context("Test vglmer robustness to certain situations") if (isTRUE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("CI")))){ # If on CI NITER <- 2 env_test <- "CI" }else if (!identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")){ # If on CRAN NITER <- 2 env_test <- "CRAN" set.seed(131) }else{ # If on local machine NITER <- 2000 env_test <- 'local' } test_that("vglmer can run with objects in environment", { N <- 100 G <- 5 G_names <- paste(sample(letters, G, replace = T), 1:G) x <- rnorm(N) g <- sample(G_names, N, replace = T) alpha <- rnorm(G) y <- rbinom(n = N, size = 1, prob = plogis(-1 + x + alpha[match(g, G_names)])) test_nodata <- tryCatch(suppressMessages(vglmer(y ~ x + (1 | g), data = NULL, control = vglmer_control( init = "zero", iterations = 1, print_prog = 10 ), family = "binomial" )), error = function(e) { NULL } ) expect_false(is.null(test_nodata)) dta <- data.frame(Y = y, X = x, G = g) # Inject missingness into dta$Y[38] <- NA dta$X[39] <- NA dta$G[84] <- NA dta[3, ] <- NA test_missing <- tryCatch(suppressMessages(vglmer(Y ~ X + (1 | G), data = dta, control = vglmer_control( init = "zero", return_data = T, iterations = 1, print_prog = 10 ), family = "binomial" )), error = function(e) { NULL } ) # Confirm runs expect_false(is.null(test_missing)) # Confirms deletion "works" expect_equivalent(dta$X[-c(3, 38, 39, 84)], test_missing$data$X[, 2]) expect_equivalent(dta$Y[-c(3, 38, 39, 84)], test_missing$data$y) }) test_that('vglmer runs with timing and "quiet=F"', { N <- 25 G <- 2 G_names <- paste(sample(letters, G, replace = T), 1:G) x <- rnorm(N) g <- sample(G_names, N, replace = T) alpha <- rnorm(G) y <- rbinom(n = N, size = 1, prob = plogis(-1 + x + alpha[match(g, G_names)])) if (all(y == 0)){ y[1] <- 1 } if (all(y == 1)){ y[1] <- 0 } est_simple <- suppressMessages(vglmer(y ~ x + (1 | g), data = NULL, control = vglmer_control(do_timing = T, quiet = F, iteration = 5), family = "binomial" )) expect_true(inherits(est_simple$timing, "data.frame")) expect_gte(min(diff(est_simple$ELBO_trajectory$ELBO)), 0) }) test_that('vglmer parses environment correctly', { rm(list=ls()) N <- 25 G <- 2 G_names <- paste(sample(letters, G, replace = T), 1:G) dta <- data.frame(x = rnorm(N), g = sample(G_names, N, replace = T)) alpha <- rnorm(G) dta$y <- rbinom(n = N, size = 1, prob = plogis(-1 + dta$x + alpha[match(dta$g, G_names)])) dta$size <- rpois(n = N, lambda = 2) + 1 dta$y_b <- rbinom(n = N, size = dta$size, prob = plogis(-1 + dta$x + alpha[match(dta$g, G_names)])) #runs with clean environment est_simple <- suppressMessages(vglmer(y ~ x + (1 | g), data = dta, control = vglmer_control(iterations = 5), family = 'binomial')) expect_true(inherits(est_simple, 'vglmer')) est_simple <- suppressMessages(vglmer(cbind(y_b, size) ~ x + (1 | g), control = vglmer_control(iterations = 5), data = dta, family = 'binomial')) expect_true(inherits(est_simple, 'vglmer')) }) test_that("vglmer can run with 'debug' settings", { N <- 20 G <- 5 G_names <- paste(sample(letters, G, replace = T), 1:G) x <- rnorm(N) g <- sample(G_names, N, replace = T) alpha <- rnorm(G) y <- rbinom(n = N, size = 1, prob = plogis(-1 + x + alpha[match(g, G_names)])) # Avoid perfect separation if (all(y == 0)){ y[1] <- 1 } if (all(y == 1)){ y[1] <- 0 } # Debug to collect parameters est_vglmer <- vglmer(y ~ x + (1 | g), data = data.frame(y = y, x = x, g = g), family = 'binomial', control = vglmer_control(debug_param = TRUE, iterations = 5)) expect_true(all(c('beta', 'alpha') %in% names(est_vglmer$parameter_trajectory))) est_vglmer <- vglmer(y ~ x + (1 | g), data = data.frame(y = y, x = x, g = g), family = 'binomial', control = vglmer_control(debug_ELBO = TRUE)) expect_true(!is.null(est_vglmer$ELBO_trajectory$step)) }) test_that("vglmer can run with exactly balanced classes", { N <- 50 G <- 5 G_names <- paste(sample(letters, G, replace = T), 1:G) x <- rnorm(N) g <- sample(G_names, N, replace = T) alpha <- rnorm(G) y <- c(rep(0, N/2), rep(1, N/2)) # Debug to collect parameters est_vglmer <- vglmer(y ~ x + (1 | g), data = data.frame(y = y, x = x, g = g), family = 'binomial', control = vglmer_control(iterations = 1)) expect_s3_class(est_vglmer, 'vglmer') }) test_that("Run without FE for corresponding random slope", { N <- 25 G <- 2 G_names <- paste(sample(letters, G, replace = T), 1:G) x <- rnorm(N) g <- sample(G_names, N, replace = T) alpha <- rnorm(G) y <- rbinom(n = N, size = 1, prob = plogis(-1 + x + alpha[match(g, G_names)])) fit_noFE_for_RE <- vglmer( formula = y ~ 1 + (1 + x | g), family = 'linear', control = vglmer_control(iterations = 4), data = NULL) expect_s3_class(fit_noFE_for_RE, 'vglmer') }) test_that("predict works with N=1", { N <- 25 G <- 2 G_names <- paste(sample(letters, G, replace = T), 1:G) x <- rnorm(N) g <- sample(G_names, N, replace = T) alpha <- rnorm(G) y <- rbinom(n = N, size = 1, prob = plogis(-1 + x + alpha[match(g, G_names)])) est_simple <- suppressMessages(vglmer(y ~ x + (1 | g), data = NULL, control = vglmer_control(iterations = 1), family = "linear" )) pred_single <- predict(est_simple, newdata = data.frame(x = x[1], g = 'NEW'), allow_missing_levels = TRUE) term_single <- predict(est_simple, newdata = data.frame(x = x[1], g = 'NEW'), type = 'terms', allow_missing_levels = TRUE) expect_equal(pred_single, sum(coef(est_simple) * c(1, x[1]))) expect_equivalent(c(pred_single, 0), term_single) est_spline <- suppressMessages(vglmer(y ~ v_s(x) + (1 | g), data = NULL, control = vglmer_control(iterations = 1), family = "linear" )) pred_spline <- predict(est_spline, newdata = data.frame(x = x[1], g = 'NEW'), allow_missing_levels = TRUE) term_spline <- predict(est_spline, type = 'terms', newdata = data.frame(x = x[1], g = 'NEW'), allow_missing_levels = TRUE) expect_equal(pred_spline, rowSums(term_spline)) expect_equivalent(term_spline[, 'FE'], sum(c(1, x[1]) * coef(est_spline))) })