context("test-raster-info") ## too flaky #skip_on_appveyor() #skip_on_travis() skip_on_cran() #skip("don't do it") test_that("sds checks work", { f <- system.file("extdata/gdal/", package = "vapour", mustWork = TRUE) f <- normalizePath(f) expect_silent(sds_boilerplate_checks(f)) f1 <- system.file("extdata/sst.tif", package = "vapour", mustWork = TRUE) f1 <- normalizePath(f1) expect_silent(sds_boilerplate_checks(f1)) fsds <- system.file("extdata/gdal/", package = "vapour", mustWork = TRUE) fsds <- normalizePath(fsds) expect_error(sds_boilerplate_checks(fsds, "vv"), "sds must be specified by number, starting from 1") ##expect_error(sds_boilerplate_checks(fsds, 0)) ## does not error on windows atm expect_error(sds_boilerplate_checks(fsds, 0:1)) expect_equal(sds_boilerplate_checks(fsds, 1), sprintf("NETCDF:\"%s\":vv", fsds)) expect_equal(sds_boilerplate_checks(fsds, 2), sprintf("NETCDF:\"%s\":vv2", fsds)) expect_error(sds_boilerplate_checks(fsds, 3), "'sds' must not exceed number of subdatasets \\(2)") expect_silent(sds_boilerplate_checks(fsds, 1)) }) test_that("raster info works", { f <- system.file("extdata/gdal/complex.h5", package = "vapour", mustWork = TRUE) expect_error(vapour_sds_names(), 'argument "x" is missing, with no default') expect_error(vapour_sds_names(""), 'GDAL-accessible source') f1 <- system.file("extdata/volcano_overview.tif", package = "vapour", mustWork = TRUE) f2 <- system.file("extdata/volcano.tif", package = "vapour", mustWork = TRUE) expect_equal(vapour_raster_info(f2)$extent, c(0, 61, 0, 87)) expect_true(is.null(vapour_raster_info(f2)$overviews)) expect_equal(vapour_raster_info(f1)$overviews, ## Overviews: 31x44, 16x22, 8x11, 4x6 c(31L, 44L, 16L, 22L, 8L, 11L, 4L, 6L)) ## these are different on Windows and Linux ... because linux sees more SDS ## expect_error(sds_boilerplate_checks(f, 0), "sds must be 1 at minimum") # expect_message(sds_boilerplate_checks(f), "subdataset \\(variable\\) used is '//f16'") # # expect_match(sds_boilerplate_checks(f, 1), # "^HDF5:\".*extdata/gdal/complex\\.h5\"://f16$") # #expect_silent(s1 <- vapour_sds_names(f)) %>% expect_named(c("datasource", "subdataset")) #expect_length(unlist(s1), 6L) })