# Helper function to check IR output is valid checkIR <- function(IR) { expect_true(!is.null(IR)) expect_s3_class(IR, "data.frame") expect_contains(colnames(IR), c("Year","Agency" ,"Disease","Species" ,"Trap","InfectionRate", "LowerCI", "UpperCI")) } # Test cases test_that("Valid parameters returns a data frame formatted properly", { checkIR(getInfectionRate(testing_pools, interval = "Week", target_disease = "WNV", pt_estimate = "bc-mle",scale = 1000, NULL, NULL)) checkIR(getInfectionRate(testing_pools, interval = "Biweek", target_disease = "WNV", pt_estimate = "mle",scale = 1000, list("Cx pipiens","Cx tarsalis"), NULL)) checkIR(getInfectionRate(testing_pools, interval = "Month", target_disease = "WNV", pt_estimate = "mir",scale = 1000, NULL, c("GRVD"))) checkIR(getInfectionRate(testing_pools, interval = "Month", target_disease = "WNV", pt_estimate = "mle",scale = 1000, "Cx pipiens", NULL,separate_by = "agency")) checkIR(getInfectionRate(testing_pools, interval = "Biweek", target_disease = "WNV", pt_estimate = "bc-mle",scale = 1000, c("Cx pipiens","Cx tarsalis"), c("GRVD","CO2"),separate_by=c("trap","species"))) }) # Test cases for errors and warnings test_that("Error and warning cases", { # Target year not in data # Insufficient pools data expect_error(getInfectionRate(testing_pools[1:3], interval = "Week", target_disease = "WNV", pt_estimate = "mir" ), "Insufficient pools data") # Parameters are valid # Improper essential parameters throw an error expect_error(getInfectionRate(testing_pools, interval = "day", target_disease = "WNV", pt_estimate = "bc-mle"), "Invalid parameters. See documentation for getInfectionRate()") expect_error(getInfectionRate(testing_pools, interval = "Week", target_disease = "WN", pt_estimate = "mle"), "Invalid parameters. See documentation for getInfectionRate()") expect_error(getInfectionRate(testing_pools, interval = "Biweek", target_disease = "WNV", pt_estimate = "mire"), "Invalid parameters. See documentation for getInfectionRate()") expect_error(getInfectionRate(testing_pools, interval = "Month", target_disease = "SLEV", pt_estimate = ""), "Invalid parameters. See documentation for getInfectionRate()") })