'cannot work if levels' ) })