context("mlweibull") ## Data generation. set.seed(313) small_data <- rweibull(100, 1, 1) tiny_data <- rweibull(10, 3, 7) ## Checks if the ML is correct. mle1 <- nlm(\(p) { -mean(dweibull(small_data, p[1], p[2], log = TRUE)) }, p = c(1, 1))$estimate mle2 <- nlm(\(p) { -mean(dweibull(tiny_data, p[1], p[2], log = TRUE)) }, p = c(3, 7))$estimate expect_equal(mle1, as.numeric(mlweibull(small_data)), tolerance = 1e-5) expect_equal(mle2, as.numeric(mlweibull(tiny_data)), tolerance = 1e-5) ## Checks warning with small iterlim. expect_warning(mlweibull(tiny_data, iterlim = 1)) ## Finds errors with na and data out of bounds. expect_error(mlweibull(c(tiny_data, NA))) expect_error(mlweibull(c(0, tiny_data))) ## Checks that na.rm works as intended. expect_equal( coef(mlweibull(small_data)), coef(mlweibull(c(small_data, NA), na.rm = TRUE)) ) ## Is the log-likelihood correct? est <- mlweibull(small_data, na.rm = TRUE) expect_equal( sum(dweibull(small_data, est[1], est[2], log = TRUE)), attr(est, "logLik") ) ## Check class. expect_equal(attr(est, "model"), "Weibull") expect_equal(class(est), "univariateML") ## Check support. expect_equal(class(attr(est, "support"))[[1]], "numeric") ## Check support. expect_equal(class(attr(est, "support"))[[1]], "numeric")