context("response_summary") library("crul") url <- hb() cli <- crul::HttpClient$new(url = url) crul::mock(FALSE) webmockr::webmockr_allow_net_connect() status <- list(status_code = 200, message = "OK", explanation = "Request fulfilled, document follows") test_that("response_summary works", { skip_on_cran() res <- cli$get("get", query = list(q = "stuff")) x <- VcrResponse$new(res$status_http(), res$response_headers, res$parse("UTF-8"), res$response_headers$status) aa <- response_summary(x) expect_is(aa, "character") expect_match(aa, "200") expect_match(aa, "args") expect_match(aa, "headers") expect_match(aa, "Accept") }) test_that("response_summary - with raw bytes that can't be converted to char", { skip_on_cran() load("png_eg.rda") headers <- list( status = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", connection = "keep-alive", date = "Tue, 24 Apr 2018 04:46:56 GMT" ) x <- VcrResponse$new(status, headers, png_eg, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK") aa <- response_summary(x) expect_is(aa, "character") expect_match(aa, "200") expect_match(aa, "") }) test_that("response_summary - handles bad multibyte characters by changing encoding", { skip_on_cran() # res <- crul::HttpClient$new("")$get() # google_response <- rawToChar(res$content) # save(google_response, file = "tests/testthat/google_response.rda", version = 2L) load("google_response.rda") headers <- list( status = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", `cache-control` = "private, max-age=0", `content-type` = "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" ) x <- VcrResponse$new(status, headers, google_response, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK") # errors on print.R6 ## doesn't error on Windows #### UPDATE 2020-12-11: THIS NO LONGER ERRORS if ([['sysname']] != "Windows") { # expect_error(print(x), "multibyte") expect_output(print(x), "VcrResponse") } # errors if using the old code in response_summary w/o useBytes=TRUE rv <- as.numeric(sub("\\.", "", paste0(R.version$major, R.version$minor))) if (rv <= 353) { expect_is(substring(gsub("\n", " ", google_response), 1, 80), "character") } # else { ## doesn't error on Windows # if ([['sysname']] != "Windows") { # expect_error(substring(gsub("\n", " ", google_response), 1, 80)) # } # } # response_summary doesn't error now with useBytes=TRUE aa <- response_summary(x) expect_is(aa, "character") expect_match(aa, "200") expect_match(aa, "doctype html") }) test_that("response_summary fails well", { expect_error(response_summary(), "\"response\" is missing") expect_error(response_summary(5), "is not TRUE") })