test_that("data frame with AK and HI points is transformed", { data <- data.frame( lon = c(-74.01, -95.36, -118.24, -87.65, -134.42, -157.86), lat = c(40.71, 29.76, 34.05, 41.85, 58.30, 21.31) ) result <- sf::st_as_sf( data.frame( geometry = sf::st_sfc( sf::st_point(c(2152550, -133046.5)), sf::st_point(c(452399.8, -1674650)), sf::st_point(c(-1675528, -1033610)), sf::st_point(c(1021166, -273151.2)), sf::st_point(c(-1062738, -2125993)), sf::st_point(c(-618107.8, -1962880)) ) ), crs = usmap_crs() ) expect_equal(usmap_transform(data), result, tolerance = 1e-02) }) test_that("data frame with AK points is transformed", { data <- data.frame( lon = c(-74.01, -95.36, -118.24, -87.65, -134.42), lat = c(40.71, 29.76, 34.05, 41.85, 58.30) ) result <- sf::st_as_sf( data.frame( geometry = sf::st_sfc( sf::st_point(c(2152550, -133046.5)), sf::st_point(c(452399.8, -1674650)), sf::st_point(c(-1675528, -1033610)), sf::st_point(c(1021166, -273151.2)), sf::st_point(c(-1062738, -2125993)) ) ), crs = usmap_crs() ) expect_equal(usmap_transform(data), result, tolerance = 1e-02) }) test_that("data frame with HI points is transformed", { data <- data.frame( lon = c(-74.01, -95.36, -118.24, -87.65, -157.86), lat = c(40.71, 29.76, 34.05, 41.85, 21.31) ) result <- sf::st_as_sf( data.frame( geometry = sf::st_sfc( sf::st_point(c(2152550, -133046.5)), sf::st_point(c(452399.8, -1674650)), sf::st_point(c(-1675528, -1033610)), sf::st_point(c(1021166, -273151.2)), sf::st_point(c(-618107.8, -1962880)) ) ), crs = usmap_crs() ) expect_equal(usmap_transform(data), result, tolerance = 1e-02) }) test_that("data frame with no AK or HI points is transformed", { data <- data.frame( lon = c(-74.01, -95.36, -118.24, -87.65), lat = c(40.71, 29.76, 34.05, 41.85) ) result <- sf::st_as_sf( data.frame( geometry = sf::st_sfc( sf::st_point(c(2152550, -133046.5)), sf::st_point(c(452399.8, -1674650)), sf::st_point(c(-1675528, -1033610)), sf::st_point(c(1021166, -273151.2)) ) ), crs = usmap_crs() ) expect_equal(usmap_transform(data), result, tolerance = 1e-02) }) test_that("sf object is transformed", { sf <- sf::st_as_sf( data.frame( geometry = sf::st_sfc( sf::st_point(c(-74.01, 40.71)), sf::st_point(c(-95.36, 29.76)), sf::st_point(c(-118.24, 34.05)), sf::st_point(c(-87.65, 41.85)), sf::st_point(c(-134.42, 58.30)), sf::st_point(c(-157.86, 21.31)) ) ), crs = sf::st_crs(4326) ) result <- sf::st_as_sf( data.frame( geometry = sf::st_sfc( sf::st_point(c(2152550, -133046.5)), sf::st_point(c(452399.8, -1674650)), sf::st_point(c(-1675528, -1033610)), sf::st_point(c(1021166, -273151.2)), sf::st_point(c(-1062738, -2125993)), sf::st_point(c(-618107.8, -1962880)) ) ), crs = usmap_crs() ) expect_equal(usmap_transform(sf), result, tolerance = 1e-02) }) test_that("sf object with non-lon/lat CRS is transformed", { sf <- sf::st_as_sf( data.frame( geometry = sf::st_sfc( sf::st_point(c(-8238756, 4969660)), sf::st_point(c(-10615427, 3472737)), sf::st_point(c(-13162417, 4035518)), sf::st_point(c(-9757153, 5138537)), sf::st_point(c(-14963566, 8030604)), sf::st_point(c(-17572895, 2428881)) ) ), crs = sf::st_crs(3857) ) result <- sf::st_as_sf( data.frame( geometry = sf::st_sfc( sf::st_point(c(2152550, -133046.5)), sf::st_point(c(452399.8, -1674650)), sf::st_point(c(-1675528, -1033610)), sf::st_point(c(1021166, -273151.2)), sf::st_point(c(-1062738, -2125993)), sf::st_point(c(-618107.8, -1962880)) ) ), crs = usmap_crs() ) # test without explicit CRS expect_equal(usmap_transform(sf), result, tolerance = 1e-02) # test with explicit CRS expect_equal(usmap_transform(sf, crs = sf::st_crs(3857)), result, tolerance = 1e-02) }) test_that("error occurs for data with less than 2 columns", { invalid_data <- data.frame( lon = c(-74.01, -95.36, -118.24, -87.65) ) expect_error(usmap_transform(invalid_data)) expect_error(usmap_transform(data.frame())) }) test_that("error occurs for invalid input names", { data <- data.frame( lon = c(-74.01, -95.36, -118.24, -87.65), lat = c(40.71, 29.76, 34.05, 41.85) ) expect_error(usmap_transform(data, input_names = c("longitude"))) expect_error(usmap_transform(data, input_names = c("longitude", "latitude"))) }) test_that("error occurs for data with non-numeric columns", { invalid_data1 <- data.frame( lon = c("a", "b", "c"), lat = c("d", "e", "f") ) invalid_data2 <- data.frame( lon = c("a", "b", "c"), lat = c(1, 2, 3) ) invalid_data3 <- data.frame( lon = c(1, 2, 3), lat = c("d", "e", "f") ) expect_error(usmap_transform(invalid_data1)) expect_error(usmap_transform(invalid_data2)) expect_error(usmap_transform(invalid_data3)) }) test_that("warning occurs for use of defunct output_names", { data <- data.frame( lon = c(-74.01, -95.36, -118.24, -87.65), lat = c(40.71, 29.76, 34.05, 41.85) ) expect_warning(usmap_transform(data, output_names = c("x", "y"))) })