context("test spline functionality") if (isTRUE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("CI")))){ # If on CI NITER <- 2 env_test <- "CI" }else if (!identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")){ # If on CRAN NITER <- 2 env_test <- "CRAN" set.seed(41414) }else{ # If on local machine NITER <- 2000 env_test <- 'local' } print(paste0(NITER, ' for tests because ', env_test)) test_that("fit with non-default options", { skip_on_cran() dat <- data.frame(x = rnorm(100), x2 = rexp(100), g = sample([1:5], 100, replace = T), f = sample(letters[1:5], 100, replace = T)) dat$y <- rbinom(100, 1, plogis(dat$x * runif(5)[match(dat$f, letters)])) # Custom knots as argument custom_knots <- quantile(dat$x, c(0, 0.25, 0.75, 0.6, 1)) fit_knots <- vglmer(y ~ v_s(x, knots = custom_knots), data = dat, family = 'binomial', control = vglmer_control(iterations = 15)) fit_tpf <- vglmer(y ~ v_s(x, type = 'tpf'), data = dat, family = 'binomial', control = vglmer_control(iterations = NITER)) fit_o <- vglmer(y ~ v_s(x, type = 'o'), data = dat, family = 'binomial', control = vglmer_control(iterations = NITER)) expect_identical(fit_knots$internal_parameters$spline$attr[[1]]$knots, quantile(dat$x, c(0, 0.25, 0.6, 0.75, 1))) expect_gt(min(diff(ELBO(fit_tpf, 'trajectory'))), -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) expect_gt(min(diff(ELBO(fit_o, 'trajectory'))), -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) expect_gt(min(diff(ELBO(fit_knots, 'trajectory'))), -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) fit_tpf <- vglmer(y ~ v_s(x, knots = 2, type = 'tpf'), data = dat, family = 'binomial', control = vglmer_control(iterations = NITER)) expect_length(fit_tpf$internal_parameters$spline$attr[[1]]$knots, 2) expect_equivalent(fit_tpf$internal_parameters$spline$attr[[1]]$knots, quantile(dat$x, seq(0,1,length.out=4)[-c(1,4)])) }) test_that("fit splines works with one knot", { dat <- data.frame(x = rnorm(100)) dat$y <- rbinom(100, 1, plogis(exp(dat$x))) for (loop_type in c('tpf', 'o')){ m1 <- vglmer(y ~ v_s(x, type = loop_type, knots = 1), dat = dat, control = vglmer_control(iterations = NITER), family = 'linear') pred_m1 <- predict(m1, newdata = data.frame(x = seq(-5, 5, length.out=100))) expect_equal(length(m1$internal_parameters$spline$attr[[1]]$knots), 1) if (loop_type == "tpf"){ # Expect only one "bend" expect_equal(sum( abs(diff(diff(pred_m1))) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)), 2) } } expect_error(vglmer(y ~ v_s(x, knots = 0.5), data = dat, family = 'linear'), regexp = 'If an integer') expect_warning(est_vglmer <- vglmer(y ~ v_s(x, knots = 0.5, force_vector = T), data = dat, control = vglmer_control(iterations = 2), family = 'linear'), regexp = 'observed data') expect_equivalent(0.5, est_vglmer$internal_parameters$spline$attr[[1]]$knots) est_vglmer <- expect_warning(vglmer(y ~ v_s(x, knots = 1.2, force_vector = T), control = vglmer_control(iterations = 2), data = dat, family = 'linear'), regexp = 'observed data') expect_equivalent(est_vglmer$internal_parameters$spline$attr[[1]]$knots, 1.2) expect_vector(predict(est_vglmer, newdata = data.frame(x = seq(-3,3,length.out=5))), 5) expect_warning(vglmer(y ~ v_s(x, knots = 1.2), control = vglmer_control(iterations = 2), data = dat, family = 'linear'), regexp = 'as.integer') est_vglmer <- vglmer(y ~ v_s(x, knots = 3), control = vglmer_control(iterations = 2), data = dat, family = 'linear') expect_length(est_vglmer$internal_parameters$spline$attr[[1]]$knots, 3) est_vglmer <- vglmer(y ~ v_s(x), control = vglmer_control(iterations = 2), data = dat, family = 'linear') expect_length(est_vglmer$internal_parameters$spline$attr[[1]]$knots, floor(length(unique(dat$x))/4)) }) test_that("fit and predict with splines and missing data", { dat <- data.frame(x = rnorm(100), x2 = rexp(100), g = sample([1:5], 100, replace = T), f = sample(letters[1:5], 100, replace = T), stringsAsFactors = F) dat$y <- rbinom(100, 1, plogis(dat$x * runif(5)[match(dat$f, letters)])) dat$y[sample(100, 5)] <- NA dat$g[sample(100, 5)] <- NA dat$x[sample(100, 5)] <- NA dat$f[sample(100, 5)] <- NA fit_spline <- vglmer(y ~ v_s(x, by = f) + (1 | g), data = dat, family = 'binomial', control = vglmer_control(iterations = NITER)) expect_s3_class(fit_spline, 'vglmer') expect_gt(min(diff(fit_spline$ELBO_trajectory$ELBO)), -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) dat$f[6] <- 'h' pred_spline <- predict(fit_spline, newdata = dat, allow_missing_levels = TRUE) pred_spline_terms <- predict(fit_spline, newdata = dat, type = 'terms', allow_missing_levels = TRUE) expect_equivalent(pred_spline, rowSums(pred_spline_terms)) raw_X <- vglmer_build_spline(x = dat$x, knots = fit_spline$internal_parameters$spline$attr[[1]]$knots, type = fit_spline$internal_parameters$spline$attr[[1]]$type, Boundary.knots = fit_spline$internal_parameters$spline$attr[[1]]$Boundary.knots, by = NULL)[[1]]$x expect_equivalent( pred_spline_terms[, 'spline-x-1-base'], ifelse(, NA, as.vector(raw_X %*% ranef(fit_spline)[['spline-x-1-base']][,2])) ) reshape_spline <- matrix(ranef(fit_spline)[['spline-x-1-int']][,2], ncol = 5) pred_spline_inter <- rowSums(raw_X * t(reshape_spline)[match(dat$f, letters[1:5]),]) pred_spline_inter[!$f) &] <- 0 expect_equivalent( pred_spline_terms[, 'spline-x-1-int'], ifelse(, NA, pred_spline_inter) ) }) test_that("Check failures of spline fitting", { suppressWarnings(rm(f)) dat <- data.frame(x = rnorm(100), x2 = rexp(100), g = sample([1:5], 100, replace = T), f = sample(letters[1:5], 100, replace = T)) dat$y <- rbinom(100, 1, plogis(dat$x * runif(5)[match(dat$f, letters)])) nox <- dat[, !(colnames(dat) %in% 'x')] x <- rnorm(nrow(dat)) nof <- dat[, !(colnames(dat) %in% 'f')] expect_error(vglmer(y ~ v_s(x, by = f) + (1 | g), data = nox, control = vglmer_control(verify_columns = TRUE), family = 'binomial')) expect_error(vglmer(y ~ v_s(x, by = f) + (1 | g), data = nof, family = 'binomial')) }) test_that("test spline 'by' construction", { x <- splines::bs(x = rnorm(10))[,] by_values <- sample(letters, 10, replace = T) u_by <- sort(unique(by_values)) x_by <- sparseMatrix(i = 1:length(by_values), j = match(by_values, u_by), x = 1) test_m <- t(Matrix::KhatriRao(t(x_by), t(x))) manual_m <-'cbind', lapply(u_by, FUN=function(u){ drop0(Diagonal(x = (by_values == u)) %*% x) })) colnames(manual_m) <- NULL expect_equal(test_m, manual_m) }) test_that("CRAN basic spline tests", { dat <- data.frame(x = rnorm(100), x2 = rexp(100), g = sample([1:5], 100, replace = T), f = sample(letters[1:5], 100, replace = T)) dat$y <- rbinom(100, 1, plogis(sin(sqrt(dat$x2 * 4)) + cos(dat$x * 3) * runif(5)[match(dat$f, letters)])) m1 <- vglmer(y ~ x + x2 + v_s(x), control = vglmer_control(iteration = NITER), data = dat, family = 'binomial') expect_gt(min(diff(ELBO(m1, 'traj'))), - sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) # Check runs with 2 m2 <- vglmer(y ~ v_s(x2) + v_s(x), control = vglmer_control( iterations = NITER, print_prog = 20), data = dat, family = 'binomial') # Check runs with "by" m3 <- vglmer(y ~ v_s(x2) + v_s(x, by = f), data = dat, family = 'binomial', control = vglmer_control(iterations = NITER, print_prog = 20, prior_variance = 'mean_exists')) # Check runs with RE m4 <- vglmer(y ~ v_s(x, by = f) + (1 | g), data = dat, family = 'binomial', control = vglmer_control(iterations = NITER, print_prog = 20)) # Check runs with double "by" m5 <- vglmer(y ~ v_s(x, by = f) + v_s(x, by = g), data = dat, family = 'binomial', control = vglmer_control(iterations = NITER, print_prog = 20)) # Check runs with 2 "by" for single grouping m6 <- vglmer(y ~ v_s(x, by = f) + v_s(x2, by = f), data = dat, family = 'binomial', control = vglmer_control(iterations = NITER, print_prog = 20, factorization_method = 'strong')) expect_equal(ncol(m6$sigma$cov[[1]]), 3) m7 <- vglmer(y ~ v_s(x, by = f) + v_s(x2, by = f) , data = dat, family = 'binomial', control = vglmer_control(iterations = NITER, print_prog = 20, factorization_method = 'strong')) m8 <- vglmer(y ~ v_s(x2, by = g) + v_s(x, by = f, by_re = FALSE), control = vglmer_control( iterations = NITER, print_prog = 20), data = dat, family = 'binomial') # Check that they are all accepted expect_equal(m1$ELBO$accepted_PX, 1) expect_equal(m2$ELBO$accepted_PX, 1) # Check ELBO increases expect_gt(min(diff(m1$ELBO_trajectory$ELBO)), -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) expect_gt(min(diff(m2$ELBO_trajectory$ELBO)), -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) expect_gt(min(diff(m3$ELBO_trajectory$ELBO)), -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) expect_gt(min(diff(m4$ELBO_trajectory$ELBO)), -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) expect_gt(min(diff(m5$ELBO_trajectory$ELBO)), -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) expect_gt(min(diff(m6$ELBO_trajectory$ELBO)), -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) expect_gt(min(diff(m7$ELBO_trajectory$ELBO)), -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) expect_gt(min(diff(m8$ELBO_trajectory$ELBO)), -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) for (v in c(TRUE, FALSE)){ dat_custom <- data.frame(x = mean(dat$x), x2 = mean(dat$x2), g = c('CA', 'AL'), f = c('e', 'a'), stringsAsFactors = v) expect_vector(predict(m1, newdata = dat_custom)) expect_vector(predict(m2, newdata = dat_custom)) expect_vector(predict(m3, newdata = dat_custom)) expect_vector(predict(m4, newdata = dat_custom)) expect_vector(predict(m5, newdata = dat_custom)) expect_vector(predict(m6, newdata = dat_custom)) expect_vector(predict(m7, newdata = dat_custom)) expect_vector(predict(m8, newdata = dat_custom)) } }) test_that("Test order of splines", { skip_on_cran() dat <- data.frame(x = rnorm(100), x2 = rexp(100), g = sample([1:5], 100, replace = T), f = sample(letters[1:5], 100, replace = T)) dat$y <- rbinom(100, 1, plogis(dat$x * runif(5)[match(dat$f, letters)])) m1 <- vglmer(y ~ x + x2 + v_s(x), data = dat, family = 'binomial', control = vglmer_control(iterations = NITER)) expect_equal(length(coef(m1)), 3) m1a <- vglmer(y ~ x2 + x + v_s(x), data = dat, family = 'binomial', control = vglmer_control(iterations = NITER)) expect_equal(ELBO(m1a), ELBO(m1)) expect_equal(ranef(m1), ranef(m1a), tol = 1e-4, scale = 1) expect_equal(coef(m1), coef(m1a)[match(names(coef(m1)), names(coef(m1a)))], tol = 1e-4, scale = 1 ) }) test_that("Prediction spline test", { dat <- data.frame(x = rnorm(100), x2 = rexp(100), g = sample([1:5], 100, replace = T), f = sample(letters[1:5], 100, replace = T)) dat$y <- rbinom(100, 1, plogis(sin(3 * dat$x) * rnorm(5)[match(dat$f, letters)])) if (env_test != 'CRAN'){ loop_vector <- c('tpf', 'o') }else{ loop_vector <- 'tpf' } for (loop_type in loop_vector){ message(loop_type) m1 <- vglmer(y ~ x2 + v_s(x, type = loop_type), data = dat, family = 'linear', control = vglmer_control(iterations = NITER)) # Check that prediction works for simple spline case predict_dat <- expand.grid(x = seq(min(dat$x), max(dat$x), length.out=100), x2 = 0) predict_vglmer <- predict(m1, newdata = predict_dat) # Check that *fitted* aligns with *predict* expect_equivalent(fitted(m1), predict(m1, newdata = dat)) # Check that there is some slope in the function diff_in_diff <- range(diff(diff(predict_vglmer))) expect_gte(max(abs(diff_in_diff)), sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) raw_X <- vglmer_build_spline(x = predict_dat$x, knots = m1$internal_parameters$spline$attr[[1]]$knots, type = m1$internal_parameters$spline$attr[[1]]$type, Boundary.knots = m1$internal_parameters$spline$attr[[1]]$Boundary.knots, by = NULL)[[1]]$x term_1 <- raw_X %*% m1$alpha$mean term_2 <- cbind(1, 0, predict_dat$x) %*% m1$beta$mean direct_predict <- as.vector(term_1 + term_2) expect_equivalent(direct_predict, predict_vglmer) terms_predict <- predict(m1, newdata = predict_dat, type = 'terms') expect_equivalent(term_1[,1], terms_predict[, 'spline-x-1-base']) expect_equivalent(term_2[,1], terms_predict[, 'FE']) } if (TRUE){ for (loop_type in loop_vector){ message(loop_type) m1 <- vglmer(y ~ x2 + v_s(x, by = f, type = loop_type), data = dat, family = 'linear', control = vglmer_control(iterations = NITER)) # Check that prediction works for simple spline case predict_dat <- expand.grid(x = seq(min(dat$x), max(dat$x), length.out=100), x2 = 0, f = c('a', 'd', 'e', 'c')) predict_vglmer <- predict(m1, newdata = predict_dat) # Check that *fitted* aligns with *predict* expect_equivalent(fitted(m1), predict(m1, newdata = dat)) # Check that there is some slope in the function diff_in_diff <- sapply(split(predict_vglmer, predict_dat$f), FUN=function(i){ diff_in_diff <- diff(diff(i))/diff(range(i)) return(max(abs(diff_in_diff))) }) expect_true(all(diff_in_diff > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))) raw_X <- vglmer_build_spline(x = predict_dat$x, knots = m1$internal_parameters$spline$attr[[1]]$knots, type = m1$internal_parameters$spline$attr[[1]]$type, by = predict_dat$f, Boundary.knots = m1$internal_parameters$spline$attr[[1]]$Boundary.knots)[[1]]$x expand_x <-'cbind', lapply(c('a', 'c', 'd', 'e'), FUN=function(i){ drop0(Diagonal(x = predict_dat$f == i) %*% raw_X) })) all_X <- cbind(raw_X, expand_x) direct_predict_spline <- as.vector(all_X %*% m1$alpha$mean[grep(rownames(m1$alpha$mean), pattern='spline @ x @ (base|[adec])'),] + cbind(1, 0, predict_dat$x) %*% m1$beta$mean) wide_alpha <- matrix(m1$alpha$mean[grepl(rownames(m1$alpha$mean), pattern='^f'),,drop=F], byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2) direct_predict <- rowSums(wide_alpha[match(predict_dat$f, c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')),] * cbind(1, predict_dat$x)) expect_equivalent(direct_predict + direct_predict_spline, predict_vglmer) } } }) test_that("Compare against mgcv", { if (env_test == 'local'){ N <- 1000 dat <- data.frame(x = c(-3.1, rnorm(N-1)), x2 = rexp(N), g = sample([1:5], N, replace = T), f = sample(letters[1:5], N, replace = T)) dat$y <- rbinom(N, 1, plogis(2 * sin(3 * dat$x) + rnorm(5)[match(dat$f, letters)])) dat$f <- factor(dat$f) est_gam <- mgcv::gam(y ~ s(x, bs = 'bs') + s(f, bs = 're'), method = 'REML', data = dat, family = binomial()) est_vglmer <- vglmer(y ~ v_s(x, type = 'o') + (1 | f), data = dat, family = 'binomial') gx <- seq(quantile(dat$x, 0.2), quantile(dat$x, 0.8), length.out=100) pred_estgam <- predict(est_gam, newdata = data.frame(x = gx, f = 'b')) pred_estvglmer <- predict(est_vglmer, newdata = data.frame(x = gx, f = 'b')) expect_gte(cor(plogis(pred_estvglmer), plogis(pred_estgam)), 0.95) est_gam <- mgcv::gam(y ~ s(x), data = dat, method = 'REML', family = gaussian()) est_vglmer <- vglmer(y ~ v_s(x, type = 'o'), data = dat, family = 'linear') knots_custom <- seq(-3, 3, length.out=35) est_vglmer_2 <- expect_warning( vglmer(y ~ v_s(x, knots = knots_custom, type = 'tpf'), data = dat, family = 'linear'), regexp = 'observed data is outside of the self-provided knots' ) pred_estgam <- predict(est_gam, newdata = data.frame(x = gx, f = 'b')) pred_estvglmer <- predict(est_vglmer, newdata = data.frame(x = gx, f = 'b')) pred_estvglmer_2 <- predict(est_vglmer_2, newdata = data.frame(x = gx, f = 'b')) expect_gte(cor(pred_estvglmer, pred_estgam), 0.95) expect_gte(cor(pred_estgam, pred_estvglmer_2), 0.95) } }) test_that("Predict tests for tpf; predict outside of boundary", { N <- 100 dat <- data.frame(x = rnorm(N), x2 = rexp(N), g = sample([1:5], N, replace = T), f = sample(letters[1:5], N, replace = T)) dat$y <- rbinom(N, 1, plogis(2 * sin(3 * dat$x) + rnorm(5)[match(dat$f, letters)])) est_vglmer_2 <- vglmer(y ~ v_s(x, type = 'tpf'), data = dat, family = 'linear', control = vglmer_control(iterations = NITER)) knots_custom <- est_vglmer_2$internal_parameters$spline$attr[[1]]$knots predict_at_knots <- predict(est_vglmer_2, newdata = data.frame(x = knots_custom)) sum(est_vglmer_2$alpha$mean) diff_rhs <- diff(predict(est_vglmer_2, newdata = data.frame(x = 5:10))) expect_lte(max(abs(diff(diff_rhs))), sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) diff_lhs <- diff(predict(est_vglmer_2, newdata = data.frame(x = -15:-10))) expect_lte(max(abs(diff(diff_lhs))), sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) # to the "left", the extrapolated value should be the slope of the linear part expect_equivalent(mean(diff_lhs), coef(est_vglmer_2)[2]) # to the right, extrapolated value should be the sum of all # the RE slopes + the baseline slope expect_equivalent( coef(est_vglmer_2)[2] + sum(ranef(est_vglmer_2)[[1]][,2]), mean(diff_rhs) ) # The slope between any two knots should be the cumulative sum # of the intermediate slopes from the RE diff_predict_at_knots <- diff(predict_at_knots) slope_predict_at_knots <- diff_predict_at_knots/diff(knots_custom) expect_equivalent(slope_predict_at_knots, coef(est_vglmer_2)[2] + cumsum(est_vglmer_2$alpha$mean[-nrow(est_vglmer_2$alpha$mean),1])) }) # TO-DO tests # check decomposition of D and then re-transformation when # implemented