#checkPools<- function(pools) { # expect_true(!is.null(pools)) # expect_s3_class(pools, "data.frame") # expect_contains(colnames(pools), list("pool_id", # "pool_num", # "primary_source", # "collection", # "comments", # "surv_year", # "site", # "collection_date", # "sex", # "num_count", # "add_date", # "updated", # "id", # "value", # "test_date", # "test_comments", # "method_id", # "pool_comments", # "method_acronym", # "method_sensitivity", # "target_id", # "target_name", # "target_description", # "target_acronym", # "target_vector", # "target_icd_10", # "status_id", # "status_name", # "status_description", # "test_agency_id", # "test_agency_name", # "test_agency_code", # "test_agency_region", # "test_agency_state_id", # "test_agency_state_acronym", # "test_agency_state_name", "trap_id", # "trap_acronym", # "trap_name", # "trap_presence", # "species_id", # "species_full_name", # "species_display_name", # "agency_id", # "agency_code", # "agency_name")) # # expect_contains(unique(pools$surv_year), list(2020, 2021)) #} # # # ## Assuming you have a valid token #valid_token <- getToken() # ## Test 1: Successful data retrieval #test_that("Successful data retrieval with valid token", { # pools <- getPools(valid_token, 2020, 2021) # checkPools(pools) #}) # # ## Test 3: Unauthorized access (simulating invalid token) #test_that("Null token from wrong credentials)", { # # expect_error(getPools(NULL, 2020, 2021), "Invalid token. Check username and password") #}) # ## Test 4: Impossible year range #test_that("Impossible year range", { # expect_error(getPools(valid_token, 2020, 3000), "Impossible year range. Check end_year") #}) # ## Test 5: Invalid date range (start_year > end_year) #test_that("Invalid date range (start_year > end_year)", { # expect_error(getPools(valid_token, 2022, 2021), "Invalid year range, check parameters") #}) # ## Test 6: Invalid date format (start_year and end_year not numeric) #test_that("Invalid date format (start_year and end_year not numeric)", { # expect_error(getPools(valid_token, "start", "end"), "Incorrect date format, start_year and end_year must be numeric") #}) # #