library(testthat) library(httr) library(jsonlite) library(stringr) library(stringi) library(urlshorteneR) context("Links") test_that("method creates a Bitlink based on a long URL.", { ll <- bitly_create_bitlink(long_url = paste0("", stri_rand_strings(1, 8, pattern = "[A-Za-z0-9]")), title = stri_rand_strings(1, 8, pattern = "[A-Za-z0-9]"), tags = list("msft", "apple"), showRequestURL = T) expect_equal(dim(ll)[[2]], 8) }) test_that("Query for a Bitlink", { ll <- bitly_retrieve_bitlink(bitlink = "") expect_equal(dim(ll)[[2]], 8) }) test_that("you can update a Bitlink.", { li <- bitly_update_bitlink(bitlink = "", title = stri_rand_strings(1, 8, pattern = "[A-Za-z0-9]")) expect_gte(dim(li)[[2]], 7) }) test_that("Given a bitly URL or hash (or multiple), returns the target (long) URL.", { le <- bitly_expand_link(bitlink_id = "") le2 <- bitly_expand_link(bitlink_id = "") expect_equal(dim(le)[[2]], 4) expect_named(le2, c("created_at", "link", "id", "long_url")) }) test_that("Given a bitly URL or hash (or multiple), returns the target (long) URL.", { ls <- bitly_shorten_link(long_url = "") ls2 <- bitly_shorten_link(long_url = "") expect_equal(dim(ls)[[2]], 6) expect_named(ls2, c("created_at", "id", "link", "long_url", "archived", "references")) })