context("objectives") test_that("post_prob works", { skip_on_os(os = "mac", arch = "aarch64") cppway <- post_prob(2, 6, -1, 1, 0.5, 0.01) rway <- pnorm(qnorm(pbetabinom(2, 6, 0.5, 0.01, FALSE)), mean = -1, sd = 1) - pnorm(qnorm(pbetabinom(1, 6, 0.5, 0.01, FALSE)), mean = -1, sd = 1) expect_equal(cppway, rway) } ) test_that("pen_bias works", { skip_on_os(os = "mac", arch = "aarch64") cppway <- pen_bias(h = 0.8, mu_h = 1, sigma2_h = 1) rway <- -log(0.8) - (log(0.8) - 1) ^ 2 / (2 * 1) expect_equal(cppway, rway) } ) test_that("pen_seq_error works", { skip_on_os(os = "mac", arch = "aarch64") cppway <- pen_seq_error(0.2, -4, 1) rway <- -log(0.2 * 0.8) - (log(0.2 / 0.8) + 4) ^ 2 / (2 * 1) expect_equal(cppway, rway) } ) test_that("compute_all_log_bb returns NA", { skip_on_os(os = "mac", arch = "aarch64") refmat <- matrix(c(1,2,3,NA), nrow = 2) sizemat <- matrix(c(NA,3,4,5), nrow = 2) ploidy <- 4 seq <- c(0.2, 0.1) bias <- c(1, 1.3) od <- c(0.01, 0.02) bbdenseout <- compute_all_log_bb(refmat = refmat, sizemat = sizemat, ploidy = ploidy, seq = seq, bias = bias, od = od) expect_true(all([1, 1, ]))) expect_true(all([2, 2, ]))) expect_false(all([1, 2, ]))) expect_false(all([2, 1, ]))) } ) test_that("compute_all_phifk works", { skip_on_os(os = "mac", arch = "aarch64") alpha <- c(0.1, 0.2) rho <- c(0.01, 0.02, 0.03) ploidy <- 4 phifk <- compute_all_phifk(alpha, rho, ploidy)[1, 1, , drop = TRUE] rway <- qnorm(pbetabinom(-1:ploidy, size = rep(ploidy, ploidy + 2), rho = rho[1], mu = alpha[1], log_p = FALSE)) expect_equal(phifk[2:(ploidy + 1)], rway[2:(ploidy + 1)]) } ) test_that("obj_for_mu_sigma2 and elbo match", { skip_on_os(os = "mac", arch = "aarch64") set.seed(1) nind <- 11 nsnps <- 37 sizemat <- matrix(rpois(n = nind * nsnps, lambda = 100), nrow = nind, ncol = nsnps) refmat <- matrix(rbinom(n = nind * nsnps, size = c(sizemat), prob = rep(seq(0.1, 0.8, length = nsnps), each = nind)), nrow = nind, ncol = nsnps) seq <- rep(0.005, length = nsnps) bias <- rep(1, length = nsnps) od <- rep(0.001, length = nsnps) allele_freq <- colMeans(refmat / sizemat, na.rm = TRUE) inbreeding <- rep(0.001, length = nind) cor_inv <- solve(cov2cor(crossprod(matrix(rnorm(nind ^ 2), nrow = nind)))) postmean <- matrix(0, nrow = nind, ncol = nsnps) postvar <- matrix(1, nrow = nind, ncol = nsnps) var_bias <- 1 mean_bias <- 0 var_seq <- 1 mean_seq <- -4.7 ploidy <- 6 warray <- compute_all_post_prob(ploidy = ploidy, mu = postmean, sigma2 = postvar, alpha = allele_freq, rho = inbreeding) lbeta_array <- compute_all_log_bb(refmat = refmat, sizemat = sizemat, ploidy = ploidy, seq = seq, bias = bias, od = od) phifk_array <- compute_all_phifk(alpha = allele_freq, rho = inbreeding, ploidy = ploidy) obj_elbo <- elbo(warray = warray, lbeta_array = lbeta_array, cor_inv = cor_inv, postmean = postmean, postvar = postvar, bias = bias, seq = seq, mean_bias = mean_bias, var_bias = var_bias, mean_seq = mean_seq, var_seq = var_seq, ploidy = ploidy) obj_manual <- 0 for (index in 1:nsnps) { obj_manual <- obj_manual + obj_for_mu_sigma2(mu = postmean[, index], sigma2 = postvar[, index], phifk_mat = phifk_array[, index, ], cor_inv = cor_inv, log_bb_dense = lbeta_array[, index, ]) } obj_manual <- obj_manual - sum((log(bias) - mean_bias) ^ 2) / (2 * var_bias) - sum(log(bias)) - sum(log(seq * (1 - seq))) - sum((log(seq / (1 - seq)) - mean_seq) ^ 2 / (2 * var_seq)) + determinant(cor_inv, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus[1] * nsnps / 2 expect_equal(obj_manual, obj_elbo) ## test two ways to calculate obj_for_mu_sigma2 obj1 <- obj_for_mu_sigma2(mu = postmean[, index], sigma2 = postvar[, index], phifk_mat = phifk_array[, index, ], cor_inv = cor_inv, log_bb_dense = lbeta_array[, index, ]) obj2 <- obj_for_mu_sigma2_wrapper(muSigma2 = c(postmean[, index], postvar[, index]), phifk_mat = phifk_array[, index, ], cor_inv = cor_inv, log_bb_dense = lbeta_array[, index, ]) expect_equal(obj1, obj2) } ) test_that("obj_for_weighted_lnorm is correct", { skip_on_os(os = "mac", arch = "aarch64") weight_vec <- c(1, 2, 3) ploidy <- 2 parvec <- c(0.3, 0.4) cobj <- obj_for_weighted_lnorm(parvec = parvec, ploidy = ploidy, weight_vec = weight_vec) pivec <- dnorm(x = 0:ploidy, mean = parvec[1], sd = parvec[2]) pivec <- pivec / sum(pivec) robj <- sum(log(pivec) * weight_vec) expect_equal(cobj, robj) ## The R code is actually a little faster # microbenchmark::microbenchmark( # {pivec <- dnorm(x = 0:ploidy, mean = parvec[1], sd = parvec[2]) # pivec <- pivec / sum(pivec) # robj <- sum(log(pivec) * weight_vec)}, # cobj <- obj_for_weighted_lnorm(parvec = parvec, ploidy = ploidy, weight_vec = weight_vec) # ) }) test_that("no penalty when variance is Inf", { skip_on_os(os = "mac", arch = "aarch64") expect_equal(pen_bias(h = 0.1, mu_h = 1, sigma2_h = Inf), 0) expect_equal(pen_seq_error(eps = 0.1, mu_eps = -1, sigma2_eps = Inf), 0) expect_equal(dpen_deps(eps = 0.1, mu_eps = -1, sigma2_eps = Inf), 0) expect_equal(dpen_dh(h = 0.1, mu_h = 1, sigma2_h = Inf), 0) expect_true(pen_bias(h = 0.1, mu_h = 1, sigma2_h = 10000) != 0) expect_true(pen_seq_error(eps = 0.1, mu_eps = -1, sigma2_eps = 10000) != 0) expect_true(dpen_deps(eps = 0.1, mu_eps = -1, sigma2_eps = 10000) != 0) expect_true(dpen_dh(h = 0.1, mu_h = 1, sigma2_h = 10000) != 0) })