library("withr") # establish V8 session ct <- V8::v8() ct$source(system.file("bin", "vega_to_svg_v8.js", package = "vegawidget")) test_that("vw_fetch() works", { expect_snapshot( vw_fetch("") ) # check using V8 # for syntax, see # make sure it works with json (needs to be parsed) expect_snapshot({ ct$assign("url", "") ct$eval( "(async () => {result = await vwFetch(url, {response: 'json'});})()" ) ct$eval("console.log(JSON.stringify(result))") }) # make sure it works with text expect_snapshot({ ct$assign("url", "") ct$eval( "(async () => {result = await vwFetch(url, {response: 'text'});})()" ) ct$eval("console.log(result)") }) }) test_that("vw_load() works", { tmpfile <- local_tempfile() # get rid of any backslashes (Windows) # we will have to keep that in mind in vw_to_svg() tmpfile <- gsub("\\\\", "/", tmpfile) writeLines("foobar", tmpfile) expect_snapshot( vw_load(tmpfile) ) # check using V8 expect_snapshot( ct$eval( glue_js("(async () => {console.log(await vwLoad('${tmpfile}'))})()") ) ) })