test_that("balqual: argument checks and basic run", { # estimate the gps gps_matrix <- estimate_gps(status ~ age, cancer, method = "multinom", refernce = "control" ) # drop observations outside the csr invisible(capture.output( { csmatrix <- csregion(gps_matrix) }, file = NULL )) ## testing a clear run withr::with_options(list(warn = -1), { # matching the csmatrix matched_cancer <- match_gps(csmatrix, reference = "control", caliper = 1, kmeans_cluster = 5 ) }) # basic test run expect_no_error( invisible( capture.output( balqual(matched_cancer, status ~ age), file = NULL ) ) ) # test mean expect_no_error( invisible( capture.output( balqual(matched_cancer, status ~ age, statistic = "mean"), file = NULL ) ) ) # test max expect_no_error( invisible( capture.output( balqual(matched_cancer, status ~ age * sex, statistic = "max"), file = NULL ) ) ) # break cutoffs expect_error( invisible( capture.output( balqual(matched_cancer, status ~ age, cutoffs = 1), file = NULL ) ), regexp = "length" ) })