library(uwot) library(RSpectra) context("load/save model") test_that("can save and load simple model", { set.seed(1337) model <- umap(iris10, n_neighbors = 4, n_epochs = 2, init = "spca", metric = "euclidean", verbose = FALSE, n_threads = 0, ret_model = TRUE ) mod_fname <- tempfile(tmpdir = tempdir()) model <- save_uwot(model, file = mod_fname) expect_true(file.exists(mod_fname)) # Can use model after saving set.seed(1337) res_trans <- umap_transform(iris10, model) expect_ok_matrix(res_trans) # Clean up temp dir from saving expect_true(file.exists(model$mod_dir)) unload_uwot(model) expect_false(file.exists(model$mod_dir)) # Can't use transform now model is unloaded expect_error(umap_transform(iris10, model), "is unloaded") modelload <- load_uwot(file = mod_fname) set.seed(1337) resload_trans <- umap_transform(iris10, modelload) expect_ok_matrix(resload_trans) expect_equal(resload_trans, res_trans) if (file.exists(mod_fname)) { unlink(mod_fname) } # Clean up temp dir from loading expect_true(file.exists(modelload$mod_dir)) unload_uwot(modelload) expect_false(file.exists(modelload$mod_dir)) }) test_that("can save and load mixed distance model", { set.seed(1337) jiris10 <- jitter(iris10) metric2 <- list( "euclidean" = c(1, 2), "cosine" = c("Petal.Length", "Petal.Width") ) model <- umap(jiris10, n_neighbors = 4, n_epochs = 2, init = "spca", metric = metric2, verbose = FALSE, n_threads = 0, ret_nn = TRUE, ret_model = TRUE ) mod_fname <- tempfile(tmpdir = tempdir()) model <- save_uwot(model, file = mod_fname) expect_true(file.exists(mod_fname)) # Can use model after saving set.seed(1337) res_trans <- umap_transform(jiris10, model) expect_ok_matrix(res_trans) # Clean up temp dir from saving expect_true(file.exists(model$mod_dir)) unload_uwot(model) expect_false(file.exists(model$mod_dir)) # Can't use transform now model is unloaded expect_error(umap_transform(iris10, model), "is unloaded") modelload <- load_uwot(file = mod_fname) set.seed(1337) resload_trans <- umap_transform(jiris10, modelload) expect_ok_matrix(resload_trans) expect_equal(resload_trans, res_trans) if (file.exists(mod_fname)) { unlink(mod_fname) } # Clean up temp dir from loading expect_true(file.exists(modelload$mod_dir)) unload_uwot(modelload) expect_false(file.exists(modelload$mod_dir)) }) test_that("unloading a model on save", { set.seed(1337) model <- umap(iris10, n_neighbors = 4, n_epochs = 2, init = "spca", metric = "euclidean", verbose = FALSE, n_threads = 0, ret_model = TRUE ) mod_fname <- tempfile(tmpdir = tempdir()) model <- save_uwot(model, file = mod_fname, unload = TRUE) expect_false(file.exists(model$mod_dir)) # Trying to transform with a model that got unloaded won't work expect_error(umap_transform(iris10, model), "is unloaded") modelload <- load_uwot(file = mod_fname) # Clean up temp dir from loading expect_true(file.exists(modelload$mod_dir)) # Can avoid cleaning up if you really want that unload_uwot(modelload, cleanup = FALSE) expect_true(file.exists(modelload$mod_dir)) # Can unload multiple times unload_uwot(modelload, cleanup = TRUE) expect_false(file.exists(modelload$mod_dir)) }) # #88 test_that("save-load-save", { set.seed(1337) X <- matrix(rnorm(100), 10, 10) model <- uwot::umap(X, n_neighbors = 4, ret_model = TRUE) model_file <- tempfile(tmpdir = tempdir()) model <- uwot::save_uwot(model, file = model_file) model2 <- uwot::load_uwot(file = model_file) new_file <- tempfile(tmpdir = tempdir()) uwot::save_uwot(model2, file = new_file) expect_true(file.exists(new_file)) modelm <- uwot::umap(X, n_neighbors = 4, metric = list("euclidean" = 1:5, "euclidean" = 6:10), ret_model = TRUE) modelm_file <- tempfile(tmpdir = tempdir()) modelm <- uwot::save_uwot(modelm, file = modelm_file) modelm2 <- uwot::load_uwot(file = modelm_file) new_filem <- tempfile(tmpdir = tempdir()) uwot::save_uwot(modelm2, file = new_filem) expect_true(file.exists(new_filem)) }) # #117 correlation metric not correctly restored test_that("reload-correlation", { set.seed(1337) model <- umap(iris10, n_neighbors = 4, n_epochs = 2, init = "spca", metric = "correlation", verbose = FALSE, n_threads = 0, ret_model = TRUE, ret_extra = c("nn") ) expect_equal(names(model$metric), "correlation") expect_equal(model$nn_index$metric, "correlation") set.seed(1337) transformed_before_reload <- umap_transform(iris10, model, n_epochs = 2, ret_extra = c("nn")) expect_equal( transformed_before_reload$nn$correlation$dist, model$nn$correlation$dist, check.attributes = FALSE, tol = 1e-7 ) mod_fname <- tempfile(tmpdir = tempdir()) model <- save_uwot(model, file = mod_fname, unload = TRUE) modelload <- load_uwot(file = mod_fname) expect_equal(names(model$metric), "correlation") expect_equal(model$nn_index$metric, "correlation") set.seed(1337) transformed_after_reload <- umap_transform(iris10, modelload, n_epochs = 2, ret_extra = c("nn")) expect_equal( transformed_after_reload$nn$correlation$dist, model$nn$correlation$dist, check.attributes = FALSE, tol = 1e-7 ) if (file.exists(mod_fname)) { unlink(mod_fname) } expect_true(file.exists(modelload$mod_dir)) unload_uwot(modelload) expect_false(file.exists(modelload$mod_dir)) }) test_that("save-load hnsw", { testthat::skip_if_not_installed("RcppHNSW") set.seed(1337) model <- umap(iris10, n_neighbors = 4, n_epochs = 2, init = "spca", metric = "euclidean", verbose = FALSE, n_threads = 0, ret_model = TRUE, ret_extra = c("nn"), nn_method = "hnsw" ) expect_equal(model$nn_method, "hnsw") set.seed(1337) transformed_before_reload <- umap_transform(iris10, model, n_epochs = 2, ret_extra = c("nn") ) mod_fname <- tempfile(tmpdir = tempdir()) model <- save_uwot(model, file = mod_fname, unload = TRUE) modelload <- load_uwot(file = mod_fname) expect_equal(modelload$nn_method, "hnsw") set.seed(1337) transformed_after_reload <- umap_transform(iris10, modelload, n_epochs = 2, ret_extra = c("nn") ) if (file.exists(mod_fname)) { unlink(mod_fname) } expect_true(file.exists(modelload$mod_dir)) unload_uwot(modelload) expect_false(file.exists(modelload$mod_dir)) expect_equal(model$nn$euclidean$idx, modelload$nn$euclidean$idx) expect_equal(model$nn$euclidean$dist, modelload$nn$euclidean$dist) expect_equal( transformed_before_reload$nn$euclidean$idx, transformed_after_reload$nn$euclidean$idx, ) expect_equal( transformed_before_reload$nn$euclidean$dist, transformed_after_reload$nn$euclidean$dist, check.attributes = FALSE, tol = 1e-7 ) expect_equal( transformed_before_reload$embedding, transformed_after_reload$embedding ) }) test_that("save-load nndescent", { testthat::skip_if_not_installed("rnndescent") set.seed(1337) model <- umap(iris10, n_neighbors = 4, n_epochs = 2, init = "spca", metric = "euclidean", verbose = FALSE, n_threads = 0, ret_model = TRUE, ret_extra = c("nn"), nn_method = "nndescent" ) expect_equal(model$nn_method, "nndescent") set.seed(1337) transformed_before_reload <- umap_transform(iris10, model, n_epochs = 2, ret_extra = c("nn") ) mod_fname <- tempfile(tmpdir = tempdir()) model <- save_uwot(model, file = mod_fname, unload = TRUE) modelload <- load_uwot(file = mod_fname) expect_equal(modelload$nn_method, "nndescent") set.seed(1337) transformed_after_reload <- umap_transform(iris10, modelload, n_epochs = 2, ret_extra = c("nn") ) if (file.exists(mod_fname)) { unlink(mod_fname) } expect_true(file.exists(modelload$mod_dir)) unload_uwot(modelload) expect_false(file.exists(modelload$mod_dir)) expect_equal(model$nn$euclidean$idx, modelload$nn$euclidean$idx) expect_equal(model$nn$euclidean$dist, modelload$nn$euclidean$dist) expect_equal( transformed_before_reload$nn$euclidean$idx, transformed_after_reload$nn$euclidean$idx, ) expect_equal( transformed_before_reload$nn$euclidean$dist, transformed_after_reload$nn$euclidean$dist, check.attributes = FALSE, tol = 1e-7 ) expect_equal( transformed_before_reload$embedding, transformed_after_reload$embedding ) mod_fname2 <- tempfile(tmpdir = tempdir()) saveRDS(modelload, mod_fname2) modelload2 <- readRDS(mod_fname2) expect_equal(modelload2$nn_method, "nndescent") set.seed(1337) transformed_after_reload2 <- umap_transform(iris10, modelload2, n_epochs = 2, ret_extra = c("nn") ) expect_equal( transformed_after_reload$nn$euclidean$idx, transformed_after_reload2$nn$euclidean$idx, ) expect_equal( transformed_after_reload$nn$euclidean$dist, transformed_after_reload2$nn$euclidean$dist, check.attributes = FALSE, tol = 1e-7 ) expect_equal( transformed_after_reload$embedding, transformed_after_reload2$embedding ) if (file.exists(mod_fname2)) { unlink(mod_fname2) } }) # 131: can't use a relative path for saving test_that("save-load relative path", { set.seed(1337) model <- umap(iris10, n_neighbors = 4, n_epochs = 2, init = "spca", metric = "euclidean", verbose = FALSE, n_threads = 0, ret_model = TRUE ) # remember to go back to the original working directory old_wd <- getwd() on.exit(setwd(old_wd), add = TRUE) # move to a temp directory for this test test_dir <- tempfile("test_relative_path_") dir.create(test_dir) setwd(test_dir) # Test 1: relative path no sub-folders rel_path <- "model.uwot" model <- save_uwot(model, file = rel_path) expect_true(file.exists(rel_path)) modelload <- load_uwot(file = rel_path) set.seed(1337) resload_trans <- umap_transform(iris10, modelload) expect_ok_matrix(resload_trans) # Test 2: Relative path within a sub-folder dir.create("my_folder") rel_sub_path <- file.path("my_folder", "model.uwot") model <- save_uwot(model, file = rel_sub_path) expect_true(file.exists(rel_sub_path)) modelload <- load_uwot(file = rel_sub_path) set.seed(1337) resload_trans <- umap_transform(iris10, modelload) expect_ok_matrix(resload_trans) })