# release bullets --------------------------------------------------------- test_that("release bullets don't change accidentally", { withr::local_options(usethis.description = NULL) create_local_package() local_mocked_bindings( get_revdeps = function() "usethis" ) # First release expect_snapshot( writeLines(release_checklist("0.1.0", on_cran = FALSE)), transform = scrub_testpkg ) # Patch release expect_snapshot( writeLines(release_checklist("0.0.1", on_cran = TRUE)), transform = scrub_testpkg ) # Major release expect_snapshot( writeLines(release_checklist("1.0.0", on_cran = TRUE)), transform = scrub_testpkg ) }) test_that("non-patch + lifecycle = advanced deprecation process", { withr::local_options(usethis.description = NULL) create_local_package() use_package("lifecycle") local_mocked_bindings(tidy_minimum_r_version = function() "3.6") has_deprecation <- function(x) any(grepl("deprecation processes", x)) expect_true(has_deprecation(release_checklist("1.0.0", on_cran = TRUE))) expect_true(has_deprecation(release_checklist("1.1.0", on_cran = TRUE))) expect_false(has_deprecation(release_checklist("1.1.1", on_cran = TRUE))) }) test_that("get extra news bullets if available", { env <- env(release_bullets = function() "Extra bullets") expect_equal(release_extra_bullets(env), "* [ ] Extra bullets") env <- env(release_questions = function() "Extra bullets") expect_equal(release_extra_bullets(env), "* [ ] Extra bullets") env <- env() expect_equal(release_extra_bullets(env), character()) }) test_that("construct correct revdep bullet", { create_local_package() env <- env(release_extra_revdeps = function() c("waldo", "testthat")) local_mocked_bindings( get_revdeps = function() "usethis" ) expect_snapshot({ release_revdepcheck(on_cran = FALSE) release_revdepcheck(on_cran = TRUE, is_posit_pkg = FALSE) release_revdepcheck(on_cran = TRUE, is_posit_pkg = TRUE) release_revdepcheck(on_cran = TRUE, is_posit_pkg = TRUE, env = env) }) }) test_that("RStudio-ness detection works", { withr::local_options(usethis.description = NULL) create_local_package() local_mocked_bindings( tidy_minimum_r_version = function() numeric_version("3.6"), get_revdeps = function() "usethis" ) expect_false(is_posit_pkg()) desc <- proj_desc() desc$add_author(given = "PoSiT, PbC", role = "fnd") desc$add_author(given = "someone", email = "someone@Rstudio.com") desc$add_urls("https://github.com/tidyverse/WHATEVER") desc$set_dep("R", "Depends", version = ">= 3.4") desc$write() expect_true(is_posit_pkg()) expect_true(is_in_posit_org()) expect_false(is_posit_person_canonical()) expect_true(author_has_rstudio_email()) expect_snapshot( writeLines(release_checklist("1.0.0", on_cran = TRUE)), transform = scrub_testpkg ) }) test_that("can find milestone numbers", { skip_if_offline("github.com") tr <- list( repo_owner = "r-lib", repo_name = "usethis", api_url = "https://api.github.com" ) expect_equal( gh_milestone_number(tr, "2.1.6", state = "all"), 8 ) expect_equal( gh_milestone_number(tr, "0.0.0", state = "all"), NA_integer_ ) }) test_that("gh_milestone_number() returns NA when gh() errors", { local_mocked_bindings( gh_tr = function(tr) { function(endpoint, ...) { ui_abort("nope!") } } ) tr <- list( repo_owner = "r-lib", repo_name = "usethis", api_url = "https://api.github.com" ) expect_true(is.na(gh_milestone_number(tr, "1.1.1"))) }) # news -------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("must have at least one heading", { expect_error( news_latest(""), regexp = "No top-level headings", class = "usethis_error" ) }) test_that("trims blank lines when extracting bullets", { lines <- c( "# Heading", "", "Contents", "" ) expect_equal(news_latest(lines), "Contents\n") lines <- c( "# Heading", "", "Contents 1", "", "# Heading", "", "Contents 2" ) expect_equal(news_latest(lines), "Contents 1\n") }) test_that("returns empty string if no bullets", { lines <- c( "# Heading", "", "# Heading" ) expect_equal(news_latest(lines), "") }) # draft release ---------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("get_release_data() works if no file found", { skip_if_no_git_user() local_interactive(FALSE) create_local_package() use_git() gert::git_add(".gitignore") gert::git_commit("we need at least one commit") res <- get_release_data() expect_equal(res$Version, "") expect_match(res$SHA, "[[:xdigit:]]{40}") }) test_that("get_release_data() works for old-style CRAN-RELEASE", { skip_if_no_git_user() local_interactive(FALSE) create_local_package() use_git() gert::git_add(".gitignore") gert::git_commit("we need at least one commit") HEAD <- gert::git_info(repo = git_repo())$commit write_utf8( proj_path("CRAN-RELEASE"), glue(" This package was submitted to CRAN on YYYY-MM-DD. Once it is accepted, delete this file and tag the release (commit {HEAD}).") ) res <- get_release_data(tr = list(repo_spec = "OWNER/REPO")) expect_equal(res$Version, "") expect_equal(res$SHA, HEAD) expect_equal(path_file(res$file), "CRAN-RELEASE") }) test_that("get_release_data() works for new-style CRAN-RELEASE", { skip_if_no_git_user() local_interactive(FALSE) create_local_package() use_git() gert::git_add(".gitignore") gert::git_commit("we need at least one commit") HEAD <- gert::git_info(repo = git_repo())$commit write_utf8( proj_path("CRAN-SUBMISSION"), glue(" Version: 1.2.3 Date: 2021-10-14 23:57:41 UTC SHA: {HEAD}") ) res <- get_release_data(tr = list(repo_spec = "OWNER/REPO")) expect_equal(res$Version, "1.2.3") expect_equal(res$SHA, HEAD) expect_equal(path_file(res$file), "CRAN-SUBMISSION") }) test_that("cran_version() returns package version if package found", { local_mocked_bindings(available.packages = function(...) { # simulate minimal available.packages entry as.matrix(data.frame(Package = c(usethis = "usethis"), Version = "1.0.0")) }) expect_null(cran_version("doesntexist")) expect_equal(cran_version("usethis"), package_version("1.0.0")) }) test_that("cran_version() returns NULL if no available packages", { local_mocked_bindings(available.packages = function(...) NULL) expect_null(cran_version("doesntexist")) }) test_that("default_cran_mirror() is respects set value but falls back to cloud", { withr::local_options(repos = c(CRAN = "https://example.com")) expect_equal(default_cran_mirror(), c(CRAN = "https://example.com")) withr::local_options(repos = c(CRAN = "@CRAN@")) expect_equal(default_cran_mirror(), c(CRAN = "https://cloud.r-project.org")) withr::local_options(repos = c()) expect_equal(default_cran_mirror(), c(CRAN = "https://cloud.r-project.org")) }) test_that("no revdep release bullets when there are no revdeps", { withr::local_options(usethis.description = NULL) create_local_package() local_mocked_bindings( get_revdeps = function() NULL ) expect_snapshot( writeLines(release_checklist("1.0.0", on_cran = TRUE)), transform = scrub_testpkg ) })