library("withr") library("glue") # note is a useful place to copy-paste SVG strings spec_anscombe <- as_vegaspec( '{ "$schema": "", "data": {"url": "anscombe.json"}, "mark": "circle", "encoding": { "column": {"field": "Series"}, "x": { "field": "X", "type": "quantitative", "scale": {"zero": false} }, "y": { "field": "Y", "type": "quantitative", "scale": {"zero": false} }, "opacity": {"value": 1} } }' ) # filtering the data: # - to cut down on the size of the SVG # - negative-signs on the axis are rendered differently in Windows spec_wx <- as_vegaspec( '{ "$schema": "", "data": { "url": "seattle-weather.csv" }, "transform": [ {"filter": "datum.temp_max < 5"}, {"filter": "datum.temp_max > 0"}, {"filter": "datum.temp_min > 0"} ], "mark": "circle", "encoding": { "x": {"field": "temp_max", "type": "quantitative"}, "y": {"field": "temp_min", "type": "quantitative"} } }' ) base_url <- "" # Test SVG test_that("vw_to_svg works with vega spec", { expect_snapshot( cat(spec_mtcars %>% vw_to_vega() %>% vw_to_svg()) ) }) test_that("vw_to_svg works with vega-lite spec", { expect_snapshot( cat(vw_to_svg(spec_mtcars)) ) # test VL4 spec_mtcars4 <- with_schema(4, spec_mtcars) expect_snapshot( cat(vw_to_svg(spec_mtcars4)) ) }) test_that("vw_to_svg works with url data", { # json expect_snapshot( cat(vw_to_svg(spec_anscombe, base_url = base_url)) ) # csv expect_snapshot( cat(vw_to_svg(spec_wx, base_url = base_url)) ) }) test_that("vw_to_svg works with local data", { tempdir <- local_tempdir() # json download.file( glue("{base_url}/anscombe.json"), destfile = glue("{tempdir}/anscombe.json"), quiet = TRUE ) expect_snapshot( cat(vw_to_svg(spec_anscombe, base_url = tempdir)) ) # json download.file( glue("{base_url}/seattle-weather.csv"), destfile = glue("{tempdir}/seattle-weather.csv"), quiet = TRUE ) expect_snapshot( cat(vw_to_svg(spec_wx, base_url = tempdir)) ) })