library(testthat) vcffile <- system.file("extdata", "", package="vcfppR") svfile <- system.file("extdata", "sv.vcf.gz", package="vcfppR") test_that("extract FORMAT item not exists", { res <- vcftable(vcffile, vartype = "snps", format = "AA") expect_identical(res$na, as.integer(NA)) }) test_that("extract GT for all SNPs", { res <- vcftable(vcffile, vartype = "snps") ## if all are SNPs and ALT!="." expect_identical(sum(res$alt!=""), length(res$alt)) }) test_that("extract SNPs by ID and reset ID afterwards", { res <- vcftable(vcffile, vartype = "snps", id = c("chr21:5030516:G:A"), setid = TRUE) expect_identical(res$id, "chr21_5030516_G_A") }) test_that("extract GT for a indel with FILTER not displaying PASS", { res <- vcftable(vcffile, id = c("chr21:5030240:AC:A"), vartype = "indels", pass = TRUE) expect_equal(length(res$gt), 0) }) test_that("extract GT for variant with ID=chr21:5030516:G:A", { res <- vcftable(vcffile, id = c("chr21:5030516:G:A"), vartype = "snps") expect_equal(res$qual, 222.25) expect_equal(res$ref, "G") expect_equal(res$alt, "A") }) test_that("extract GT for all multisnps", { res <- vcftable(vcffile, vartype = "multisnps") expect_identical(res$ref, c("C", "C")) expect_identical(res$alt, c("G,T", "T,G")) }) test_that("extract GT for all multiallelics", { res <- vcftable(vcffile, vartype = "multiallelics") expect_identical(res$ref, c("C", "C")) expect_identical(res$alt, c("G,T", "T,G")) }) test_that("extract AD (Integer, number=.) for variant with ID=chr21:5030247:G:A", { res <- vcftable(vcffile, id = c("chr21:5030347:G:A"), pass = TRUE, format = "AD") expect_equal(nrow(res$AD), 1) expect_equal(ncol(res$AD), length(res$samples) * 2L) expect_equal(res$AD[1,1:2], c(5, 0)) }) test_that("extract PL (Integer, number=G) for variant with ID=chr21:5030247:G:A", { res <- vcftable(vcffile, id = c("chr21:5030347:G:A"), pass = TRUE, format = "PL") expect_equal(nrow(res$PL), 1) expect_equal(ncol(res$PL), length(res$samples) * 3L) expect_equal(res$PL[1,1:3], c(0, 15, 174)) }) test_that("extract AB (Float, number=1)", { res <- vcftable(vcffile, id = c("chr21:5030347:G:A", "chr21:5030356:G:C"), format = "AB") expect_equal(nrow(res$AB), 2) expect_equal(ncol(res$AB), length(res$samples)) expect_equal(all($AB[1,])), FALSE) expect_equal(all($AB[2,])), FALSE) expect_equal(res$AB[1,2893], 0.71, tolerance = 1e-6) }) test_that("extract EV (String, number=1) from sv file", { ## res <- vcftable(svfile, format = "EV") ## there is no EV for ID=HGSV_240945 res <- vcftable(svfile, vartype = "sv", format = "EV", id = c("HGSV_240934")) expect_equal(res$EV[1,], rep("RD", length(res$samples))) })